We are going to collet data as software version, uptime, serial number over devices in our devnet sandbox.
We are going to do a schema that permit collect data using the online portal JSON and we are going to put in the comments in our code. Really usefull this methodology.
- Web Page to validate format JSON https://jsonlint.com/
'type': 'parsed',
'output': {
'operating_system': 'IOSXR',
'software_version': '6.3.1',
'uptime': '2 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes',
'image': 'bootflash:disk0/xrvr-os-mbi-6.3.1/mbixrvr-rp.vm',
'device_family': 'IOS XRv Series',
'processor': 'Pentium II Stepping 7',
'processor_memory_bytes': '3145215K',
'main_mem': 'cisco IOS XRv Series (Pentium II Stepping 7) processor with 3145215K bytes of memory.',
'chassis_detail': 'IOS XRv Chassis',
'config_register': '0x2102',
'rp_config_register': '0x2102'
'type': 'parsed',
'output': {
'module_name': {
'0/0/CPU0': {
'descr': 'Route Processor type (16, 0)',
'pid': 'IOSXRV',
'vid': 'V01',
'sn': 'N/A'
After that we need to collect the information:
# Built inventory report over data structure
# software_version: show version output ["output"]["software version"]
# uptime: show version output ["output"]["uptime"]
# serial: show inventory output ["output"]["module_name"]["MODULE"]["sn"]
def get_devices_inventory(device, show_version, show_inventory):
# Common detail from tested device
device_name = device.name
device_os = device.os
if device_os in ["ios","iosxe","nxos","iosxr","asa"]:
software_version = None
uptime = None
serial_number = None
return False
return (device_name, device_os, software_version, uptime, serial_number)
print(f"\n\033[92mAssembling network inventory data from output.\033[0m")
network_inventory = []
for device in testbed.devices:
print(f"\n\033[92mnetwork_inventory = {network_inventory}\033[0m")
CLI RUN: ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
- In this section we are going to add all the elements, and let´s to resolve with regular expresion certain parameters that you see in "None" in this phase.
Code that permit filter the parameters required to diplay the network inventory.
# Built inventory report over data structure
# software_version: show version output ["output"]["software_version"]
# uptime: show version output ["output"]["uptime"]
# sn: show inventory output ["output"]["module_name"]["MODULE"]["sn"]
# xe_version: show version output ["output"]["version"]["xe_version"]
# uptime: show version output ["output"]["version"]["uptime"]
# sn: show inventory output ["output"]["main"]["chassis"]["CSR1000V"]["sn"]
# version: show version output ["output"]["version"]["version"]
# uptime: show version output ["output"]["version"]["uptime"]
# serial:N/A show inventory output ["output"]
# system_version: show version output ["output"]["platform"]["software"]["system_version"]
# kernel_uptime: show version output ["output"]["platform"]["kernel_uptime"]
# serial_number: show inventory output ["output"]["name"]["Chassis"]["serial_number"]
# software_version: show version output ["output"] "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.15(1)1"
# uptime: show version output ["output"] "up 2 days 17 hours"
# sn: show inventory output ["output"]["Chassis"]["sn"]
def get_devices_inventory(device, show_version, show_inventory):
# Common detail from tested device
device_name = device.name
device_os = device.os
if device.os == "ios":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["version"]["version"]
uptime = show_version[device_name]["output"]["version"]["uptime"]
serial_number = None
elif device.os == "iosxe":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["version"]["xe_version"]
uptime = show_version[device_name]["output"]["version"]["uptime"]
serial_number = None
elif device.os == "nxos":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["platform"]["software"]["system_version"]
uptime = show_version[device.name]["output"]["platform"]["kernel_uptime"]
serial_number = show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["name"]["Chassis"]["serial_number"]
elif device.os == "iosxr":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["software_version"]
uptime = show_version[device.name]["output"]["uptime"]
serial_number = None
elif device.os == "asa":
software_version = None
uptime = None
serial_number = show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["Chassis"]["sn"]
return False
return (device_name, device_os, software_version, uptime, serial_number)
print(f"\n\033[92mAssembling network inventory data from output.\033[0m")
network_inventory = []
for device in testbed.devices:
print(f"\n\033[96mnetwork_inventory = {network_inventory}\033[0m")
CLI RUN: ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
The parameter serial_number is None. Output:
Assembling network inventory.
network_inventory = [('core-rtr01', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '2 days, 21 hours, 38 minutes', None), ('core-rtr02', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '2 days, 21 hours, 38 minutes', None), ('dist-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.03.02', '2 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes', None), ('dist-rtr02', 'iosxe', '17.03.02', '2 days, 21 hours, 36 minutes', None), ('dist-sw01', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', {'days': 2, 'hours': 21, 'minutes': 36, 'seconds': 28}, '9ORBHMVBPDB'), ('dist-sw02', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', {'days': 2, 'hours': 21, 'minutes': 36, 'seconds': 25}, '9NLTHFK2289'), ('edge-firewall01', 'asa', None, None, '9A3LTK7V6RD'), ('edge-sw01', 'ios', '15.2(20200924:215240)', '2 days, 21 hours, 32 minutes', None), ('internet-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.03.02', '2 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes', None)]
- In this section we are going to add all the elements, and let´s to resolve with regular expresion certain parameters that you see in "None" in this phase.
