Generates a dependency graph suitable for Graphviz dot
tool (dotfile
) from a
Debian Packages.gz
file. The generated graph uses debtree
's conventions:
- Build-Depends: dark gold, bold
- Build-Depends-Indep: light gold
- Pre-Depends: purple, bold
- Depends: blue
- Recommends: black
- Suggests: black, dotted
- Conflicts: red
- Provides: green, inverted arrowhead
This tool is also able to generate a dotfile
detailing debtree
Based on Stefano Zacchiroli's depgraph
One must git clone
or download this repository, have a Python 3 interpreter
and install the dependencies as detailed below.
This project depends on the python-debian
module and may use python-apt
. As
is currently very outdated on PyPI, it is recommended to install
these dependencies using APT or a similar package management tool from your
distribution of choice.
For Debian based distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, etc) these are installed by:
apt install python3-debian python3-apt
To write the dependency graph's dotfile
on the standard output:
pdg g MyPackagesFile
A similar command will write the legend of the dependency graph on the standard output:
pdg l MyPackagesFile
You may want to save the generated dotfile
for generating the graph later. In
a POSIX shell you may simply use redirections:
pdg g MyPackagesFile >
Generating the graph as an Encapsulated Postscript file (or any dot
driver, if you please) as a one-liner:
pdg g MyPackagesFile | dot -Teps > my_graph.eps