All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Ability to close position by strategy singnal (SignalType.CLOSE = 2).
- Calculation available money on account was changed. Now, calculation method consider short positions.
- A few stability changes
- Market stream reconnect was added due feedback and the following comment in the python SDK Issue
- Backtesting code has been moved to invest-tool project.
- Removed working mode from configuration. Now, the bot project only for trading purposes. All other tools will be in repo projects.
- Trade logic and telegram api are working asynchronously. The main reason was telegram api is working pretty long, sometimes more than a few seconds. After all changes telegram messages don't block trade logic.
- Changed dependencies:
- Removed 'python-telegram-bot'
- Added 'aiogram'