In this homework we'll prepare the environment and practice Docker and SQL
When submitting your homework, you will also need to include a link to your GitHub repository or other public code-hosting site.
This repository should contain the code for solving the homework.
When your solution has SQL or shell commands and not code (e.g. python files) file format, include them directly in the README file of your repository.
Run docker with the python:3.12.8
image in an interactive mode, use the entrypoint bash
What's the version of pip
in the image?
- 24.3.1
- 24.2.1
- 23.3.1
- 23.2.1
Given the following docker-compose.yaml
, what is the hostname
and port
that pgadmin should use to connect to the postgres database?
container_name: postgres
image: postgres:17-alpine
POSTGRES_USER: 'postgres'
POSTGRES_DB: 'ny_taxi'
- '5433:5432'
- vol-pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
container_name: pgadmin
image: dpage/pgadmin4:latest
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: "[email protected]"
- "8080:80"
- vol-pgadmin_data:/var/lib/pgadmin
name: vol-pgdata
name: vol-pgadmin_data
- postgres:5433
- localhost:5432
- db:5433
- postgres:5432
- db:5432
If there are more than one answers, select only one of them
Run Postgres and load data as shown in the videos We'll use the green taxi trips from October 2019:
You will also need the dataset with zones:
Download this data and put it into Postgres.
You can use the code from the course. It's up to you whether you want to use Jupyter or a python script.
During the period of October 1st 2019 (inclusive) and November 1st 2019 (exclusive), how many trips, respectively, happened:
- Up to 1 mile
- In between 1 (exclusive) and 3 miles (inclusive),
- In between 3 (exclusive) and 7 miles (inclusive),
- In between 7 (exclusive) and 10 miles (inclusive),
- Over 10 miles
- 104,802; 197,670; 110,612; 27,831; 35,281
- 104,802; 198,924; 109,603; 27,678; 35,189
- 104,793; 201,407; 110,612; 27,831; 35,281
- 104,793; 202,661; 109,603; 27,678; 35,189
- 104,838; 199,013; 109,645; 27,688; 35,202
Which was the pick up day with the longest trip distance? Use the pick up time for your calculations.
Tip: For every day, we only care about one single trip with the longest distance.
- 2019-10-11
- 2019-10-24
- 2019-10-26
- 2019-10-31
Which were the top pickup locations with over 13,000 in
(across all trips) for 2019-10-18?
Consider only lpep_pickup_datetime
when filtering by date.
- East Harlem North, East Harlem South, Morningside Heights
- East Harlem North, Morningside Heights
- Morningside Heights, Astoria Park, East Harlem South
- Bedford, East Harlem North, Astoria Park
For the passengers picked up in October 2019 in the zone named "East Harlem North" which was the drop off zone that had the largest tip?
Note: it's tip
, not trip
We need the name of the zone, not the ID.
- Yorkville West
- JFK Airport
- East Harlem North
- East Harlem South
In this section homework we'll prepare the environment by creating resources in GCP with Terraform.
In your VM on GCP/Laptop/GitHub Codespace install Terraform. Copy the files from the course repo here to your VM/Laptop/GitHub Codespace.
Modify the files as necessary to create a GCP Bucket and Big Query Dataset.
Which of the following sequences, respectively, describes the workflow for:
- Downloading the provider plugins and setting up backend,
- Generating proposed changes and auto-executing the plan
- Remove all resources managed by terraform`
- terraform import, terraform apply -y, terraform destroy
- teraform init, terraform plan -auto-apply, terraform rm
- terraform init, terraform run -auto-approve, terraform destroy
- terraform init, terraform apply -auto-approve, terraform destroy
- terraform import, terraform apply -y, terraform rm
- Form for submitting: