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Open Synaptic Event Analyzer for Python

License Build status Version

openSEApy is a python package for the detection of spontaneous events in time series of patchclamp signals.


Currently, the package is only available on github. To run the openSEApy package, the eventsearch is required.

git clone
cd eventsearch && python install

If the eventsearch source is cloned into the snaa source, the testing will fail, because the imports in the 'eventesearch/tests/' will not be resolved properly. To prevent this use separate source folders or delete the 'eventesearch/tests/' folder.

Recommended folder structure:

.                   # source folder
├── ...
├── eventsearch     # eventsearch code
│   ├── ...
│   └── tests
└── openseapy       # openSEApy code
    ├── ... 
    └── tests

After installing the eventsearch package, you can install the openSEApy package.

git clone
cd snaa && python install


The package has an unittest for the core functions. Run the test in the 'openseapy/' or 'openseapy/tests/' folder.

python -m unittest




The data has to be converted to a SingleSignal object to be analyzed. This can be done manually by creating a blank SingleSignal object and adding the time and signal data or be loading a single or a group of Heka-mat- or generic csv-files.


from openseapy.loader import CSVLoader
from openseapy.signals import SingleSignal

series = next(CSVLoader(time_row=0)('a_file.csv'))
t = series.index
y = series.values

signal = SingleSignal(t, y, name='test_data')

After loading the arrays for time t and signal values y, the arrays will be given to the SingleSignal initializer. In this case, the data will be loaded by the library own loader class for CSV files. It is possible to use alternative methods corresponding to your data and needs. The parameter name is optional. You can set a custom name. The signal will be registered in the global signal_names variable. If you try to register an additional signal with the same name, the program rises a NameError to prevent multiple or misleading signals. If this is not necessary, the registration of the signal can be deactivated with the parameter listed=False.

Loader classes

from openseapy.loader import CSVLoader, collect_data

loader = CSVLoader(amplify=1e15, time_row=0, sample_rate=50e3)

sources_dict = {
    'data/file_1.csv': {
        'type': 'cortex cell',
        'comment': ''
    'data/file_2.csv': {
        'type': 'cortex cell',
        'comment': ''
    'data/file_3.csv': {
        'type': 'horizontal cell',
        'comment': 'different cell!'

dataset = collect_data(loader, sources_dict, 'data/collected_data.h5')

First, the loader function will be created. In this case, the signal values will be amplified by 1e15 instead of the default 1e12. The time vector will be proofed with both parameter time_row=0 and sample_rate=50e3 set. If the sample rate of the time vector differs from the given value, a AssertionError will be risen. The sorces_dict dictionary defines the location of the data as keys and additional parameter, which will be stored in the dataframe, as values.

By calling collect_data(loader, sources_dict, 'data/collected_data.h5') the function iterates over the dictionary and extract, register the traces and store the traces in the hdf file data/collected_data.h5. Additionally, the function returns a SNADataset object containing of the loaded data.

Dataset class

The SNADataset class can be used to handle and preprocess the data. An additional benefit is the reduction of needed RAM, because the signal data will be loaded dynamically form the hdf file. The SNADataset object reacts like a dictionary. To access a signal use square brackets and the trace name like it is stored in the trace_df dataframe.

For machine learning an extended version of the SNADataset exist in ml/ This version can generate a tfdata instance that can directly be used for training and validation.


from import EventDataFrame

event_df = EventDataFrame()
event_df.add_signal(signal), pos_threshold=2e3, min_peak_threshold=5)'data/events.h5')

First, an EventDataFrame object have to be created. To analyze signals, the signals have to be added to the EventDataFrame object. Alternatively, it is possible to set a complete SNADataset as source for analysing with the set_dataset method. By calling the search method, the added signals will be analyzed with the slope algorithm. The event dataframe can be accessed via die attribute data. EventDataFrame objects can be saved. The resulting hdf file contains the dataframe with the event data and the signals. Thus, the saved file contains all needed information.

The slope algorithm generates several event values. _time marks a relative time position related to the reference_time value and _value marks a relative signal value related to the reference_value. Thus, all values are directly comparable. The calculated values are:

  • zero_grad_start: previous 0 gradient before the event start
  • start: start of the event (linearized)
  • peak: peak of the event
  • end: end of the event
  • zero_grad_end: first 0 gradient after the end of the event
  • slope: maximum slope of the step
  • half_rising: 50% of the step
  • rising_20: 20% of the step
  • rising_80: 80% ot the step
  • simplified_peak_start: start of the peak for the linearized event shape
  • simplified_peak_end: end of the peak for the linearized event shape
  • rising_time: duration of the step
  • recovery_time: duration of the recovery
  • integral: area of the event
  • phase_counter: number of positive inflection points during the step
  • previous_event_time_period: period between the end of the previous and start of the current event
  • previous_event_reference_period: period of the reference points to the previous event
  • intersection_problem: the current event starts before the previous event ends
  • overlapping: the current peak exists before the previous event ends
  • event_complex: the current event has intersecting events before or after
  • pre_peak: local maximum before the peak
  • fitted_camp_ymax: settle value of the fitted exponential function
  • fitted_camp_tau: time constant of the fitted exponential function
  • fitted_camp_loss: loss of the fit
  • fitted_camp_status: status of the fit corresponding to scipy minimize result

