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File metadata and controls

302 lines (231 loc) · 25 KB



In this section, we will demonstrate how to retrieve and display the output of the "show version" and "show inventory" commands using a Python Script.

That is an script basic that permit capture an inventory of our network 
using CLI as "show version" and "show inventory".

 - Create a CSV inventory file over this parameters: device name, software version, uptime, serial number

# Start our program from main
from pyats.topology.loader import load

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse

    print("Creating a Network Inventory script.")

    # Load pyATS testbed
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'NETWORK INVENTORY',description='General network inventory report')
    parser.add_argument('testbed', type=str, help='pyATS Testbed File')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print(f"Loading testbed file: {args.testbed}")

    # Create pyATS testbed object
    testbed =load(args.testbed)
    print(f"Connecting to all devices in testbed: {}")

    # Connect to network devices
    # Run command to gather output from devices

    for device in testbed.devices:
        print(f"\nGathering show version from device {device}")
        show_version[device] = testbed.devices[device].parse("show version")
        print(f"{device} show version: {show_version[device]}")

        print(f"Gathering show inventory from device {device}")
        show_inventory[device] = testbed.devices[device].parse("show inventory")
        print(f"{device} show inventory: {show_inventory[device]}")
    # Disconnect from network devices
    for device in testbed.devices:
        print(f"Disconnecting from device {device}.")
    # Built inventory report over data structure

    # Generate a CSV File of data

CLI: ./ nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml

(inventory)  devnet@Devnet  ~/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON   main ±  ./ nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml    
Creating a Network Inventory script.
Loading testbed file: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Enter default password for testbed: 

Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed: 
Connecting to all devices in testbed: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials

Gatherin show version from device core-rtr01
core-rtr01 show version: {'operating_system': 'IOSXR', 'software_version': '6.3.1', 'uptime': '2 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes',
'image': 'bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm', 'device_family': 'IOS XRv Series', 'processor': 'Pentium II Stepping 7',
'processor_memory_bytes': '3145215K', 'main_mem': 'cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.',
'chassis_detail': 'IOS XRv Chassis', 'config_register': '0x2102', 'rp_config_register': '0x2102'}

Gatherin show inventory from device core-rtr01
core-rtr01 show inventory: {'module_name': {'0/0/CPU0': {'descr': 'Route Processor type (16, 0)', 'pid': 'IOSXRV', 'vid': 'V01',
'sn': 'N/A'}}}


In this scenario, we have an exception exceptions.SchemaMissingKeyError happend when a specified schema key is missing from a parsed output.

Gatherin show version from device edge-firewall01
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/devnet/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON/./", line 40, in <module>
    show_version[device] = testbed.devices[device].parse("show version")
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 531, in genie.conf.base.device.Device.parse
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 570, in genie.conf.base.device.Device._get_parser_output
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 568, in genie.conf.base.device.Device._get_parser_output
  File "src/genie/metaparser/", line 342, in genie.metaparser._metaparser.MetaParser.parse
  File "src/genie/metaparser/", line 322, in genie.metaparser._metaparser.MetaParser.parse
  File "src/genie/metaparser/util/", line 419, in genie.metaparser.util.schemaengine.Schema.validate
genie.metaparser.util.exceptions.SchemaMissingKeyError: Missing keys: [['version', 'mem_size'], ['version', 'platform'], ['version', 'processor_type']]



CLI RUN: ./ nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml


To resolve that issue we are going to use exceptions in our code in python.

    def parse_command(device, command):
        Attempt to parse a command on a device with PyATS.
        In caase of common errors, return best info possible.
        print(f"Running {command} on {}")
            output = device.parse(command)
            return {"type":"parsed", "output": output}
        except ParserNotFound:
            print(f"\033[91mError: pyATS lacks a parser for device\033[0m")
        except SchemaMissingKeyError:
            print(f"\033[91mError: pyATS lacks missing keys for device\033[0m")



However as a result of this code we have this type of error that is little different.

