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Releases: FISCO-BCOS/web3sdk

web3sdk v2.2.3

11 Mar 02:42
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Service object new updateTopicsToNode interface, AMOP can update subscription topic
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with fisco-bcos 2.2.0 and Channel Message v1/v2/v3 protocol



  • 新增
  1. Service对象新增updateTopicsToNode接口,AMOP可以更新订阅的topic
  • 兼容
  1. 适配fisco-bcos 2.2.0版本,支持Channel Message v1/v2/v3协议

web3sdk v2.2.2

17 Jan 12:14
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Update
  1. Add exception handling for the network module to give more detailed error information
  • Fix
  1. Fix the bug of national secret signature verification
  2. Fix the bug that the first null character of RLP encoded pub member was cleaned
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with fisco-bcos 2.2.0 and Channel Message v1/v2/v3 protocol



  • 更新
  1. 添加网络模块的异常处理,给出更详细的错误信息
  • 修复
  1. 修正国密签名验签的bug
  2. 修复国密交易RLP编码pub成员起始空字符被清理的bug
  • 兼容
  1. 适配fisco-bcos 2.2.0版本,支持Channel Message v1/v2/v3协议

web3sdk v2.2.0

27 Dec 07:46
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Implement a validation interface for merkle tree
  2. Provide stress testing procedures for gm
  • Update
  1. Optimize toHexString function implementation
  2. Upgrade netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to the 2.0.27.Final version
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with fisco-bcos 2.2.0 and Channel Message v1/v2/v3 protocol



  • 增加
  1. 新增默克尔树的验证接口
  2. 压测程序支持国密版本
  • 更新
  1. 优化toHexString函数为apache commons库的实现
  2. 升级netty-tcnative-boringssl-static版本为2.0.27.Final
  • 兼容
  1. 适配fisco-bcos 2.2.0版本,支持Channel Message v1/v2/v3协议

web3sdk v2.1.2

14 Nov 13:42
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Fix
  1. Fix gm unusable bugs.
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with Channel Message v1 protocol
  2. Compatible with certificate files named with node.crt and node.key



  • 修复
  1. 修复国密无法使用的问题.
  • 兼容
  1. 兼容Channel Message v1协议
  2. 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.1以下的sdk证书名node.crt和node.key

web3sdk v2.1.1

01 Nov 00:33
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Java contract code generation tools add input and output parsing tools
  • Update
  1. Deploying the contract SDK no longer polls to determine success
  • Fix
  1. Fix the vulnerability of SDK and node handshake protocol
  2. Fix problem with isStatusOK interface throwing exception in TransactionReceipt class
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with Channel Message v1 protocol
  2. Compatible with certificate files named with node.crt and node.key



  • 增加
  1. 生成java合约代码添加input和output的解析接口
  • 更新
  1. 部署合约SDK时不再通过轮询方式判断是否成功
  • 修复
  1. 修复SDK与节点握手协议的漏洞
  2. 修复TransactionReceipt类的isStatusOK接口抛出异常的问题
  • 兼容
  1. 兼容Channel Message v1协议
  2. 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.1以下的sdk证书名node.crt和node.key

web3sdk v2.1.0

23 Sep 14:05
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Event log pushing
  2. Support Channel Message v2 protocol
  3. Block callback API
  4. AMOP authentication
  • Update
  1. Support manual configuration for the certificate file names. Their default names are sdk.crt and sdk.key
  2. Support nonblocking API that handles RPC responses immediately after sending a transaction request
  3. Update the version of the dependent packages
  4. Log output includes more details
  • Fix
  1. ABI empty string handling bug
  2. Transaction block limit bug
  3. Other minor bugs
  • Compatibility
  1. Compatible with Channel Message v1 protocol
  2. Compatible with certificate files named with node.crt and node.key



