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185 lines (148 loc) · 10.6 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (148 loc) · 10.6 KB


1.0.8 (March 30, 2023)

  • Added support for Android SDK 31+ (including fixes for android:exported, PendingIntent flags, new necessary AndroidManifest permissions)
  • Added new onError callback to ProximityTriggerBuilder to prevent app crashes e.g. while trying to scan without permissions.

1.0.3 (August 28, 2018)

  • Added support for Estimote LTE beacon in the BluetoothScanner.

1.0.2 (August 16, 2018)

  • Added support for Android Pie (API 28)
  • Improved error handling when scanning for Estimote Secure Packets (Enabled by default unless you build your ProximityObserver with .withEstimoteSecureMonitoringDisabled().

1.0.1 (August 8, 2018)

  • Updated compatibility with IndoorSDK
  • Updated targetVersion to API 26
  • Removed duplicated onError being called when an BLE error ocurrs.

1.0.0 (July 24, 2018)

  • Changed API of ProximityObserver. Now observatuion starts using method startObserving(zones...)
  • Zones are now created using dedicated builder ProximityZoneBuilder.
  • onErrorAction is now onError
  • onEnterAction is now onEnter
  • onExitAction is now onExit
  • onChangeAction is now onContextChange
  • ProximityAttachment is now ProximityZoneContext whioch contains all the necesarry info about beacon attachment, id, and tags.
  • Changed packaging, so it may be needed to update your imports.
  • Fixed a bug, where setting custom onError threw an exception when used from Java code.

0.6.2 (July 3, 2018)

  • Fixed a bug where beacons with no attachments assigned were not triggering enter/exit actions.

0.6.1 (June 25, 2018)

  • OnError action is now properly called on the main thread.

0.6.0 (June 18, 2018)

  • Now ProximitySDK uses "tags" for monitoring.
  • .forAttachmentKeyAndValue() is now deprecated. Use .forTag()
  • ProximityAttachment is now ProximityContext, which contains tags, attachments, and useful info for context of entering/exiting given zone.
  • Fixed #51 - a crash when user has revoked Location Permissions.

0.5.1 (May 11, 2018)

  • Added support for large beacon deployments (100+ beacons).

0.5.0 (Apr 26, 2018)

  • Added local persistance for cloud attachments. Now the ProximityObserver will fetch data from the cloud on every start() if the network is available. If not, it will use the locally persisted data. This way you can start scan without the internet access, provided that you have launched it at least once when network was available.
  • Fixed #45 where UnhandledErrorException was being thrown by our internal Analytics module on every proximity observation start.

0.4.4 (Apr 9, 2018)

  • Added support for phones not supporting batch scanning.

0.4.3 (Apr 6, 2018)

  • Included all the previous changes from 0.4.2 that were not introduced by mistake (I forgot to merge the feature branch, don't do it).

0.4.2 (Apr 5, 2018)

  • Fixed uncatched exception being thrown when scan error appeared. Now it is being correctly reported via onErrorAction.
  • Fixed problem with Notification being called many times when using .withScannerInForegroundService(...)
  • Starting ProximityObserver when Bluetooth is disabled now results in onErrorAction being called.

0.4.1 (Mar 9, 2018)

  • Fixed unhandled crash when onScanFailed was being called from BLE stack on some phones. Now it is propagated properly to your onErrorAction.

0.4.0 (Mar 8, 2018)

  • Breaking changes: Changed EstimoteCloudCredentials and ProximityAttachment packageges to proximity_sdk.proximity package. This should allow you to have all our classes in one package, so only one import will be necessary. You should fix your imports after updating to this version. Disclaimer: We're doing such changes only throughout the beta (0.x.x.) releases. This won't take place in the full release after 1.0.0 anymore - I promise :)
  • Fixed #32 where NPE was throw from TriggerBroadcastReceiver without even using it.

0.3.3 (Feb 28, 2018)

  • Fixed IllegalArgumentsException: null notification in foreground service when disabling location permission.
  • Added warning when no attachments were found in cloud for defined proximity zones.

0.3.2 (Feb 23, 2018)

  • Breaking changes: Changed module name scanning-sdk to scanning-plugin. If you used BluetoothScanner class you might need to update your imports.
  • Added support for phones not supporting offloaded hardware filtering. This doesn't fix error code -99 related issues for now.
  • Fixed wrong timeout unit (always SECONDS) in launching scans with timeout in BluetoothScanner
  • Added cache-related improvements to Estmote Secure Monitoring
  • onExit events are now being reported if beacon signal is completely lost. The delay will by slightly longer than time for typical onExit invocation.

0.3.1 (Feb 19, 2018)

  • Added missing plugin dependency

0.3.0 (Feb 15, 2018)

  • Added Estimote Secure Monitoring support. ProximityObserver now observes for both encrypted and unencrypted Estimote packets. You can disable this using .withEstimoteSecureMonitoringDisabled() when building your ProximityObserver.
  • Telemetry reporting is now enabled by default. Use .withTelemetryReportingDisabled() to disable it.

