You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
version: "1.1.14"
# Available serializers:
# LEGACY_AMPERSAND - "&c&lExample &c&9Text".
# LEGACY_SECTION - "§c§lExample §c§9Text".
# MINIMESSAGE - "<bold><red>Example</red> <blue>Text</blue></bold>". (
# GSON - "[{"text":"Example","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" ","bold":true},{"text":"Text","bold":true,"color":"blue"}]". (
# GSON_COLOR_DOWNSAMPLING - Same as GSON, but uses downsampling.
prefix: "&9Бот-фильтр &8>>&r"
# Don't use \n, use {NL} for new line, and {PRFX} for prefix.
# Check if player's Minecraft client sends the network packet with the settings.
check-client-settings: true
# Check if player's Minecraft client has a brand.
check-client-brand: true
# If player's Minecraft client brand (e.g. fabric or forge) is set here, then this player will be kicked.
- "brand1"
- "brand2"
# Time in milliseconds, how frequently will the cache list with verified players be reset. Before that time, verified players can join the server without passing antibot checks.
purge-cache-millis: 3600000
# Max attempts, which a player has to solve the captcha.
captcha-attempts: 3
# Duration of Falling Check in Minecraft ticks (1 tick = 0.05 second, 20 ticks = 1 second).
falling-check-ticks: 100
# Maximum time to check the player in milliseconds. If the player stays on the filter limbo for longer than this time, then the check will fail.
time-out: 20000
# Same, but for Geyser users.
geyser-time-out: 45000
# The timeout for Netty. Max ping while being on the filter limbo. Used to remove useless buffers from RAM.
max-ping: 3500
# Change the parameters below only if you know what they mean.
non-valid-position-xz-attempts: 10
non-valid-position-y-attempts: 10
max-valid-position-difference: 0.01
# Parameter for developers and contributors.
falling-check-debug: false
# Should captcha be displayed in the left hand. May cause problems with entering captcha for users with 4:3 monitors. Version: 1.9+
captcha-left-hand: false
# Meaning:
# ONLY_POSITION -> Only falling check (Player will be spawned in the void, server will check player's coordinates, speed, acceleration).
# ONLY_CAPTCHA -> Only captcha (Map items with a captcha image will be given to the players, players need to solve captcha, and send the answer in the chat).
# CAPTCHA_POSITION -> Falling and Captcha checking concurrently (Player will be kicked, if he fails either falling check or captcha checking).
# CAPTCHA_ON_POSITION_FAILED -> Initially, the falling check will be started, but if the player fails that check, the captcha checking will be started.
# See "filter-auto-toggle.check-state-toggle".
check-state-non-toggled: CAPTCHA_ON_POSITION_FAILED
# See "filter-auto-toggle.check-state-toggle".
geyser-check-state: CAPTCHA_ON_POSITION_FAILED
# See "filter-auto-toggle.check-state-toggle".
geyser-check-state-non-toggled: CAPTCHA_ON_POSITION_FAILED
load-world: false
# World file type:
# SCHEMATIC (MCEdit .schematic, 1.12.2 and lower, not recommended)
# STRUCTURE (structure block .nbt, any Minecraft version is supported, but the latest one is recommended).
# WORLDEDIT_SCHEM (WorldEdit .schem, any Minecraft version is supported, but the latest one is recommended).
world-file-type: STRUCTURE
world-file-path: "world.nbt"
# World time in ticks (24000 ticks == 1 in-game day)
world-ticks: 1000
# World light level (from 0 to 15)
world-light-level: 15
# Should we override block light level (to light up the nether and the end)
world-override-block-light-level: true
game-mode: ADVENTURE
# Unit of time in seconds for the Auto Toggles the Statistics.
unit-of-time-cps: 300
# Unit of time in seconds for the Auto Toggles and the Statistics.
unit-of-time-pps: 5
# Time in milliseconds how much we should wait before re-enabling logs after attacks
log-enabler-check-refresh-rate: 1000
# Duration (in seconds) between regeneration of captchas
captcha-regenerate-rate: 3600
# Coordinates for the falling check
x: 0
y: 512
z: 0
teleport-id: 44
# A "USERNAME - IP" list containing information about players who should join the server without verification.
- username: "TestUserAaSsDd777"
ip: ""