  • 增加
  1. 合约事件通知
  2. 支持Channel Message v2通信协议
  3. 区块回调接口
  4. 增加AMOP认证功能
  • 更新
  1. 支持手动配置证书名,默认为sdk.crt和sdk.key
  2. 发交易时处理立即返回的RPC消息
  3. 更新依赖库的版本号
  4. 更详细的日志打印
  • 修复
  1. 修复了ABI空字符串处理的异常问题
  2. 修复了发交易block limit的异常问题
  3. 其它一些bug
  • 兼容
  1. 兼容Channel Message v1协议
  2. 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.1以下的sdk证书名node.crt和node.key

web3sdk v2.0.5

15 Jul 03:42
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Upgrade the fastjson library to 1.2.58.
  2. Fixed AMOP transfer string bug.
  • Compatibility
  1. This SDK version is fully compatible with FISCO BCOS nodes of version 2.0.0-rc1、2.0.0-rc2、2.0.0-rc3 and 2.0.0.



  • 更新
  1. 升级fastjson库至1.2.58
  2. 修复AMOP传输字符串bug
  • 兼容性
  1. 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.0.0-rc1、2.0.0-rc2、2.0.0-rc3、2.0.0的节点

web3sdk v2.0.4

05 Jul 06:30
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Add a transaction parsing tool that can be used to parse transactions input, output, and event log.
  • Compatibility
  1. This SDK version is fully compatible with FISCO BCOS nodes of version 2.0.0-rc1、2.0.0-rc2、2.0.0-rc3 and 2.0.0.



  • 增加
  1. 添加交易解析工具,可以用来解析交易inputoutputevent log
  • 兼容性
  1. 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.0.0-rc1、2.0.0-rc2、2.0.0-rc3、2.0.0的节点

web3sdk v2.0.3

18 Jun 02:34
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Implemented CRUDService class to provide CRUD api to operate user tables.
  2. Implemented PEMManager and P12Manager class tp load PEM account file and PKCS12 account file respectively.
  3. Added integeration tests for web3j api and precompile api.
  • Update
  1. Revised the log output for transaction flow.
  2. Revised to select the node with the highest block number to send the transaction.
  3. Support multi-group blockchain front.
  4. Revised orgID to agencyName in sdk config file.
  • Compatibility
  1. This SDK version is fully compatible with FISCO BCOS nodes of version 2.0.0-rc1 to 2.0.0-rc3.



  • 增加
  1. 提供CRUDService类,包含操作用户表的CRUD接口。
  2. 提供加载账号文件的工具管理类PEMManager和P12Manager,可以分别加载PEM格式和PKCS12格式的账户文件。
  3. 增加集成测试,覆盖web3j接口和precompiled接口。
  • 更新
  1. 优化日志格式,调整日志输出内容,可以更详细显示交易流程信息。
  2. 优化选择节点块高最大的节点发送交易。
  3. 支持多群组区块链前置配置。
  4. SDK配置文件中,机构属性字段修改为agencyName
  • 兼容性
  1. 兼容FISCO BCOS rc1->rc3的节点

web3sdk v2.0.0-rc2

05 May 07:52
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Please read the Web3SDK documentation.


  • Add
  1. Generic Parallel Transaction Template: ParallelContract.sol.
  2. Performance testing program for precompiled contracts: DagTransferPrecompiled.
  3. Performance testing program for solidity contracts: ParallelOk.
  4. Performance testing program for CRUD contracts: TableTest.sol
  5. Performance testing program for solidity contract rollback.
  • Update
  1. Added chainID and groupID fields into transaction bytes code.
  2. Added abi field into solidity generated java code.
  • Compatibility
  1. This SDK version is fully compatible with FISCO BCOS nodes of version 2.0.0-rc1 and 2.0.0-rc2.



  • 增加
  1. 可并行合约开发框架 ParallelContract.sol
  2. 并行预编译转账合约 DagTransferPrecompiled的压测程序
  3. 并行solidity转账合约 parallelOk的压测程序
  4. CRUD合约的压测程序
  5. 回滚合约的压测程序
  • 更新
  1. 在交易编码中加入chainID和groupID,以支持rc2节点的交易格式
  2. sol转java,在java文件中增加了abi字段。
  • 兼容性
  1. 兼容FISCO BCOS rc1,FISCO BCOS rc2的节点