- We are going to validate if CLI with PyATS works properly.
RUN CLI: (inventory) [opc@jenkins-master NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ pyats parse "show version" --testbed nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Here's a breakdown of the command and what each component does:
pyats: This is the command used to run PyATS. parse: This is the PyATS sub-command used to parse the output of a show command on a network device. "show version": This is the show command that will be executed on the network device. In this case, it will likely retrieve the device's software version information. --testbed nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml: This specifies the testbed file that PyATS should use to connect to the network device and execute the show command. The testbed file is in YAML format and is named "nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml". The contents of the testbed file likely contain information about the network device(s) that PyATS will be connecting to, such as their IP addresses, login credentials, and other connection details.
inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ ls
inventory nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml nso_sandbox_testbed.yaml README.md sample
(inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ pyats parse "show version" --testbed nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Enter default password for testbed: cisco
Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed: cisco
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s
"chassis_detail": "IOS XRv Chassis",
"config_register": "0x2102",
"device_family": "IOS XRv Series",
"image": "bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm",
"main_mem": "cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.",
"operating_system": "IOSXR",
"processor": "Pentium II Stepping 7",
"processor_memory_bytes": "3145215K",
"rp_config_register": "0x2102",
"software_version": "6.3.1",
"uptime": "7 hours, 30 minutes"
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00, 6.22s/it]
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]{
Sometimes parsers can not be included in some plataforms, that is the reason of this error in asa device.
When we are using "pyats parse" in some devices the command "show version" is not available for example in "edge-firewall01 | asa". Not all is perfect :(.
PyATS return: dicts/Lists or JSON format
(inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ pyats parse "show version" --testbed nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Enter default password for testbed: cisco
Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed: cisco
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]{
"chassis_detail": "IOS XRv Chassis",
"config_register": "0x2102",
"device_family": "IOS XRv Series",
"image": "bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm",
"main_mem": "cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.",
"operating_system": "IOSXR",
"processor": "Pentium II Stepping 7",
"processor_memory_bytes": "3145215K",
"rp_config_register": "0x2102",
"software_version": "6.3.1",
"uptime": "1 day, 10 hours, 14 minutes"
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00, 6.44s/it]
That is the information to generate us inventory report csv file.
"operating_system": "IOSXR",
"software_version": "6.3.1",
"uptime": "1 day, 10 hours, 14 minutes"
If you PyAts parse not found the specific command "show version" you probably receive this answer.
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 3.20it/s]
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Issue with the parser show version
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/genie/cli/commands/parser.py", line 339, in genie.cli.commands.parser.ParserCommand.parse
File "src/genie/conf/base/device.py", line 531, in genie.conf.base.device.Device.parse
File "src/genie/conf/base/device.py", line 578, in genie.conf.base.device.Device._get_parser_output
TypeError: device is not connected, output must be provided.
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 414.87it/s]
- How to resolve this problem?
Well, the solution to this type of problem is with code in Python; Yes we need to create a script using Python.
- Create a script in python and executable
chmod +x network_inventory.py
(inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ chmod +x network_inventory.py
(inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$ ls
inventory 'network_inventory.py' nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml nso_sandbox_testbed.yaml README.md sample
(inventory) [opc@jenkins-master AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON]$
Note: Verify your shebang
in your script in order to works properly
This command ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
permit to verify your concetivity from PyATS, script and network access.
(inventory) devnet@Devnet ~/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON$`./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml`
Creating a network inventory script.
Enter default password for testbed:
Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed:
<Testbed object 'nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials' at 0x7fa854c41fc0>
2023-03-02 21:43:19,858: %UNICON-INFO: +++ core-rtr02 logfile /tmp/core-rtr02-cli-20230302T214319855.log +++
2023-03-02 21:43:19,861: %UNICON-INFO: +++ Unicon plugin iosxr (unicon.plugins.iosxr) +++
- Disabling logs in parser
That is an script basic that permit capture an inventory of our network
using CLI as "show version" and "show inventory".
- Create a CSV inventory file over this parameters: device name, software version, uptime, serial number
# Start our program from main
from pyats.topology.loader import load
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
print("Creating a Network Inventory script.")
# Load pyATS testbed
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'NETWORK INVENTORY',description='General network inventory report')
parser.add_argument('testbed', type=str, help='pyATS Testbed File')
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f"Loading testbed file: {args.testbed}")
# Create pyATS testbed object
testbed =load(args.testbed)
print(f"Connecting to all devices in testbed: {testbed.name}")
# Connect to network devices
# Run command to gather output from devices
# Disconnect from network devices
for device in testbed.devices:
print(f"Disconnecting from device {device}.")
# Built inventory report over data structure
# Generate a CSV File of data
CLI RUN: ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
(inventory) devnet@Devnet ~/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON main ± ./network_inventory_02.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Creating a Network Inventory script.
Loading testbed file: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Enter default password for testbed:
Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed:
Connecting to all devices in testbed: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials
Disconnecting from device core-rtr01.
Disconnecting from device core-rtr02.
Disconnecting from device dist-rtr01.
Disconnecting from device dist-rtr02.
Disconnecting from device dist-sw01.
Disconnecting from device dist-sw02.
Disconnecting from device edge-firewall01.
Disconnecting from device edge-sw01.
Disconnecting from device internet-rtr01.
- Download in your machine Summer 2021 Devasc-Prep-Network-Inventory-01 maked by Hank Preston, that is a guide if you need help to develop all the code related how to make an inventory.
- Creation from Excel File
- Devnet Sandbox to test owner Inventory
- JSON to test format