The fit of the exponential function can be deactivated by search(extend=False). This reduces the calculation time.

slope algorithm

example event

The plot shows an exemplary signal and the analysis with the slope algorithm. The deviation of an unfiltered signal enhanced higher frequencies. Thus, the deviations become high dynamical. To prevent this, the signal will be filtered. The lower plot shows the deviation of the filtered signal. The original signal is shown in the upper plot. The lower plot shows the negative and positive trigger points that will be used to determine the start and end of an event. Based on the start and end point approximations the program calculates the other values based on linearisations and further analyses.

The following table shows the calculated parameter of the event of the figure.

Parameter Value
reference_time 0.094789
reference_value -20.567857
start_time 0.000071
end_time 0.004231
start_value 0.274873
end_value -18.020033
peak_time 0.002391
peak_value -53.798121
phase_counter 4.0
signal_name test
zero_grad_start_time -0.000069
zero_grad_start_value 1.211473
zero_grad_end_time 0.004831
zero_grad_end_value -15.210235
slope -49055.63148
half_rising_value -26.293324
half_rising_time 0.001424
rising_20_value -9.790446
rising_20_time 0.000691
rising_80_value -42.796203
rising_80_time 0.001733
simplified_peak_start_value -49.835413
simplified_peak_start_time 0.002214
simplified_peak_end_value -49.835413
simplified_peak_end_time 0.002411
simplified_peak_duration 0.000197
rising_time 0.002142
recovery_time 0.00182
previous_event_time_gap 0.002749
previous_event_reference_period 0.004436
intersection_problem False
overlapping False
event_complex False
previous_event_integral -0.006017
previous_event_integral_difference -0.114687
pre_peak_time -0.000069
pre_peak_value 1.211473
fitted_cap_ymax -13.577154
fitted_cap_tau 0.000874
fitted_cap_loss 2.375363
fitted_cap_status 0.0
integral -0.221727


Autoclassifier schemata

The Autoclassifier is an extension of the autoencoder principle. Instead of decoding the data back to the time domain, the Autoclassifier classifies the latent domain of the encoder. Equal to an autoencoder, the Autoclassifier has to be build from two models. I recommend to train your own models, but a set of sample models is nested in the ml subpackage. Further information

  • how the Autoclassifier have to be trained and
  • how the Autoclassicier works

can be found in the preprint on A reviewed version will be published soon.

The following code shows how the Autoclassifier can be used:

import os
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, load_model

from import SNADataset
from import analyse_autoclassifier

# building utilities 
coding_length = 128

class AutoClassifier(Model):
    def __init__(self, encoder, classifier):
        super(AutoClassifier, self).__init__()

        self.encoder = encoder
        self.classifier = classifier

        assert self.encoder._distribution_strategy is self.classifier._distribution_strategy
        self._distribution_strategy = self.encoder._distribution_strategy

        assert self.encoder._run_eagerly is self.classifier._run_eagerly
        self._run_eagerly = self.encoder._run_eagerly

    def call(self, x):
        encoded = self.encoder(x)
        classified = self.classifier(encoded)

        return classified

    def save(self, base_name, *args, **kwargs):
        filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(base_name)
        encoder_file = filename + '_encoder' + file_extension
        classifier_file = filename + '_classifier' + file_extension, *args, **kwargs), *args, **kwargs)

    def load(cls, encoder_path, classifier_path, *args, **kwargs):
        encoder = load_model(encoder_path, *args, **kwargs)
        classifier = load_model(classifier_path, *args, **kwargs)           

        return cls(encoder=encoder, classifier=classifier)

# load models and data 
autoclassifier = AutoClassifier.load(

data =

# build tfdata 
tfdata =
    lambda: data.sequence_generator(),
    output_types=(tf.float32, tf.float32),
    output_shapes=((coding_length, 1),(coding_length, 1))

# calculating the state signal and detecting the events
ac_data = np.argmax(autoclassifier.predict(tfdata.batch(1)), axis=1)

tmp_nans = np.empty(64)

autoclassifier_data = np.concatenate((tmp_nans, ac_data, tmp_nans))

ac_events, ac_event_numbers = analyse_autoclassifier(autoclassifier_data)

The event parameter can be calculated by the EventDataFrame class. But instead of searching with an algorithm, the ac_event_numbers is an event mask and can be analysed by event_df.check_event_mask(ac_event_numbers).


This software was developed on the institute for process machinery in cooperation with the institute for animal physiology.


Apache License 2.0