Make dom draggable via mouse events, with small file size and simple to use.
npm install tiny-draggable
import draggable from "tiny-draggable";
const dom = document.getElementById("make-me-draggable");
* response to dragging on each axis
axis?: "both" | "x" | "y" | "none";
* will not trigger drag behavior whthin the debounce value range
debounce?: number;
* use capturing on mousedown event listener
useCapturing?: boolean;
* specific [dom / dom class name] which bind the drag event
* dragHandler need be child of draggable dom
dragHandler?: string | HTMLElement;
* use bounding rect of a dom as restricted area of drag
dragZone?: HTMLElement;
* use substitute dom as draggable
useSubstitute?: boolean;
* class of substitute dom
substituteClass?: string;
* save position after last drag end
holdPosition?: boolean;
User can import core of draggable directly to get more flexibility, function draggable
use it underhood.
import { makeDraggable, DRAGGABLE_FLAG } from "tiny-draggable";
const dom = document.getElementById("make-me-draggable");
if (dom && !dom.getAttribute(DRAGGABLE_FLAG)) {
const context = makeDraggable(slice.stateNode);
if (context) {
context.on("beforeDrag", (data, e) => {
context.on("dragStart", (data, e) => {
context.on("dragging", (data, e) => {
context.on("dragEnd", (data, e) => {
simply create a React hook:
import draggable, { type DraggableOptions, DragContext } from "tiny-draggable";
function useDraggable(
options: DraggableOptions
): [
MutableRefObject<any | null>,
MutableRefObject<DragContext | null>,
] {
const [mount, setMount] = useState(true);
const [dragging, setDragging] = useState(false);
const ref = useRef<any>(null);
const contextRef = useRef<DragContext | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (ref.current && ref.current instanceof HTMLElement) {
const context = draggable(ref.current, options);
if (context) {
contextRef.current = context;
context.on("dragStart", () => {
if (mount) {
context.on("dragEnd", () => {
if (mount) {
}, [ref.current]);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
if (contextRef.current) {
}, []);
return [ref, contextRef, dragging];
function Example() {
const [ref, contextRef, dragging] = useDraggable();
return (
<p ref={ref}>draggable me</p>
To run the example project locally, run the commands:
cd example
pnpm run dev
pnpm run test