Gathering show version from device edge-sw01
Running show version on edge-sw01
edge-sw01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'version': {'version_short': '15.2', 'platform': 'vios_l2', 'version': '15.2(20200924:215240)', 'image_id': 'vios_l2-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M', 'label': '[sweickge-sep24-2020-l2iol-release 135]', 'os': 'IOS', 'image_type': 'developer image', 'copyright_years': '1986-2020', 'compiled_date': 'Tue 29-Sep-20 11:53', 'compiled_by': 'sweickge', 'rom': 'Bootstrap program is IOSv', 'hostname': 'edge-sw01', 'uptime': '2 days, 16 hours, 4 minutes', 'returned_to_rom_by': 'reload', 'system_image': 'flash0:/vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m', 'last_reload_reason': 'Unknown reason', 'chassis': 'IOSv', 'main_mem': '722145', 'processor_type': '', 'rtr_type': 'IOSv', 'chassis_sn': '9JKJJ4YUDOL', 'number_of_intfs': {'Gigabit Ethernet': '4'}, 'mem_size': {'non-volatile configuration': '256'}, 'processor_board_flash': '0K', 'curr_config_register': '0x101'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device edge-sw01
Running show inventory on edge-sw01
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/devnet/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON/./", line 63, in <module>
    show_inventory[device] = parse_command(testbed.devices[device], "show inventory")
  File "/home/devnet/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON/./", line 46, in parse_command
    output = device.parse(command)
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 531, in genie.conf.base.device.Device.parse
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 570, in genie.conf.base.device.Device._get_parser_output
  File "src/genie/conf/base/", line 568, in genie.conf.base.device.Device._get_parser_output
  File "src/genie/metaparser/", line 329, in genie.metaparser._metaparser.MetaParser.parse
  File "src/genie/metaparser/", line 322, in genie.metaparser._metaparser.MetaParser.parse
  File "src/genie/metaparser/util/", line 233, in genie.metaparser.util.schemaengine.Schema.validate
genie.metaparser.util.exceptions.SchemaEmptyParserError: Parser Output is empty


That make sense is empty when insert show inventory.



In this case we need to add an other exception in order to continue the process.

 def parse_command(device, command):
        Attempt to parse a command on a device with PyATS.
        In caase of common errors, return best info possible.
        print(f"Running {command} on {}")
            output = device.parse(command)
            return {"type":"parsed", "output": output}
        except ParserNotFound:
            print(f"\033[91mError: pyATS lacks a parser for device\033[0m")
        except SchemaMissingKeyError:
            print(f"\033[91mError: pyATS lacks missing keys for device\033[0m")
        except SchemaEmptyParserError:
            print(f"\033[91mError: No valid data found in the device\033[0m")
        # device.execute runs command, gathers raw output
        output = device.execute(command)
        return {"type":"raw", "output":output}



CLI RUN: ./ nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml

(inventory)  devnet@Devnet  ~/Documents/AUTOMATING-A-NETWORK-INVENTORY-WITH-PYTHON   main ±  ./ nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml

Creating a Network Inventory Script.
Loading testbed file: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Enter default password for testbed: cisco 

Enter value for testbed.credentials.default.username: cisco
Enter enable password for testbed: cisco
Connecting to all devices in testbed: nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials

Gathering show version from device core-rtr01
Running show version on core-rtr01
core-rtr01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'operating_system': 'IOSXR', 'software_version': '6.3.1', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes', 'image': 'bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm', 'device_family': 'IOS XRv Series', 'processor': 'Pentium II Stepping 7', 'processor_memory_bytes': '3145215K', 'main_mem': 'cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.', 'chassis_detail': 'IOS XRv Chassis', 'config_register': '0x2102', 'rp_config_register': '0x2102'}}

Gathering show inventory from device core-rtr01
Running show inventory on core-rtr01
core-rtr01 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'module_name': {'0/0/CPU0': {'descr': 'Route Processor type (16, 0)', 'pid': 'IOSXRV', 'vid': 'V01', 'sn': 'N/A'}}}}

Gathering show version from device core-rtr02
Running show version on core-rtr02
core-rtr02 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'operating_system': 'IOSXR', 'software_version': '6.3.1', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes', 'image': 'bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm', 'device_family': 'IOS XRv Series', 'processor': 'Pentium II Stepping 7', 'processor_memory_bytes': '3145215K', 'main_mem': 'cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.', 'chassis_detail': 'IOS XRv Chassis', 'config_register': '0x2102', 'rp_config_register': '0x2102'}}

Gathering show inventory from device core-rtr02
Running show inventory on core-rtr02
core-rtr02 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'module_name': {'0/0/CPU0': {'descr': 'Route Processor type (16, 0)', 'pid': 'IOSXRV', 'vid': 'V01', 'sn': 'N/A'}}}}

