released this
08 Nov 16:42
1 commit
to master
since this release
Release Notes
- We're now on Django 2.2!
- The website is more responsive: users no longer have to wait five minutes for an update.
- Instance/Cluster information is now updated on-demand rather than asynchronously.
- Other optimization enhancements have been made.
- Added a better versioning mechanic.
- The DNS link to access the Cluster/Instance will not be functional until the Cluster/Instance reaches a certain state.
- Removed the "Discovery" feature from the application. Instances not spun up by the application will no longer be "discovered".
- The sample Cluster template now detects idleness and automatically terminates the entire cluster after a specified amount of time.
- Model changes have been made to implement new features.
Bug Fixes
- BillingData no longer hogs resources and times out.
- Resolved race conditions between the resource Launch and resource Update that was causing duplicate, orphan Billing Data.
Mliy Platform software updates:
- Django==2.2.6
- mysqlclient==1.3.13
- s3transfer==0.2.1
- New: python-json-logger==0.1.11
- New: mod_wsgi
Sample MLiy Cluster:
- Added ability to install software to all nodes and master