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All contributions are welcome!
Our branching method is git-flow
- master: Latest stable branch
- dev: Stable branch waiting for release(merge to master)
- feature-xxxx: A developing branch of a new feature named xxxx
- bugfix-xxxx: A branch to fix the bug named xxxx
Go to issues page
- Fork this repo
- Create a new branch named bugfix-xxxx forked from your repo's master branch
- Fix the bug
- Test the fixed code
- Make pull request back to this repo's dev branch
- Wait the community to review the code
- Merged(Bug fixed)
- Fork this repo
- Create a new branch named feature-xxxx forked from your repo's dev branch
- Coding in feature-xxxx
- Pull this repo's dev branch to your feature-xxxx constantly
- Test your code
- Make pull request back to this repo's dev branch
- Wait the community to review the code
- Merged !!!!
Continuous integration platform
Code quality