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Validation checklist

Britta edited this page Mar 28, 2023 · 43 revisions

Suggested things to consider when you're working on an aspect of eRegulations or reviewing a story - feel free to add more.

Regulation text

See also: special cases in reg parts in scope.

  • The first section in part 400 is in the second subpart, not the first
  • Orphan sections
  • Reserved section - single
  • Reserved sections - range
  • Reserved subpart (42 part 438 subpart G)
  • Subject groups (such as in part 433)
  • Appendix to Subpart F of Part 441
  • Tables
  • Footnotes
  • Formulas
  • Multi-level indented paragraphs


  • Federal Register items
  • Other supplemental content items
  • Sidebar empty states
  • Resources associated with:
    • Sections that no longer exist
    • Sections outside of our scope
    • A large number of associated locations, like 43 FR 2413 and 43 FR 45176
  • Reserved sections that have resources
  • Resources that don't have:
    • Date (such as statute)
    • Name (such as CIBs)
    • Description

Website aspects

  • "Jump to" part and section
    • Enter weird characters (should only accept numbers)
    • Enter section that doesn't exist
  • Link to a specific section
  • Link to a specific paragraph within a section
  • Print mode
  • History mode
  • Search
    • Highlights in regulation text search results
    • Special characters in search queries: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
    • Links to regulation sections in search results
  • Smaller screen size (such as low-resolution laptop screen)
  • Bigger screen size
  • Error pages (404, 500)
  • Accessibility - keyboard navigation
  • Accessibility - screenreader navigation


  • Storybook
  • API documentation page





User research

Usability studies



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