# Minimum/maximum total connections amount per the unit of time to toggle anti-bot checks.
# -1 to disable the check.
# 0 to enable on any connections per the unit of time.
# All players will bypass all anti-bot checks
all-bypass: 0
# Online mode players will bypass all anti-bot checks.
# Doesn't work with online-mode-verify: -1
online-mode-bypass: 49
# Verify Online Mode connection before AntiBot.
# If connections per unit of time amount is bigger than the limit: online mode players will need to reconnect.
# Else: Some attacks can consume more cpu and network, and can lead to long-lasting Mojang rate-limiting.
# Only works if you have an auth plugin installed. In other cases you should configure need-to-reconnect parameter
online-mode-verify: 79
# Toggles check-state/check-state-non-toggled.
# It is not recommended to enable it, if you want to protect your server from spam-bots.
# If connections per unit of time amount is bigger than the limit: check-state will be used.
# Else: check-state-non-toggled will be used.
check-state-toggle: 0
# The player will need to reconnect after passing AntiBot check.
need-to-reconnect: 129
# Picture in the MOTD Server Ping packet will be disabled.
disable-motd-picture: 25
# All the log messages from all plugins will be disabled.
disable-log: 129
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
# Prepares Captcha packets, consumes x8 more RAM, but improves CPU performance during bot attacks. It's recommended to disable it, if you have less than 2GB of RAM.
prepare-captcha-packets: false
# List of paths to the background image to draw on captcha. Any format, 128x128 128x128 px (will be automatically resized and stretched to the correct size). [] if empty.
- ""
# Path to the font files to draw on captcha (ttf), can be empty.
- ""
# Use standard fonts(SANS_SERIF/SERIF/MONOSPACED), use false only if you provide fonts path
use-standard-fonts: true
letter-offset-x: 12
letter-offset-y: 0
font-letter-spacing-x: -14
font-letter-spacing-y: 0
render-font-size: 78.0
font-letter-width: 44
font-letter-height: 128
font-outline: true
font-rotate: true
font-ripple: true
font-ripple-amplitude-width: 100.0
font-ripple-amplitude-height: 10.0
font-outline-rate: 1.25
font-outline-offset-x: -4
font-outline-offset-y: 4
font-outline-override-radius: 1
# Set 0 to disable
curve-size: 2
# Set 0 to disable
curves-amount: 3
# RGB colors without #
- "000000"
strikethrough: false
underline: true
pattern: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
# If enabled, both lowercase and uppercase captcha answers entered by players will be correct
ignore-case: true
length: 3
images-count: 1000
number-spelling: false
# Set to true if you want to verify the number spelling configuration.
# The results will be saved to the number_spelling.txt file.
save-number-spelling-output: false
each-word-on-separate-line: true
# If the number ends with any key specified here, the corresponding value will be used.
# For example: if exception 11 is specified with value 'eleven', the number 411 will be spelt as 'four hundred eleven'.
"11": "eleven"
"12": "twelve"
"13": "thirteen"
"14": "fourteen"
"15": "fifteen"
"16": "sixteen"
"17": "seventeen"
"18": "eighteen"
"19": "nineteen"
# null or "" means that the digit should be skipped.
# Note: all the characters used here (including the space) must be listed in pattern.
- - ""
- "one"
- "two"
- "three"
- "four"
- "five"
- "six"
- "seven"
- "eight"
- "nine"
- - ""
- "ten"
- "twenty"
- "thirty"
- "forty"
- "fifty"
- "sixty"
- "seventy"
- "eighty"
- "ninety"
- - ""
- "one hundred"
- "two hundred"
- "three hundred"
- "four hundred"
- "five hundred"
- "six hundred"
- "seven hundred"
- "eight hundred"
- "nine hundred"
- "000000"
- "AA0000"
- "00AA00"
- "0000AA"
- "AAAA00"
- "AA00AA"
- "00AAAA"
