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100 lines (89 loc) · 3.9 KB

File metadata and controls

100 lines (89 loc) · 3.9 KB
  • logout controller
  • logout frontend
  • add initial deposit frontend
  • add monthly recurring income
  • add hasSetIncome in user.model
  • add hasSetExpenses in user.model
  • add monthlyIncome in user.model
  • add monthlyExpenses in user.model
  • get Transactions controller + route
  • create Transaction controller + route
  • Merge income and expenses in a single route w/ controller as you can't have expense more than income
  • filter Transactions feature
  • Demo user in register/login
  • Pro version of the thing with stripe integration
  • DashBoard

    • SideBar
      • Logout at the bottom of the sidebar
    • Overview
    • Transactions
    • Settings / Account
  • Goals

    • Goals not found frontend
    • Goals model, finalAmount, currentAmount, title, desc
    • Each goal seperate page
    • when do you wan't this goal to finish? shadcn datetime in the frontend
    • paginate goals display
    • GoalsDisplay doesn't immideatly refresh to add the new goal after creating a new goal
  • update goal controller w/ endpoint

  • show successfull toast messages whenever a req user makes is 200ok, for AddMoneyToGoal

  • user avatar

  • Setings page: theme switch

  • change password

  • add date of birth

  • update income and expense

  • export all transaction data as a csv

  • export all goals data as a csv

  • in overview add option to control + k andd add "Tip: try ctrl + k"

  • update account balance

  • overview: you can update this in /account ; incomeAndExpense / accountBalance

  • give feedback controller

  • update date-of-birth controller

  • delete goal option w/ alert dialog shadcn

  • delete goal controller

  • register component immideatly logges user in

  • stripe integration w/ upgrade to pro

  • submit feedback button will open a shadcn drawer

  • created-date in each goalDisplay + singularGoalView

  • deleting a goal add money back to the user's balance

  • danger zone in settings made with shadcn accordian:

    • delete all goals; this doesn't work for demo account
    • delete all transactions; this doesn't work for demo account
    • delete account permanantly; this doesn't work for demo account
  • add react-hot-toast

  • remove password from all findByIdAndUpdateQueries

  • Demo user - as a paid user

  • insights page: only for paid users, has the ui blurred, says "Upgrade to premium or login as a paid user"

  • goals tabluar view : check mantine ui table

  • a little "i" in the Wallet label in add expense that tells user that selecting cash would deduct this ammount from their account balance

  • Issue: Stripe Integration

  • Issue: Doesn't work in brave browser

  • Issue: repo link in project

  • Issue: Logout toast notifications

  • Issue: loading icons in GoalsDisplay & transactionDisplay

  • filetype check in frontend when uploading avatar

  • Issue: refreshing causes app to crash - vercel.json

  • change html title and metadata to spendsync!

  • get current user controller in backend
  • get the latest user data in the App component
  • single transaction loading skeleton
  • searching in transactions
  • sorting in transactions
  • fix issue w/ going to transaction page when there are no transactions, screen flickering
  • fix feedback styling


  • Fixed income and expense

  • Income this week

  • Income this month

  • Income this year

  • Expense this week

  • Expense this month

  • Expense this year

  • [ ]