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Emanuel Dima edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 11 revisions

These are the workflows the B2SHARE team currently follows.

Release B2Share:

  1. run all the tests and test manually

  2. go through the list of commits and create a coherent change log, put it in the CHANGELOG file and the release notes

  3. increase version number

  4. create a tag

  5. build the docker image, something like:

  docker build . -f dockerize/Dockerfile -t eudatb2share/b2share:2.x.x # replace the version 
  docker login
  docker push eudatb2share/b2share
  1. ask devop to update the server

7.1. if it works create the github release

7.2. if it does not work, remove the tag, fix and back to [1]

Note: CSC server update might not be part of the release procedure in the future.