0.2.3 (Feb 06, 2018)

  • Hotfix for NoSuchMethodError being thrown when starting observation.

0.2.2 (Feb 05, 2018)

  • Fixed #6 where IllegalStateException was thrown when trying to stop scanning while bluetooth adapter was null/not started. This exception is now being catched and an warning log will be printed - you can handle this case in your withOnErrorAction in ProximityObserver.

0.2.1 (Jan 31, 2018)

  • Fixed a bug when attachments with the same key were not resolved.

0.2.0 (Jan 17, 2018)

  • Attachments are now resolved from dedicated cloud Beacon Attachment tab, and no more from JSON strings coded as tags.
  • Deprecated forAttachmentKey("yourKey") when creating ProximityZone. Now you need to use key:value pairs. Using deprecated method will work as calling forAttachmentKeyAndValue("yourKey", "")

0.1.0-alpha.9 (Jan 16, 2018)

  • Hot-fix for ProximityTrigger.Handler where calling stop() caused crash.

0.1.0-alpha.8 (Jan 15. 2018)

  • Added ProximityTrigger for displaying notification from your app when user enters the proximity zone. It can be accessed using ProximityTriggerBuilder.

0.1.0-alpha.7 (Jan 10, 2018)

  • Added a possibility to access entire beacon's attachment payload as Map using getPayload() method in ProximityAttachment (e.g. for use in onEnterAction).

  • Marks hasPair() in ProximityAttachment as deprecated - get entire payload and use Map access methods instead.

0.1.0-alpha.6 (Dec 12, 2017)

  • ProximityObserverFactory is now ProximityObserverBuilder
  • Choosing whether to use simple scanner, or scanner wrapped in foreground service is now done in ProximityObserverBuilder using .withScannerInForegroundService(notification)
proximityObserver = ProximityObserverBuilder(applicationContext, credentials)
  • Starting ProximityObserver is now done using .start():
observationHandler = proximityObserver
          .addProximityZones(venueZone, beetrootDeskZone, lemonDeskZone)
  • Added support for uploading telemetry data to Estimote cloud from beacons nearby. You can turn it on while building ProximityObserver object:
proximityObserver = ProximityObserverBuilder(applicationContext, credentials)

Note: You can see the telemetry data in your Estimote Cloud account for each individual beacon. There should be a chart with data such as light level, or temperature. Remember, that enabling telemetry data uploading will make device to use slightly more battery due to an additional scan for Estimote Telemetry packets.

  • Added a possibility to disable Analytics data cloud reporting (It is turned on by default):
proximityObserver = ProximityObserverBuilder(applicationContext, credentials)
  • Fixed #4 when disabled bluetooth were causing NPE.
  • Added helper class to handle checking for requirements needed to scan for beacons. The class is RequirementsWizard, and it is located in our helper library. Add this line to your build.gradle file:
compile 'com.estimote:mustard:0.1.0'

Use it like this:

              onRequirementsFulfilled = { /* Start proximity observation here */ },
              onRequirementsMissing =  { /* Handle missing requirements here */ },
              onError = { /* Handle errors here */ }

Why it is in a separate library? Because it uses Android UI support libraries to display default dialogs for user to enable bluetooth, etc. And we don't want to force you to use them in your app. If you need a custom behavior, feel free to implement your own requirements checker.

  • Added support for Android Oreo 8.1 (API 27)

0.1.0-alpha.5 (Nov 22, 2017)

  • Added Analytics to the ProximityObserver.
    1. Your Enter/Exit events are now reported for each beacon.
    2. You can check analytics data in Estimote
  • Minor improvements to the scanning mechanism

0.1.0-alpha.4 (Oct 28, 2017)

  • Introduced improvements to API. Some breaking changes appeared:
    1. ProximityObserver.RuleBuilder is now ProximityObserver.ZoneBuilder
    2. ProximityObserver has now methods: addProximityZone instead of addProximityRule
    3. ProximityObserver.ZoneBuilder has fluent builder now.
    4. onExitAction now returns ProximityAttachment that was last visible.
    5. ProximityObserver.Handler is now an interface.
    6. proximityRuleBuilder.withDesiredMeanTriggerDistance() is now split into three methods:
    • inNearRange
    • inFarRange
    • inCustomRange(double) with parameter in meters.
    1. Errors are now logged to Android logcat by default.
  • Fixed the compilation error unknown element: <uses-permission>. There was a problem with wrong manifest merging.
  • Fixed problem when using forAttachmentKey was not triggering any actions - now it works properly.

0.1.0-alpha.3 (Oct 20, 2017)

  • Added key-value tag support to ProximityObserver