A collaborative machine learning framework that operates through Tor.
TorMentor is described as part of a paper on brokered learning:
Brokered Agreements in Multi-Party Machine Learning. Clement Fung, Ivan Beschastnikh. APSys 2019
@inproceedings{Fung2019, author = {Fung, Clement and Beschastnikh, Ivan}, title = {{Brokered Agreements in Multi-Party Machine Learning}}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1145/3343737.3343744}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys)}, pages = {69–75}, }
TorMentor is further detailed in an Arxiv paper:
Dancing in the Dark: Private Multi-Party Machine Learning in an Untrusted Setting. Clement Fung, Jamie Koerner, Stewart Grant, Ivan Beschastnikh.
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1811-09712, author = {Clement Fung and Jamie Koerner and Stewart Grant and Ivan Beschastnikh}, title = {{Dancing in the Dark: Private Multi-Party Machine Learning in an Untrusted Setting}}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1811.09712}, year = {2018}, }
May 11th - UBC Cybersecurity Summit: Talk Poster
Everything is stored in two directories: DistSys (in Golang, all the distributed systems logic) and ML (in Python, all the ML logic)
We use go-python to link the two.
Before running the system, all machines need to have tor installed.
If your ISP blocks Tor, a mirror is available here: https://thetorproject.github.io/gettor/
Once Tor is installed, the service machine needs to open up the hidden service. Do this by modifying the torrc (config file).
I found this file in: <tor_dir>/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor
Add the following config parameters:
HiddenServiceDir <your_directory>
HiddenServicePort 80 # Port for the webinterface
HiddenServicePort 5005 # Control port, used for joining and curating
HiddenServicePort 6000 # Worker ports: By default we use from 6000 - 6010
HiddenServicePort 6001
HiddenServicePort etc...
Log notice file /home/cfung/workspace/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Log/tor.log
UseBridges 1
Add one HiddenServicePort for every connection you want the tor server to handle.
On server machine:
go run torserver.go
On each client machines:
go run torcurator.go curatorName minClients isLocal
go run torclient.go node1 datasetName epsilon isLocal
go run torclient.go node2 datasetName epsilon isLocal
go run torclient.go node3 datasetName epsilon isLocal
A good test set is the credit dataset: and use: credit1, credit2, creditbad.... etc.
An example deployment, 3 clients, with epsilon=1, running through Tor:
go run torserver.go
go run torcurator.go c1 3
go run torclient.go h1 credit1 1
go run torclient.go h2 credit2 1
go run torclient.go h3 credit3 1