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File metadata and controls

258 lines (191 loc) · 13.1 KB

0. Redis utils

Contributor: Mostafa

Description: Inside the folder utils, create a file redis.js that contains the class RedisClient.

RedisClient should have:

  • The constructor that creates a client to Redis.
  • Any error of the Redis client must be displayed in the console (you should use on('error') of the Redis client).
  • A function isAlive that returns true when the connection to Redis is successful, otherwise false.
  • An asynchronous function get that takes a string key as argument and returns the Redis value stored for this key.
  • An asynchronous function set that takes a string key, a value, and a duration in seconds as arguments to store it in Redis (with an expiration set by the duration argument).
  • An asynchronous function del that takes a string key as argument and removes the value in Redis for this key.

After the class definition, create and export an instance of RedisClient called redisClient.

1. MongoDB utils

Contributor: Fady (davenchy)

Description: Inside the folder utils, create a file db.js that contains the class DBClient.

DBClient should have:

  • The constructor that creates a client to MongoDB:
    • host: from the environment variable DB_HOST or default: localhost
    • port: from the environment variable DB_PORT or default: 27017
    • database: from the environment variable DB_DATABASE or default: files_manager
  • A function isAlive that returns true when the connection to MongoDB is successful, otherwise false.
  • An asynchronous function nbUsers that returns the number of documents in the users collection.
  • An asynchronous function nbFiles that returns the number of documents in the files collection.

After the class definition, create and export an instance of DBClient called dbClient.

2. First API

Contributor: Mostafa

Description: Inside server.js, create the Express server:

  • It should listen on the port set by the environment variable PORT or by default 5000.
  • It should load all routes from the file routes/index.js.

Inside the folder routes, create a file index.js that contains all endpoints of our API:

  • GET /status => AppController.getStatus
  • GET /stats => AppController.getStats

Inside the folder controllers, create a file AppController.js that contains the definition of the 2 endpoints:

  • GET /status should return if Redis is alive and if the DB is alive too by using the 2 utils created previously: { "redis": true, "db": true } with a status code 200.
  • GET /stats should return the number of users and files in DB: { "users": 12, "files": 1231 } with a status code 200.
    • The users collection must be used for counting all users.
    • The files collection must be used for counting all files.

3. Create a new user

Contributor: Fady (davenchy)

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add a new endpoint:

  • POST /users => UsersController.postNew

Inside the controllers folder, add a file UsersController.js that contains the new endpoint:

  • POST /users should create a new user in DB:
    • To create a user, you must specify an email and a password.
    • If the email is missing, return an error Missing email with a status code 400.
    • If the password is missing, return an error Missing password with a status code 400.
    • If the email already exists in DB, return an error Already exist with a status code 400.
    • The password must be stored after being hashed in SHA1.
    • The endpoint should return the new user with only the email and the id (auto-generated by MongoDB) with a status code 201.
    • The new user must be saved in the users collection:
      • email: same as the value received
      • password: SHA1 value of the value received

4. Authenticate a user

Contributor: Mostafa

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add 3 new endpoints:

  • GET /connect => AuthController.getConnect
  • GET /disconnect => AuthController.getDisconnect
  • GET /users/me => UserController.getMe

Inside the controllers folder, add a file AuthController.js that contains the new endpoints:

  • GET /connect should sign in the user by generating a new authentication token:

    • By using the header Authorization and the technique of Basic auth (Base64 of the <email>:<password>), find the user associated with this email and password (remember: we are storing the SHA1 of the password).
    • If no user is found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
    • Otherwise:
      • Generate a random string (using uuidv4) as a token.
      • Create a key: auth_<token>.
      • Use this key for storing in Redis (by using the redisClient created previously) the user ID for 24 hours.
      • Return this token: { "token": "155342df-2399-41da-9e8c-458b6ac52a0c" } with a status code 200.
  • GET /disconnect should sign out the user based on the token:

    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
    • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
    • Otherwise, delete the token in Redis and return nothing with a status code 204.

Inside the file controllers/UsersController.js, add a new endpoint:

  • GET /users/me should retrieve the user based on the token used:
    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
    • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
    • Otherwise, return the user object (email and id only).

