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Frequently Asked Questions

Despical edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 18 revisions

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Limitation of liability disclaimer

King of the Ladder plugin SHOULD BE RUN on a separate world when using it on
multi-mode servers like Factions, Survival, SkyBlock etc.

What King of the Ladder modifies in the world:

  • Might not be compatible with other minigames (game behavior may broke)


Supported versions of King of the Ladder

Supported versions are currently 1.9-1.15.2. If your plugin doesn't startup and
you don't have this version you're receiving this message:

_   _           _                                                    _                _
 | \ | |   ___   | |_     ___   _   _   _ __    _ __     ___    _ __  | |_    ___    __| |
 |  \| |  / _ \  | __|   / __| | | | | | '_ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | '__| | __|  / _ \  / _` |
 | |\  | | (_) | | |_    \__ \ | |_| | | |_) | | |_) | | (_) | | |    | |_  |  __/ | (_| |
 |_| \_|  \___/   \__|   |___/  \__,_| | .__/  | .__/   \___/  |_|     \__|  \___|  \__,_|
                                       |_|     |_|
Your server version is not supported by King of the Ladder!
Sadly, we must shut off. Maybe you consider changing your server version?

When will King of the Ladder support 1.16 and above

We are waiting for HolographicDisplays plugin to update our plugin to 1.16 and above.

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