Code that permit filter the parameters required to diplay the network inventory.
def get_devices_inventory(device, show_version, show_inventory):
# Common detail from tested device
device_name = device.name
device_os = device.os
if device.os in ["ios","iosxe"]:
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["version"]["version"]
uptime = show_version[device_name]["output"]["version"]["uptime"]
# Skip devices without parsed show inventory data
if show_inventory[device.name]["output"] !="":
# Extract chassi_name = 'CSR1000V'
chassis_name = show_version[device.name]["output"]["version"]["chassis"]
serial_number = show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["main"]["chassis"][chassis_name]["sn"]
serial_number = "N/A"
elif device.os == "nxos":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["platform"]["software"]["system_version"]
uptime_dict = show_version[device.name]["output"]["platform"]["kernel_uptime"]
uptime = f'{uptime_dict["days"]} days, {uptime_dict["hours"]} hours,{uptime_dict["minutes"]} minutes'
serial_number = show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["name"]["Chassis"]["serial_number"]
elif device.os == "iosxr":
software_version = show_version[device.name]["output"]["software_version"]
uptime = show_version[device.name]["output"]["uptime"]
# Grab the serial from first module - should be the RP
# Mapping all content in module_name and capture module["sn"] as serial_number
for module in show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["module_name"].values():
serial_number = module["sn"]
CLI RUN: ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Assembling network inventory data from output.
network_inventory = [('core-rtr01', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '2 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes', 'N/A'), ('core-rtr02', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '2 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes', 'N/A'), ('dist-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '2 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes', '91EDY6XXOPI'), ('dist-rtr02', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '2 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes', '9X9NDJ21PR5'), ('dist-sw01', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', '2 days, 22 hours,51 minutes', '9ORBHMVBPDB'), ('dist-sw02', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', '2 days, 22 hours,50 minutes', '9NLTHFK2289'), ('edge-firewall01', 'asa', None, None, '9A3LTK7V6RD'), ('edge-sw01', 'ios', '15.2(20200924:215240)', '2 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes', 'N/A'), ('internet-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '2 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes', '9150TDM5N31')]
- In this section uses regular expressions (re) to obtain the coorect that in our ASA.
Script in Python:
elif device.os == "asa":
software_version_regex = "Software Version ([^\n ]*)"
uptime_regex = f"{device.name} up ([\d]* days? [\d]* hours?)"
software_version = re.search(software_version_regex, show_version[device.name]["output"]).group(1)
uptime = re.search(uptime_regex, show_version[device.name]["output"]).group(1)
serial_number = show_inventory[device.name]["output"]["Chassis"]["sn"]
RUN CLI: ./network_inventory.py nso_sandbox_testbed_same_credentials.yaml
Assembling network inventory data from output.
network_inventory = [('core-rtr01', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '3 days, 5 minutes', 'N/A'),
('core-rtr02', 'iosxr', '6.3.1', '3 days, 5 minutes', 'N/A'),
('dist-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '3 days, 4 minutes', '91EDY6XXOPI'),
('dist-rtr02', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '3 days, 4 minutes', '9X9NDJ21PR5'),
('dist-sw01', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', '3 days, 0 hours,3 minutes', '9ORBHMVBPDB'),
('dist-sw02', 'nxos', '9.2(4)', '3 days, 0 hours,3 minutes', '9NLTHFK2289'),
('edge-firewall01', 'asa', '9.15(1)1', '3 days 0 hours', '9A3LTK7V6RD'),
('edge-sw01', 'ios', '15.2(20200924:215240)', '2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes', 'N/A'),
('internet-rtr01', 'iosxe', '17.3.2', '3 days, 4 minutes', '9150TDM5N31')]
- Download in your machine Summer 2021 Devasc-Prep-Network-Inventory-01 maked by Hank Preston, that is a guide if you need help to develop all the code related how to make an inventory.
- Creation from Excel File
- Devnet Sandbox to test owner Inventory
- JSON to test format