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Bluetooth LE with nodejs on Raspberry PI - Talking to a BBC micro:bit

Tested on a Raspberry PI 3B with Rasbian Stretch Lite and RaspiOS Lite

This is just an experiment, not a full fledged library.

Installing BLUEZ

Install Prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libudev-dev
sudo apt-get install libical-dev
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev

Download Bluez:

tar -xvf bluez-5.54.tar.xz
cd bluez-5.54

Compile and install:

sudo ./configure        (--disable-systemd) ???
sudo make
sudo make install

You may now remove the folder bluez-5.54 and the .xz file if you wish.

Reboot the Pi.

Edit: /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service

Add "--experimental" to the 'ExecStart' line:

ExecStart=/usr/local/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd --experimental
systemctl start bluetooth
systemctl status bluetooth

This should show 'active (running)'.

Nodejs app with NOBLE

Step 1

  • First Install BLUEZ (see above)

Step 2

Step 3

  • Run: npm init

    This will install noble and @abandonware/bluetooth-hci-socket

    Ignore the errors during the building of bluetooth-hci-socket

Step 4

  • Edit line 6 of node_modules/noble/lib/hci-socket/hci.js like this:
var BluetoothHciSocket = require('@abandonware/bluetooth-hci-socket');

To make your own app:

npm init -y
npm install noble --save
npm install @abandonware/bluetooth-hci-socket --save

And then edit node_modules/noble/lib/hci-socket/hci.js

Step 5 - Preparing your Micro:bit

Option 1

Install MicroBLE.hex on your micro:bit.

You can also try one of the other .hex files. More info about those here:

After the micro:bit reboots, you should see this pattern:


Option 2 - Create your own .hex file

Go to and create a new project.

Install the bluetooth services.


Create the app. Mine looks like this:


Make sure to select 'No pairing required' in the project settings.


Upload it to the micro:bit.


The micro:bit has very little memory. Adding all 6 BLE services to your app results in a memory error. If the micro:bit shows a sad face and then the number 020, it means your program is too large.

Step 6

sudo node scan.js

This will scan for Bluetooth LE devices and exit if it finds a micro:bit.

sudo node temperature.js

This will scan for Bluetooth LE devices and connect to the first micro:bit it finds and read the temperature.


sudo node fulltest.js

This script will connect to the first micro:bit it finds and send some commands to it:

  • Read temperature
  • Read the state of the 2 buttons
  • Show a few patterns on the LED matrix
  • Toggle PINs 0, 1 and 2 low/high a few times
  • Wait for a few button presses



To run without sudo:

sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

Using bluetoothctl

You can use this tool to browse the BLE services of a device.

sudo bluetoothctl

power on
scan on
scan off
connect DD:82:10:FF:52:5E               <- add the address of your device here
menu gatt
select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_DD_82_10_FF_52_5E/service0013       <- sample
power off


Reading of the Accelerometer and Magnetometer is not implemented (yet).

server.js is a WIP