we need here to create multi-page application that holds performance monitoring service of the model, and forecasting service that shows the forecasting, and actual temperature daily.
using streamlit, and ploomber-cloud, we created multi page streamlit application, and deploy it easly.
to create multi page application, create all secondary pages in sub directory called pages/
, and the main page must be named app.py
to follow ploomber cloud instructions, like the following
# application file structure
|-- README.md
|-- app.py
|-- pages
| |-- monitoring_service.py
| `-- weather_forecasting_service.py
|-- ploomber-cloud.json
|-- requirements.txt
`-- serve
|-- monitoring.py
`-- weather_forecasting.py
to deploy the application:
- create ploomber cloud account, and create API key.
- first set API key using
ploomber-cloud key <API-key>
- intialize it
ploomber-cloud init
- you will be asked to choose project type
- to deploy your application
ploomber-cloud deploy
to trigger, and refresh the application use Github actions refresh-dashboard