gradient-enabled: false
gradients-count: 32
start-x: 0.0
start-y: 40.0
end-x: 128.0
end-y: 80.0
start-x-randomness: 0.0
start-y-randomness: 2.0
end-x-randomness: 0.0
end-y-randomness: 2.0
# Numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the distribution of colors along the gradient. Can be empty.
- 0.0
- 0.1
- 0.2
- 0.3
- 0.4
- 0.5
- 0.6
- 0.7
- 0.8
- 0.9
framed-captcha-enabled: false
width: 3
height: 3
frame-rotation-chance: 0.33
autoscale-font: true
x: -3
y: 128
z: 2
x: 0
y: -2
z: 1
# Available dimensions: OVERWORLD, NETHER, THE_END
botfilter-dimension: THE_END
captcha-x: -1.5
# If your server supports Minecraft 1.7, don't set captcha-y to 0.
captcha-y: 128.0
captcha-z: 0.5
captcha-yaw: 90.0
captcha-pitch: 38.0
falling-check-yaw: 90.0
falling-check-pitch: 10.0
# Experimental proxy check feature
# Checks the proxy via comparing L4 (TCP PSH+ACK -> TCP ACK) and L7 (Minecraft KeepAlive) ping
# Works better with falling check enabled (150+ falling-check-ticks)
# Needs libpcap (libpcap-dev) on Linux; WinPcap/npcap on Windows
# Needs CAP_NET_RAW (or super-user) on Linux
# Doesn't work if Velocity is behind reverse-proxy (haproxy, protection services, etc)
proxy-detector-enabled: false
# Difference between TCP (L4) and Minecraft (L7) ping in milliseconds to detect proxies.
proxy-detector-difference: 5
interface-name: "any"
# How many bytes we should take from the each frame to analyse. 120 is enough for any TCP+IP header analysing
snaplen: 120
# How many milliseconds should the delay be between frame analysis.
listen-delay: 50
# Time in millis for capturing frames
timeout: 10
# Log L4 and L7 ping
debug-on-fail: false
debug-on-success: false
# Available values: FALSE, TRUE, PERMISSION
# FALSE - the command will be disallowed
# TRUE - the command will be allowed if player has false permission state
# PERMISSION - the command will be allowed if player has true permission state
# Permission: limbofilter.admin.sendfilter
send-filter: PERMISSION
# Permission: limbofilter.admin.reload
# Permission: limbofilter.admin.stats
# Permission:
help: TRUE
# Leave title fields empty to disable.
reload: "{PRFX} &aУспешно перезагружено!"
client-settings-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cВаш клиент не отправляет пакеты настроек"
client-brand-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cВаш клиент не отправляет пакет брендов или он заблокирован"
proxy-check-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cВаше соединение подозрительно"
checking-chat: "{PRFX} Началась проверка бот-фильтра. Пожалуйста, подождите и не двигайтесь..."
checking-title: "&9Бот-фильтр"
checking-subtitle: "&aПожалуйста, подождите..."
checking-captcha-chat: "{PRFX} &aПожалуйста, решите капчу, у вас есть &6{0} &aпопыток"
checking-wrong-captcha-chat: "{PRFX} &cВы неправильно ввели капчу, у вас осталось &6{0} &cпопыток"
checking-captcha-title: "&aПожалуйста, решите капчу"
checking-captcha-subtitle: "&aУ вас есть &6{0} &aпопыток"
successful-cracked: "{PRFX} &aУспешно пройдена проверка бот-фильтра"
successful-premium-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&aУспешно пройдена проверка бот-фильтра.{NL}&6Пожалуйста, перезайдите на сервер!"
captcha-failed-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cВы ошиблись при проверке капчи.{NL}&6Перезайдите на сервер и попробуйте снова"
falling-check-failed-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cПроверка падения не удалась.{NL}&6Пожалуйста, попробуйте присоединиться к серверу снова или свяжитесь с администратором"
times-up: "{PRFX}{NL}&cВы превысили максимальное время проверки бот-фильтра.{NL}&6Пожалуйста, присоединитесь к серверу"
stats-format: "&c&lВсего заблокировано: &6&l{0} &c&l| Соединения: &6&l{1}s &c&l| Пинги: &6&l{2}s &c&l| Всего подключений: &6&l{3} &c&l| L7 Пинг: &6&l{4} &c&l| L4 Пинг: &6&l{5}"
stats-enabled: "{PRFX} &aТеперь вы видите статистику внизу экрана"
stats-disabled: "{PRFX} &cВы больше не видите статистику внизу экрана"
send-player-successful: "{PRFX} Игрок {0} успешно отправлен на бот-проверку"
send-server-successful: "{PRFX} {0} игроков успешно отправлено из {1} на бот-проверку"
send-failed: "{PRFX} Нет зарегистрированных серверов или подключенных игроков по имени {0}"
captcha-not-ready-yet: "{PRFX} Капча еще не сгенерировалась, попробуйте через несколько секунд"
Server Info (please complete the following information):
My config:
Server Info (please complete the following information):
All Limbo plugins versions:
/velocity dump:
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