Descent SDK is a Typescript library that makes it easy to build applications on top of Descent's multi-currency Stablecoin System. You can use Descent's contracts to open Collateralized Debt Positions, withdraw loans in xNGN, trade tokens on Onboard Exchange, and more.
The library features a pluggable, service-based architecture, which allows users maximal control when integrating the Descent protocol's functionality into existing infrastructures. It also includes convenient configuration presets for out-of-the-box usability, and support for both front-end and back-end applications.
Descent's entire suite of contracts will eventually be accessible through this library—including the DAO governance and the current alpha version is limited to the following areas:
- Managing Vault Positions
- Locking and unlocking collateral
- Withdrawing and repaying xNGN
- Automated token conversions
- Buying and selling $DSN and $xNGN with built-in DEX integration
- ✅ Improve presets and configuration settings
- ✅ Make configuration services oriented
- ✅ Perform getters using MultiStaticCall in the protocol-periphery contract to interact with the VaultGetter contract
- ✅ Perform state change calls using the VaultRouter protocol-periphery contract
- Enable listening of events for state changes
- Add functionality for automated token conversions (V2)
- Add functionality for buying and selling of $DSN and $xNGN in DEXs (V2)
- Add USD onramp and xNGN offramp functionalities (V2)
Install the package with npm in your terminal:
npm install @descent-protocol/sdk
Once it's installed, import the module into your project as shown below.
import Descent from '@descent-protocol/sdk';
// or
const Descent = require('@descent-protocol/sdk');
This library is also usable as a browser module
<script src="./descent.js" />
// once the script loads, window.Descent is available
Quick examples
This code uses getVaultInfo to look up a vault that was created in the Descent protocol UI. Since this code is only reading data, not creating any transactions, it is not necessary to provide a private key or connect a wallet.
// you provide these values
const infuraKey = 'your-infura-api-key';
const ownerAddress = '0xf00...';
const descent = await Descent.create('https', {
url: `${infuraKey}`
collateral: 'USDC'
const vaultInfo = descent.getVaultInfo(ownerAddress);
vault.depositedCollateral, // amount of collateral tokens deposited
vault.collateralLocked, // amount of collateral locked in the system
vault.borrowedAmount, // amount of currency(xNGN) debt
vault.accruedFees, // amount of fees accrued by the vault
vault.currentCollateralRatio, // collateralValue to debt ratio
vault.healthFactor, // vaults health factor to determine liquidatable status
vault.availableCollateral, // amount of collateral in the system available
vault.availablexNGN, // amount of xNGN in the system ready to be minted
vault.currentRate, // current accumulated rate of vault
You can configure the behavior of descent.js by passing different arguments to Descent.create. The first argument is the name of a preset, and the second is an options object.
Use this preset when using the library in a browser environment. It will attempt to connect using window.ethereum or window.web3. Make sure you pass in the connected browser provider instance -
Connect to a JSON-RPC node. Requires url to be set in the options.
const descentBrowser = await Descent.create('browser');
const descentHttp = await Descent.create('httpsRA_PROJECT_ID'
- Optional. The private key used to sign transactions. If this is omitted, the first account available from the Ethereum provider will be used. Only used with the 'https' preset.
- If this is omitted and the provider does not have an unlocked account, the descent object will start in read-only mode.
- The URL of the node to connect to. Only used with the 'http' preset.
- For advanced users. You can inject your own custom instance of a Web3 provider with this, instead of using the default HttpProvider.
// It doesn't necessarily make sense to set all these
// options at the same time (e.g. `url` and `inject`),
// this is just meant to illustrate the shape of the
// options object.
const descent = await Descent.create('https', {
privateKey: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, // '0xabc...'
url: '',
ethereum: someProviderInstance
descent.getVaultInfo(ownerAddress: string): Promise<{}>
Gets detailed information about a vault specified by the owner's address.
- `ownerAddress``: The owner's address of the vault.
- A promise resolving to the vault information.
healthFactor: 'Safe',
depositedCollateral: 670000000n, // returns in 6 decimals - 1e6
collateralLocked: 227255070n, // returns in 6 decimals - 1e6
borrowedAmount: 187391000000000000000000n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
accruedFees: 94431149147375637960n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
currentCollateralRatio: 25439000155922303400n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
availableCollateral: 442744930n, // returns in 6 decimals - 1e6
availablexNGN: 365264568850852624362040n // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
descent.setupVault(): Promise<{}>
Initializes a vault for a first time user and sets up the appropriate configuration for the vault on the ssmart contract
- A promise resolving to the transaction object.
descent.getVaultSetupStatus(): Promise<{}>
Checks if a vault has already been initialized for the connected address or owner.
- A boolean.
descent.depositCollateral('100'): Promise<{}>
Deposits USDC for a particular vault.
: The amount of unlocked collateral to deposit.
- A promise resolving to the transaction object.
descent.borrowCurrency('10000'): Promise<{}>
Borrows xNGN against deposited USDC.
: The amount ofxNGN
to borrow.
- A promise resolving to the transaction object.
descent.repayCurrency('9000'): Promise<{}>
Repays borrowed xNGN
for a particular vault.
: The amount ofxNGN
to repay.
- A promise resolving to the transaction object.
descent.withdrawCollateal('9000'): Promise<{}>
Withdraws USDC for a particular vault.
: The amount of unlocked collateral to withdraw.
- A promise resolving to the transaction object.
descent.getCollateralInfo(): Promise<{}>
Gets information about the collateral initialized in create()
- A promise resolving to the collateral information.
totalDepositedCollateral: 4004000000n, // returns in 6 decimals - 1e6
totalBorrowedAmount: 1668492000000000000000000n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
liquidationThreshold: '750000000000000000', // returns in 18 decimals - 1e16 - should be represented in percentage
debtCeiling: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
rate: 24999999949728000n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e16
minDeposit: 0n, // returns in 18 decimals - 1e18
collateralPrice: 1100000000n // returns in 6 decimals - 1e6
Helper functions to ease interaction with different token contracts.
descent.getCollateralTokenBalance(ownerAddress: string): Promise<{}>
Gets the balance of USDC for an address
: The address of the account connected
- The usdc balance of the account
descent.approveCollateral('100'): Promise<{}>
Approves the vault contract to get allowance of specified amount for the USDC token
: The amount of allowance to give
- Returns transaction object
descent.getxNGNBalance(ownerAddress: string): Promise<{}>
Gets the balance of xNGN for an address
: The address of the account connected
- The xNGN balance of the account
descent.approvexNGN('100'): Promise<{}>
Approves the vault contract to get allowance of specified amount for the xNGN token
: The amount of allowance to give
- Returns transaction object