5. First file

Contributor: Fady (davenchy)

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add a new endpoint:

  • POST /files => FilesController.postUpload

Inside the controllers folder, add a file FilesController.js that contains the new endpoint:

  • POST /files should create a new file in DB and on disk:
    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
      • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
    • To create a file, you must specify:
      • name: as filename
      • type: either folder, file, or image
      • parentId: (optional) as ID of the parent (default: 0 -> the root)
      • isPublic: (optional) as boolean to define if the file is public or not (default: false)
      • data: (only for type=file|image) as Base64 of the file content
    • If the name is missing, return an error Missing name with a status code 400.
    • If the type is missing or not part of the list of accepted types, return an error Missing type with a status code 400.
    • If the data is missing and type != folder, return an error Missing data with a status code 400.
    • If the parentId is set:
      • If no file is present in DB for this parentId, return an error Parent not found with a status code 400.
      • If the file present in DB for this parentId is not of type folder, return an error Parent is not a folder with a status code 400.
    • The user ID should be added to the document saved in DB as the owner of the file.
    • If the type is folder, add the new file document in the DB and return the new file with a status code 201.
    • Otherwise:
      • All files will be stored locally in a folder (to create automatically if not present):
        • The relative path of this folder is given by the environment variable FOLDER_PATH.
        • If this variable is not present or empty, use /tmp/files_manager as the storing folder path.
      • Create a local path in the storing folder with filename a UUID.
      • Store the file in clear (data contains the Base64 of the file) in this local path.
      • Add the new file document in the collection files with these attributes:
        • userId: ID of the owner document (owner from the authentication)
        • name: same as the value received
        • type: same as the value received
        • isPublic: same as the value received
        • parentId: same as the value received - if not present: 0
        • localPath: for a type=file|image, the absolute path to the file saved locally
      • Return the new file with a status code 201.

6. Get and list file

Contributor: Mostafa

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add 2 new endpoints:

  • GET /files/:id => FilesController.getShow
  • GET /files => FilesController.getIndex

In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the 2 new endpoints:

  • GET /files/:id should retrieve the file document based on the ID:

    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
      • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
      • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
      • Otherwise, return the file document.
  • GET /files should retrieve all user file documents for a specific parentId and with pagination:

    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
      • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
    • Based on the query parameters parentId and page, return the list of file documents:
      • parentId: No validation needed. If not linked to any user folder, return an empty list. Default is 0 (the root).
      • Pagination: Each page should have a maximum of 20 items. Page query parameter starts at 0 for the first page. Page 1 means the second page (from the 20th to the 40th), etc. Pagination can be done using MongoDB's aggregate function.

7. File publish/unpublish

Contributor: fady (davenchy)

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add 2 new endpoints:

  • PUT /files/:id/publish => FilesController.putPublish
  • PUT /files/:id/unpublish => FilesController.putUnpublish

In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the 2 new endpoints:

  • PUT /files/:id/publish should set isPublic to true on the file document based on the ID:

    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
      • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
      • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
      • Otherwise, update the value of isPublic to true and return the file document with a status code 200.
  • PUT /files/:id/unpublish should set isPublic to false on the file document based on the ID:

    • Retrieve the user based on the token.
      • If not found, return an error Unauthorized with a status code 401.
      • If no file document is linked to the user and the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
      • Otherwise, update the value of isPublic to false and return the file document with a status code 200.

8. File data

Contributor: Mostafa

Description: In the file routes/index.js, add one new endpoint:

  • GET /files/:id/data => FilesController.getFile

In the file controllers/FilesController.js, add the new endpoint:

  • GET /files/:id/data should return the content of the file document based on the ID:
    • If no file document is linked to the ID passed as parameter, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
    • If the file document (folder or file) is not public (isPublic: false) and no user is authenticated or not the owner of the file, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
    • If the type of the file document is folder, return an error A folder doesn't have content with a status code 400.
    • If the file is not locally present, return an error Not found with a status code 404.
    • Otherwise:
      • By using the module mime-types, get the MIME-type based on the name of the file.
      • Return the content of the file with the correct MIME-type.

9. Image Thumbnails

Contributor: Fady (davenchy)

Description: Update the endpoint POST /files to start background processing for generating thumbnails for a file of type image:

Create a Bull queue:

  • Name: fileQueue

Add a job to the queue:

  • When a new image is stored (in local and in DB), add a job with userId and fileId.

Create a file worker.js:

  • Use the module Bull to create the fileQueue.
  • Process the queue:
    • If fileId is not present in the job, raise an error Missing fileId.
    • If userId is not present in the job, raise an error Missing userId.
    • If no document is found in DB based on fileId and userId, raise an error File not found.
    • Use the module image-thumbnail to generate 3 thumbnails with widths: 500, 250, and 100.
      • Store each result in the same location as the original file by appending _<width size>.

Update the endpoint GET /files/:id/data to accept a query parameter size:

  • size can be 500, 250, or 100.
  • Based on size, return the correct local file.
  • If the local file doesn’t exist, return an error Not found with a status code 404.

Contribution Summary


Mostafa developed the RedisClient class for Redis utility and set up the Express server in server.js. He also created the API endpoints for status and statistics, as well as the authentication, file retrieval, and file listing functionalities.

Fady (davenchy)

Fady created the DBClient class for MongoDB utility and implemented user management features including handling file upload, publishing/unpublishing, and set up background processing for image thumbnails with Bull queue. Fady also enhance code readability and structure and does a lot of debugging to solve code problems.