Add UDP ethernet capability
Add formal
Futur small use case to debug system behavior : filter out all packets exept MPID = OPTU and attactch the print to my motivation letter
Found memory leak in iverilog : look into leak source and eventually fix ?
Send end of session messages for mold when sequence number for testing the feature and when seq gets to close to the max range of a uint64_t
Add predictable random number generator and print it's value along fpos for wave creation
Add ability to start dumping waves at a set time ( future debuging )
Add system verilog structure to contain itch wave values ( convert field to little endian for readability )
Better doc
Add tb feature to skip packets and compare expected skip start-end to mold missing packet detector ( used in re-replay )
Connect re-replay feature to udp
Stop being cheap and go buy that fpga ... ( and the fiber switch ) :moneywithwings:
Implement O+ ?
reset : SR port on fpga resgisters is active high ... need to move to using reset instead on nreset to prevent infering of an additional not gate ... via a LUT -> git grep nreset