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Communication Benchmarks

The intent of these benchmarks is to measure communication latency/bandwidth of DeepSpeed and/or pytorch distributed communication operations at the Python layer. These benchmarks are complementary to C-level comms benchmarks like OSU Micro-Benchmarks and NCCL Tests in that users can:

  • Easily debug which layer of the communication software stack hangs or performance degradations originate from.
  • Measure the expected communication performance of either DeepSpeed comms or pure PyTorch distributed

To run benchmarks, there are two options:

  1. Run a single communication operation:

For example, run with a single large message size (calculated to barely fit within GPU mem):

mpirun -np 16 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -x LD_PRELOAD python

Scan across message sizes:

mpirun -np 16 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -x LD_PRELOAD python --scan

Benchmark pure PyTorch distributed comms (without importing or using MCR-DL) by launching with MPI

mpirun -np 16 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -x LD_PRELOAD python --scan --dist="torch"

or Slurm

srun -n 16 python --scan --dist="torch"

or the DeepSpeed launcher

deepspeed --scan --dist="deepspeed"
  1. Run all available communication benchmarks:
mpirun -np 16 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -x LD_PRELOAD python

Like the individual benchmarks, supports scanning arguments for the max message size, bandwidth-unit, etc. Simply pass the desired arguments to and they'll be propagated to each comm op.

Finally, users can choose specific communication operations to run in by passing them as arguments (all operations are run by default). For example:

mpirun -np 16 --hostfile ${HOSTFILE} -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -x LD_PRELOAD python --scan --all-reduce --all-to-all --broadcast

There is a wide range of arguments available:

usage: [-h] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--trials TRIALS] [--warmups WARMUPS] [--maxsize MAXSIZE]
                  [--async-op] [--bw-unit {Gbps,GBps}] [--backend {nccl,ccl,mpi}] [--dist {deepspeed,torch}] [--scan]
                  [--raw] [--all-reduce] [--all-gather] [--all-to-all] [--pt2pt] [--broadcast] [--dtype DTYPE]
                  [--mem-factor MEM_FACTOR] [--debug]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --local_rank LOCAL_RANK
  --trials TRIALS       Number of timed iterations
  --warmups WARMUPS     Number of warmup (non-timed) iterations
  --maxsize MAXSIZE     Max message size as a power of 2
  --async-op            Enables non-blocking communication
  --bw-unit {Gbps,GBps}
  --backend {nccl,ccl,mpi}
                        Communication library to use
  --dist {deepspeed,torch}
                        Distributed DL framework to use
  --scan                Enables scanning all message sizes
  --raw                 Print the message size and latency without units
  --all-reduce          Run all_reduce
  --all-gather          Run all_gather
  --all-to-all          Run all_to_all
  --pt2pt               Run pt2pt
  --broadcast           Run broadcast
  --dtype DTYPE         PyTorch tensor dtype
  --mem-factor MEM_FACTOR
                        Proportion of max available GPU memory to use for single-size evals
  --debug               Enables all_to_all debug prints

Adding Communication Benchmarks

To add new communication benchmarks, follow this general procedure:

  1. Copy a similar benchmark file (e.g. to add reduce_scatter, copy as a template)
  2. Add a new bandwidth formula in utils.get_bandwidth, a new maximum tensor element formula in utils.max_numel, and a new arg in utils.benchmark_parser
  3. Replace comm op calls in new file with find-replace
  4. Find a good default mem_factor for use in run_<collective>_single() function
  5. Add new comm op to