Goal: Seting up LINC-OE simple optical topology controlled by iControl and a packet simple topology controlled by Ryu. Then failing some of the optical and packet links and observing the behaviuor.
A basic knowlege of LINC-OE, TAP interfaces, Ryu, Erlang language and linux CLI is required.
Doing https://github.com/Ehsan70/Mininet_LINC_script/blob/master/LINCoe_and_iControl.md tutorial is a must.
Environment: I have used the VM from sdn hub, I recommond you do the same. Link for installation is provided below: http://sdnhub.org/tutorials/sdn-tutorial-vm/
Road Map: This document has two sections for setup:
- setting up the network
- Doing tests
Then the tutorial would run couple of experminets. After the experminet the tutorial talkes about the details of the network and what is goingt on under the hood.
means the linuc command lineiControl>
Means the iControll command line
a. Run iControl:
> cd loom/iControl
> rel/icontrol/bin/icontrol console
The iControl starts and listens on
b. Clearting the tap interfaces:
For this section I have created a bash script called Mininet_LINC_script/TapSetup.bash
that takes care of tap interfaces.
sudo bash TapSetup.bash 7 up
The first argument is the number of tap interfaces and the second one is up
which also brings the interfaces up.
c. Set up the sys.config
Note that sys.config
may be on different absolute directories depending on whene linc-oe was cloned and names. Have a look at these info:
ubuntu@sdnhubvm:~/linc-oe[11:13] (master)$ pwd
ubuntu@sdnhubvm:~/linc-oe[11:13] (master)$ git remote -v
origin https://github.com/FlowForwarding/LINC-Switch (fetch)
origin https://github.com/FlowForwarding/LINC-Switch (push)
ubuntu@sdnhubvm:~/linc-oe[11:13] (master)$ ls
apps/ docs/ Makefile README.md rebar.config scripts/
deps/ LICENSE pcap.data/ rebar* rel/
file for the network shown above should looks as following:
{port,4,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,5,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,6,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,8,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,9,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,10,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,13,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,14,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,15,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,16,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,17,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{port,18,[{interface,"dummy"}, {type, optical}]},
{capable_switch_queues, []},
{optical_links, [{{1,5}, {2,1}}, {{1,4},{4,1}}, {{4,4},{2,2}}, {{4,3},{3,1}}, {{2,3},{3,4}}, {{2,4},{5,1}} ]},
{datapath_id, "00:00:00:00:00:01:00:01"},
{ports,[{port,1,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 1}]},
{port,2,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 2}]},
{port,3,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 3}]},
{port,4,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 4}]},
{port,5,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 5}]}
{datapath_id, "00:00:00:00:00:01:00:02"},
{ports,[{port,14,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 1}]},
{port,15,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 2}]},
{port,16,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 3}]},
{port,17,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 4}]}
{datapath_id, "00:00:00:00:00:01:00:03"},
{ports,[{port,10,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 1}]},
{port,11,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 2}]},
{port,12,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 3}]},
{port,13,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 4}]}
{datapath_id, "00:00:00:00:00:01:00:04"},
{ports,[{port,6,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 1}]},
{port,7,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 2}]},
{port,8,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 3}]},
{port,9,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 4}]}
{datapath_id, "00:00:00:00:00:01:00:05"},
{ports,[{port,18,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 1}]},
{port,19,[{queues,[]}, {port_no, 2}]}
{of_protocol, [{no_multipart, false}]},
[{verbose, false},
{stats_interval, 10},
{buffer_size, 73400320}]},
[{excluded_modules, [procket]}]}].
d. start LINC-OE:
> make rel && sudo rel/linc/bin/linc console
make rel
did not work trysudo make rel
a. Run Ryu
If you are using SDN hub Vm, go to /home/ubuntu/ryu
and run Ryu:
> sudo ./bin/ryu-manager --verbose ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py
b. Start up the Mininet network
> sudo -E python ComplexPktTopo_PktLink_and_Taps.py