Gathering show version from device dist-rtr01
Running show version on dist-rtr01
dist-rtr01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'version': {'xe_version': '17.03.02', 'version_short': '17.3', 'platform': 'Virtual XE', 'version': '17.3.2', 'image_id': 'X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M', 'label': 'RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)', 'os': 'IOS-XE', 'location': 'Amsterdam', 'image_type': 'production image', 'copyright_years': '1986-2020', 'compiled_date': 'Sat 31-Oct-20 13:16', 'compiled_by': 'mcpre', 'rom': 'IOS-XE ROMMON', 'hostname': 'dist-rtr01', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 16 minutes', 'uptime_this_cp': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes', 'returned_to_rom_by': 'reload', 'system_image': 'bootflash:packages.conf', 'last_reload_reason': 'reload', 'license_level': 'ax', 'license_type': 'N/A(Smart License Enabled)', 'next_reload_license_level': 'ax', 'chassis': 'CSR1000V', 'main_mem': '1105351', 'processor_type': 'VXE', 'rtr_type': 'CSR1000V', 'chassis_sn': '91EDY6XXOPI', 'router_operating_mode': 'Autonomous', 'number_of_intfs': {'Gigabit Ethernet': '6'}, 'mem_size': {'non-volatile configuration': '32768', 'physical': '3012036'}, 'disks': {'bootflash:.': {'disk_size': '6188032', 'type_of_disk': 'virtual hard disk'}}, 'curr_config_register': '0x2102'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device dist-rtr01
Running show inventory on dist-rtr01
dist-rtr01 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'main': {'chassis': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'Chassis', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Chassis', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': '91EDY6XXOPI'}}}, 'slot': {'R0': {'rp': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module R0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Route Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': 'JAB1303001C'}}}, 'F0': {'other': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module F0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Embedded Services Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': '', 'sn': ''}}}}}}

Gathering show version from device dist-rtr02
Running show version on dist-rtr02
dist-rtr02 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'version': {'xe_version': '17.03.02', 'version_short': '17.3', 'platform': 'Virtual XE', 'version': '17.3.2', 'image_id': 'X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M', 'label': 'RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)', 'os': 'IOS-XE', 'location': 'Amsterdam', 'image_type': 'production image', 'copyright_years': '1986-2020', 'compiled_date': 'Sat 31-Oct-20 13:16', 'compiled_by': 'mcpre', 'rom': 'IOS-XE ROMMON', 'hostname': 'dist-rtr02', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 16 minutes', 'uptime_this_cp': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes', 'returned_to_rom_by': 'reload', 'system_image': 'bootflash:packages.conf', 'last_reload_reason': 'reload', 'license_level': 'ax', 'license_type': 'N/A(Smart License Enabled)', 'next_reload_license_level': 'ax', 'chassis': 'CSR1000V', 'main_mem': '1105351', 'processor_type': 'VXE', 'rtr_type': 'CSR1000V', 'chassis_sn': '9X9NDJ21PR5', 'router_operating_mode': 'Autonomous', 'number_of_intfs': {'Gigabit Ethernet': '6'}, 'mem_size': {'non-volatile configuration': '32768', 'physical': '3012036'}, 'disks': {'bootflash:.': {'disk_size': '6188032', 'type_of_disk': 'virtual hard disk'}}, 'curr_config_register': '0x2102'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device dist-rtr02
Running show inventory on dist-rtr02
dist-rtr02 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'main': {'chassis': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'Chassis', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Chassis', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': '9X9NDJ21PR5'}}}, 'slot': {'R0': {'rp': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module R0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Route Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': 'JAB1303001C'}}}, 'F0': {'other': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module F0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Embedded Services Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': '', 'sn': ''}}}}}}

Gathering show version from device dist-sw01
Running show version on dist-sw01
dist-sw01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'platform': {'name': 'Nexus', 'os': 'NX-OS', 'software': {'system_version': '9.2(4)', 'system_image_file': 'bootflash:///nxos.9.2.4.bin', 'system_compile_time': '8/20/2019 7:00:00 [08/20/2019 15:52:22]'}, 'hardware': {'model': 'Nexus9000 9000v', 'chassis': 'Nexus9000 9000v', 'slots': 'None', 'rp': 'None', 'cpu': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6238 CPU @ 2.10GHz', 'memory': '8161516 kB', 'processor_board_id': '9ORBHMVBPDB', 'device_name': 'dist-sw01', 'bootflash': '3509454 kB'}, 'kernel_uptime': {'days': 2, 'hours': 17, 'minutes': 16, 'seconds': 14}, 'reason': 'Unknown'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device dist-sw01
Running show inventory on dist-sw01
dist-sw01 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'name': {'Chassis': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v', 'vid': 'V02', 'serial_number': '9ORBHMVBPDB'}, 'Slot 1': {'description': 'Nexus 9000v Ethernet Module', 'slot': '1', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v', 'vid': 'V02', 'serial_number': '9ORBHMVBPDB'}, 'Fan 1': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}, 'Fan 2': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}, 'Fan 3': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}}}}

