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Validation checklist

Britta edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 43 revisions

Suggested things to consider when you're working on an aspect of eRegulations or reviewing a story - feel free to add more.

Experimental branch expected data: when an experimental branch is created, it should have a relatively recent full copy of production data. This will be current as of the latest the data copy was manually refreshed to the dev environment, as of the date the experimental branch was created.

Regulation text

See also: special cases in reg parts in scope.

  • The first section in part 400 is in the second subpart, not the first
  • Orphan sections
  • Reserved section - single
  • Reserved sections - range
  • Reserved subpart (42 part 438 subpart G)
  • Subject groups (such as in part 433)
  • Appendix to Subpart F of Part 441
  • Tables
  • Footnotes
  • Formulas
  • Multi-level indented paragraphs

Resource items

  • Federal Register items in sidebars, including groups
    • Adding a new regulation citation to an FR link
    • Adding a different FR link to the same group as an existing FR link, and ensuring that they both appear on the first one's regulation citation
    • Switching groups that are assigned to FR links and verifying the citation sidebar displays
  • Other supplemental content items in sidebars
  • Sidebar empty states
  • Resources associated with:
    • Sections that no longer exist
    • Sections outside of our scope
    • A large number of associated locations, like 43 FR 2413 and 43 FR 45176
  • Reserved sections that have resources
  • Resources that don't have:
    • Date (such as statute)
    • Name (such as CIBs)
    • Description

Front-end aspects

  • "Jump to" part and section
    • Enter weird characters (should only accept numbers)
    • Enter section that doesn't exist
  • Link to a specific section
  • Link to a specific paragraph within a section
  • Print mode
  • History mode
  • Search
    • Highlights in regulation text search results
    • Special characters in search queries: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
    • Links to regulation sections in search results
  • Smaller screen size (such as low-resolution laptop screen)
  • Bigger screen size
  • Error pages (404, 500)
  • Accessibility - keyboard navigation
  • Accessibility - screenreader navigation

Admin panel

  • Add or edit supplemental content item
  • Add or edit Federal Register document

Internal documents

  • Log in and out using Django authentication
  • Log in and out using IDM
  • Download existing item
  • Admin panel: Upload and download new item
    • File with long filename
    • Large file (more than 5 mb) [not currently supported]
    • File with tricky characters in filename, such as \ /
  • Admin panel: Delete item
  • Admin panel: Edit item to add very long description and title, including Unicode characters
  • Admin panel: Add lots of citations to an item, including citations that are out of scope for eRegs and shouldn't visibly display (like 42 CFR 3.404)


  • Add, rename, remove subjects


  • RSS feed page (/latest/feed/)
  • API documentation page (/api/swagger/)





User research

Usability studies



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