- fix error with new pipeline creation after editing
- show proper error for forbidden pipelines
- hide pipeline actions from non-owners
- public pipeline results support
- correctly handle empty errors and errors during pipeline testing
- add basic intro to login screen
- correctly detect source component type using routeHandler export
- update documentation and tutorial links
- add basic documentation and tutorials
- add delete pipeline functionality
- add delete component functionality
- upgrade to react-router 2.0 and http-proxy 0.10
- fix pagination bug on component count change in component selector
New features:
- allow editing public status of pipelines
- display pipeline public status in catalogue
- use new urls for pipeline results
- better component selection in pipeline editor
- use status socket to dynamically show pipeline status
- add better component selector component
- better registration form
- better login form
- better ui layout for pipelines catalogue
- allow editing pipelines by username and refName
- allow referencing and editing components using username and refname
- add username support during registration, adjust layout for auth forms
- replace bootstrap material with bootswatch paper
- new component editor layout
- enable hot reload for dev mode
Fixes and minor tweaks:
- show message when no pipelines found
- fix error when user have not entered params
- fix initial pipeline loading
- merge pipeline status manually
- fix pipeline editing
- use react-json-tree for pipeline test result rendering
- use react-json-tree for component test result rendering
- fix log display and use react-json-tree for log data render
- hide test button when pipeline test is running
- hide test button when component test is running
- fix new component creation and adjust read-only component layout
- correctly display non-owned components
- fix issue with pipeline status update
- correctly handle component pagination with search
- send component id during test for private source fetching
- unify component renderer
- temporary fix for react-hmr issue
- correctly handle pipeline changes
- use babel preset for hot-reload
- fix component update function
- reset test results on component change
- fix default state init for stores
- correctly reset component id when creating new component
- fix new component creation when component view is already opened
- fix issue with component reset on test
- adjust styling for admin page
- correct id and ref for pass
- fix issue with auth initial state
- slimmer page headers
- adjust pipeline editor layout
- move pipeline creation to new component
- remove unneeded history stuff since we now user component urls
- better components catalogue + only allow edit of owned components
- allow changing components public/private props
- fix state props naming for component editor
- more defaults for new components
- fix component editing
- adjust admin panel layout
- adjust catalogues layout
- adjust pipeline creation ui layout
- allow specifying component versions
- move component editor to a separate react component, allow running multiple tests simultaneously
- update dependency versions
- change from access request to plain registration
- fix license field format in package.json & format license as markdown
- deploy in docker using express.js and proxy requests to rest api internally
- better error checking for webpack build
- fix license text
- first commit for open source version