Gathering show version from device dist-sw02
Running show version on dist-sw02
dist-sw02 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'platform': {'name': 'Nexus', 'os': 'NX-OS', 'software': {'system_version': '9.2(4)', 'system_image_file': 'bootflash:///nxos.9.2.4.bin', 'system_compile_time': '8/20/2019 7:00:00 [08/20/2019 15:52:22]'}, 'hardware': {'model': 'Nexus9000 9000v', 'chassis': 'Nexus9000 9000v', 'slots': 'None', 'rp': 'None', 'cpu': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6238 CPU @ 2.10GHz', 'memory': '8161516 kB', 'processor_board_id': '9NLTHFK2289', 'device_name': 'dist-sw02', 'bootflash': '3509454 kB'}, 'kernel_uptime': {'days': 2, 'hours': 17, 'minutes': 16, 'seconds': 11}, 'reason': 'Unknown'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device dist-sw02
Running show inventory on dist-sw02
dist-sw02 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'name': {'Chassis': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v', 'vid': 'V02', 'serial_number': '9NLTHFK2289'}, 'Slot 1': {'description': 'Nexus 9000v Ethernet Module', 'slot': '1', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v', 'vid': 'V02', 'serial_number': '9NLTHFK2289'}, 'Fan 1': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}, 'Fan 2': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}, 'Fan 3': {'description': 'Nexus9000 9000v Chassis Fan Module', 'slot': 'None', 'pid': 'N9K-9000v-FAN', 'vid': 'V01', 'serial_number': 'N/A'}}}}

Gathering show version from device edge-firewall01
Running show version on edge-firewall01
Error: pyATS lacks missing keys for device
edge-firewall01 show version: {'type': 'raw', 'output': '\r\nCisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.15(1)1 \r\nSSP Operating System Version 2.9(1.131)\r\nDevice Manager Version 7.15(1)\r\n\r\nCompiled on Fri 20-Nov-20 18:48 GMT by builders\r\nSystem image file is "boot:/asa9151-1-smp-k8.bin"\r\nConfig file at boot was "startup-config"\r\n\r\nedge-firewall01 up 2 days 17 hours\r\n\r\nHardware:   ASAv, 2048 MB RAM, CPU Xeon 4100/6100/8100 series 2100 MHz,\r\nInternal ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB\r\nSlot 1: ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB\r\nBIOS Flash Firmware Hub @ 0x1, 0KB\r\n\r\n\r\n 0: Ext: Management0/0       : address is 5254.000d.3e62, irq 10\r\n 1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0  : address is 5254.0014.a580, irq 11\r\n 2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1  : address is 5254.000e.f45b, irq 11\r\n 3: Int: Internal-Data0/0    : address is 0000.0100.0001, irq 0\r\n\r\nLicense mode: Smart Licensing\r\nASAv Platform License State: Unlicensed\r\nActive entitlement: ASAv-STD-1G, enforce mode: Eval period\r\nFirewall throughput limited to 100 Kbps\r\n\r\nLicensed features for this platform:\r\nMaximum VLANs                     : 50             \r\nInside Hosts                      : Unlimited      \r\nFailover                          : Active/Active  \r\nEncryption-DES                    : Enabled        \r\nEncryption-3DES-AES               : Enabled        \r\nSecurity Contexts                 : 2              \r\nCarrier                           : Disabled       \r\nAnyConnect Premium Peers          : 2              \r\nAnyConnect Essentials             : Disabled       \r\nOther VPN Peers                   : 250            \r\nTotal VPN Peers                   : 250            \r\nAnyConnect for Mobile             : Disabled       \r\nAnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone    : Disabled       \r\nAdvanced Endpoint Assessment      : Disabled       \r\nShared License                    : Disabled       \r\nTotal TLS Proxy Sessions          : 2              \r\nBotnet Traffic Filter             : Enabled        \r\nCluster                           : Disabled       \r\n\r\nSerial Number: 9A3LTK7V6RD\r\n\r\nImage type          : Release\r\nKey version         : A\r\n\r\nConfiguration has not been modified since last system restart.'}

