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Vitamin provides a VitaminSegmentedControl class which handles specific colors and typography for selected and unselected items.

import Vitamin

// This segmented control will have two options, the first item will be selected and in footnoteBold text style and blue
let twoSegments = VitaminSegmentedControl(items: ["One", "Two"])
twoSegments.selectedSegmentIndex = 0

// This  segmented control will have three options, the second item will be selected and in footnoteBold text style and blue
let threeSegments = VitaminSegmentedControl(items: ["One", "Two", "Three"])
threeSegments.selectedSegmentIndex = 1

// This  segmented control will have four options, the third item will be selected and in footnoteBold text style and blue
let fourSegments = VitaminSegmentedControl(items: ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"])
fourSegments.selectedSegmentIndex = 2

Standard use

Since it is a direct subclass of standard UISegmentedControl, it can be used exactly like this one.

Common use case

A common use case of VitaminSegmentedControl is to use it at the top of a view, and display a viewController below, depending on the selected segment. In order to ease this use case, Vitamin provides a VitaminSegmentedControlController.

You can only instantiate it by code (not in a storyboard or xib), and the constructor takes the following parameters:

  • an array of UIViewController: the list of controllers you want to display below the VitaminSegmentedControl. Each view controller should have a title, because this title will be displayed as value for each segment.
  • a defaultSegmentIndex Int: represents the segment index that will be selected at first display
  • a boolean fullWidthSegmentedControl: indicates if the segmented control (that will always be centered horizontally in view) should take the width of the view (with a padding of 10px on each side), or should just take the needed space for displaying the labels. Default value is false.
  • a segmentedControlTopMargin CGFloat: represents the space between the top of the safe area and the top of the VitaminSegmentedControl. Default value is 10.
  • a segmentedControlBottomMargin CGFloat: represents the space between the bottom of the VitaminSegmentedControl and the view that will host the viewControllers. Default value is 10.

Each of these parameters, except defaultSegmentIndex which has no sense after initialization, can be set afterwards.

⚠️ if you want to modify the list of viewControllers, please do not modify the list directly, but recreate a new list, et reset it to the viewControllers property.

// SampleLabelViewController is just a example of viewController that has a centered label
let firstVc = SampleLabelViewController()
firstVc.sampleText = "First ViewController"
firstVc.title = "First"

let secondVc = SampleLabelViewController()
secondVc.sampleText = "Second ViewController"
secondVc.title = "Second"

let thirdVc = SampleLabelViewController()
thirdVc.sampleText = "Third ViewController"
thirdVc.title = "Third"

// this will display a `VitaminSegmentedControl` with "First", "Second", "Third" segments,
// the `VitaminSegmentedControl` component will the full width of the screen
// and by default, the "Second" index will be selected (and secondVc dislayed below)
let segmentedControlVc = VitaminSegmentedControlController([firstVc, secondVc, thirdVc], defaultSegmentIndex: 1)
segmentedControlVc.title = "VitaminSegmentedControlController"
segmentedControlVc.fullWidthSegmentedControl = true

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(segmentedControlVc, animated: true)