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Go-RBAC: Role and Scope Based Access Control Implementation

This repository demonstrates how to implement Role and Scope-Based Access Control (RBAC) in a Go application using Redis, MySQL, and the Echo framework.


Features 🚀

  • Role-Based Access Control: Restricts access to resources based on user roles (e.g., Admin, Employee, Customer).
  • Scope-Based Permissions: Adds granular permissions for specific operations (e.g., users:read, users:create).
  • Redis Integration: Caches user roles, scopes and blacklisted access.
  • MySQL Integration: Stores user and role data persistently.
  • Secure Authentication: Includes endpoints for user registration and login.

Prerequisites 📋

  • Go: Version 1.21 or higher
  • MySQL: For storing user data
  • Redis: For caching role and scope data
  • Docker: For containerization (optional)

Project Structure 📂

├── cmd
│   └── main.go                # Application entry point
├── config
│   ├── config.go              # Configuration loader and management logic
│   └── config.yaml            # Configuration file for environment variables and application settings
├── internal
│   ├── {sub_domain}           # Grouped by subdomains or modules
│   │   ├── usecase            # Application-specific business logic
│   │   │   └── usecase.go     # Implementation of use cases for the subdomain
│   │   ├── entities           # Core domain entities
│   │   │   └── entity.go      # Definitions of core domain entities
│   │   ├── dtos               # Data Transfer Objects for request/response payloads
│   │   │   └── dtos.go        # DTO definitions for input/output operations
│   │   ├── repository         # Persistence and database layer
│   │   │   └── repository.go  # Implementation of repository interfaces
│   │   ├── delivery           # Delivery layer (e.g., HTTP handlers, routes)
│   │   │   ├── handlers.go    # Request/response handlers for the subdomain
│   │   │   └── routes.go      # Route definitions for the subdomain
│   │   ├── usecase.go         # Interface for the use case layer
│   │   ├── repository.go      # Interface for the repository layer
│   │   ├── delivery.go        # Interface for the delivery layer
├── middleware                 # Custom middleware (e.g., RBAC, logging, authentication)
├── pkg                        # Shared libraries or utility functions
│   ├── redis                  # Utilities for Redis interactions
│   ├── constants              # Application-wide constants and enumerations
│   ├── utils                  # General utility functions and helpers
│   ├── datasources            # Data source configuration and initialization (e.g., MySQL, Redis)
│   └── rbac                   # Role-based access control utilities and logic
├── migrations                 # Database migration files
├── infrastructure             # Infrastructure setup and configurations
│   └── docker-compose.yml     # Docker Compose configuration for service orchestration
├── docs                       # Documentation (e.g., API specifications, design documents)
├── tests                      # Testing suite for various layers
│   ├── e2e                    # End-to-end tests
│   ├── unit                   # Unit tests
│   └── integration            # Integration tests
├──                  # Project documentation
└── Makefile                   # Build and automation instructions for the project

Endpoints and Access Requirements 🌐

Endpoint HTTP Method Scope Roles with Access Description
/users GET users:read Admin, Employee Retrieve the list of users.
/users/:id PUT users:update Admin, Employee Update user details.
/users POST users:create Admin Create a new user.
/users/:id DELETE users:delete Admin Delete a user.
/profile GET profile:read Customer, Employee Retrieve the authenticated user's profile.
/profile PUT profile:update Customer, Employee Update the authenticated user's profile.

Installation & Setup 🛠️

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd go-rbac

Run the Application

The make run command will:

  • Start the Docker containers for Redis and the database (if not already running).
  • Apply any pending database migrations.
  • Start the application.
make run

Example Implementation 🧑‍💻

Middleware for Role Validation

func (m *Middleware) RolesMiddleware(roles ...constants.UserRole) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			jwtData, ok := c.Get(constants.AuthCredentialContextKey.String()).(*security.JWTClaims)
			if !ok {
				return response.ErrorBuilder(app_errors.Forbidden(app_errors.ErrAccessDenied)).Send(c)

			if !m.hasRequiredRole(jwtData.Role, roles) {
				return response.ErrorBuilder(app_errors.Forbidden(app_errors.ErrAccessDenied)).Send(c)

			// Store the token claims in the request context for later use
			c.Set(constants.AuthCredentialContextKey.String(), jwtData)

			return next(c)

func (m *Middleware) hasRequiredRole(userRole constants.UserRole, roles []constants.UserRole) bool {
	for _, r := range roles {
		if r == userRole {
			return true
	return false

Middleware for Scope Validation

func (m *Middleware) PermissionsMiddleware(permissions ...constants.Permission) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			jwtData, ok := c.Get(constants.AuthCredentialContextKey.String()).(*security.JWTClaims)
			if !ok {
				return response.ErrorBuilder(app_errors.Forbidden(app_errors.ErrAccessDenied)).Send(c)

			if !m.hasRequiredPermission(jwtData.Permissions, permissions) {
				return response.ErrorBuilder(app_errors.Forbidden(app_errors.ErrAccessDenied)).Send(c)

			c.Set(constants.AuthCredentialContextKey.String(), jwtData)

			return next(c)

func (m *Middleware) hasRequiredPermission(userPermissions, requiredPermissions []constants.Permission) bool {
	requiredPermissionsMap := make(map[constants.Permission]bool)
	for _, permission := range requiredPermissions {
		requiredPermissionsMap[permission] = true

	for _, permission := range userPermissions {
		if requiredPermissionsMap[permission] {
			return true

	return false

Assign Middleware to Endpoints

func MapUserRoutes(g echo.Group, h users.Handlers, mw *middlewares.Middleware) {
	users := g.Group("/users", mw.JWTMiddleware())
	users.POST("", h.CreateUserHandler, mw.RolesMiddleware(constants.AdminUserRole), mw.PermissionsMiddleware(constants.UsersCreatePermission))

Configuration ⚙️

  Name: "go-rbac"
  Version: "0.0.1"
  Scheme: "http"
  Host: "localhost:3002"
  Environment: local #local,development,staging,production
  Port: "3002"
  Debug: true
  TimeZone: "Asia/Jakarta"

  Host: ""
  Port: "3306"
  DBName: "go_rbac"
  UserName: "root"
  Password: "pwd"
  Debug: true

    Key: "95476ff7-c7b2-49d7-853e-322b6f983914"
    ExpiredInSecond: 3600

API Documentation 📑


This repository provides a set of API endpoints for managing roles, permissions, and user access. The API allows you to create, update, retrieve, and delete roles, permissions, and role-permission mappings. It also supports secure JWT-based authentication to enforce role-based access control.

Explore Swagger Documentation

For a detailed description of all the available API endpoints, request/response formats, and examples, explore our Swagger documentation at the following link:

The Swagger documentation will provide detailed information on:

  • Available Endpoints: All API routes for managing users, roles, permissions, and access control.
  • Request/Response Formats: Detailed format for the expected input and output of each API endpoint.
  • Authentication: How to authenticate requests using JWT tokens.
  • Role and Permission Validation: How roles and permissions are validated for each endpoint.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing 🤝

Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to improve this project. Contributions are always welcome!

This `` file includes the project overview, structure, setup instructions, endpoint details, and example implementations. Let me know if you'd like to add or modify any sections!