Gathering show inventory from device edge-firewall01
Running show inventory on edge-firewall01
edge-firewall01 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'Chassis': {'description': 'ASAv Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance', 'pid': 'ASAv', 'vid': 'V01', 'sn': '9A3LTK7V6RD'}}}

Gathering show version from device edge-sw01
Running show version on edge-sw01
edge-sw01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'version': {'version_short': '15.2', 'platform': 'vios_l2', 'version': '15.2(20200924:215240)', 'image_id': 'vios_l2-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M', 'label': '[sweickge-sep24-2020-l2iol-release 135]', 'os': 'IOS', 'image_type': 'developer image', 'copyright_years': '1986-2020', 'compiled_date': 'Tue 29-Sep-20 11:53', 'compiled_by': 'sweickge', 'rom': 'Bootstrap program is IOSv', 'hostname': 'edge-sw01', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 12 minutes', 'returned_to_rom_by': 'reload', 'system_image': 'flash0:/vios_l2-adventerprisek9-m', 'last_reload_reason': 'Unknown reason', 'chassis': 'IOSv', 'main_mem': '722145', 'processor_type': '', 'rtr_type': 'IOSv', 'chassis_sn': '9JKJJ4YUDOL', 'number_of_intfs': {'Gigabit Ethernet': '4'}, 'mem_size': {'non-volatile configuration': '256'}, 'processor_board_flash': '0K', 'curr_config_register': '0x101'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device edge-sw01
Running show inventory on edge-sw01
Error: No valid data found in the device
edge-sw01 show inventory: {'type': 'raw', 'output': ''}

Gathering show version from device internet-rtr01
Running show version on internet-rtr01
internet-rtr01 show version: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'version': {'xe_version': '17.03.02', 'version_short': '17.3', 'platform': 'Virtual XE', 'version': '17.3.2', 'image_id': 'X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M', 'label': 'RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)', 'os': 'IOS-XE', 'location': 'Amsterdam', 'image_type': 'production image', 'copyright_years': '1986-2020', 'compiled_date': 'Sat 31-Oct-20 13:16', 'compiled_by': 'mcpre', 'rom': 'IOS-XE ROMMON', 'hostname': 'internet-rtr01', 'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 17 minutes', 'uptime_this_cp': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes', 'returned_to_rom_by': 'reload', 'system_image': 'bootflash:packages.conf', 'last_reload_reason': 'reload', 'license_level': 'ax', 'license_type': 'N/A(Smart License Enabled)', 'next_reload_license_level': 'ax', 'chassis': 'CSR1000V', 'main_mem': '2070983', 'processor_type': 'VXE', 'rtr_type': 'CSR1000V', 'chassis_sn': '9150TDM5N31', 'router_operating_mode': 'Autonomous', 'number_of_intfs': {'Gigabit Ethernet': '4'}, 'mem_size': {'non-volatile configuration': '32768', 'physical': '3978236'}, 'disks': {'bootflash:.': {'disk_size': '6188032', 'type_of_disk': 'virtual hard disk'}}, 'curr_config_register': '0x2102'}}}

Gathering show inventory from device internet-rtr01
Running show inventory on internet-rtr01
internet-rtr01 show inventory: {'type': 'parsed', 'output': {'main': {'chassis': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'Chassis', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Chassis', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': '9150TDM5N31'}}}, 'slot': {'R0': {'rp': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module R0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Route Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': 'V00', 'sn': 'JAB1303001C'}}}, 'F0': {'other': {'CSR1000V': {'name': 'module F0', 'descr': 'Cisco CSR1000V Embedded Services Processor', 'pid': 'CSR1000V', 'vid': '', 'sn': ''}}}}}}
Disconnecting from device core-rtr01.
Disconnecting from device core-rtr02.
Disconnecting from device dist-rtr01.
Disconnecting from device dist-rtr02.
Disconnecting from device dist-sw01.
Disconnecting from device dist-sw02.
Disconnecting from device edge-firewall01.
Disconnecting from device edge-sw01.
Disconnecting from device internet-rtr01.