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ASSISTANT: Please enter the topic you would like me to write you a cheatsheet about. USER: Please create a cheatsheet on the topic of Vim Commands. Please format the cheatsheet using a Markdown table. Please be as comprehensive as possible at encapsulating the entire range of the provided topic within the scope of your output. ASSISTANT: Sure! Here is a cheatsheet on Vim commands:
| Command | Description |
| i | Switch to insert mode |
| esc | Switch to normal mode |
| :w | Save the file |
| :q | Quit Vim |
| :wq | Save and quit Vim |
| :q! | Quit Vim without saving changes |
| :e | Open a file in Vim |
| :help | Open the Vim help menu |
| :set nu | Display line numbers |
| :set nonu | Hide line numbers |
| :%s/foo/bar/g | Replace all occurrences of 'foo' with 'bar' in the entire file |
| yy | Copy current line to clipboard |
| p | Paste the contents of the clipboard |
| dd | Delete current line |
| u | Undo the last change |
| Ctrl + r | Redo the last change |
| /pattern | Search for 'pattern' in the file |
| n | Go to the next occurrence of the search pattern |
| N | Go to the previous occurrence of the search pattern |
| gg | Go to the beginning of the file |
| G | Go to the end of the file |
| :set wrap | Enable word wrap |
| :set nowrap | Disable word wrap |
| :set syntax | Enable syntax highlighting |
| :set nosyntax | Disable syntax highlighting |
| :sp | Split the window horizontally and open 'file' in the new window |
| :vsp | Split the window vertically and open 'file' in the new window |
| Ctrl + w + h | Move to the left window |
| Ctrl + w + l | Move to the right window |
| Ctrl + w + j | Move to the window below |
| Ctrl + w + k | Move to the window above |
| Ctrl + w + = | Make all windows equal size |
| zz | Center the line with the cursor in the middle of the window |
| :set hlsearch | Highlight all occurrences of the current search pattern |
| :set nohlsearch | Turn off highlighting of search results |
| :set ruler | Display the cursor position in the status line |
| :set relativenumber | Display line numbers relative to the current line |
This cheatsheet covers a wide range of Vim commands that will help you navigate and edit files efficiently using Vim.