As part of the Software Engineering Class, we would like to simulate how Open Source Projects start and try to attract potential contributions.
- Please choose a hobby or some interest that you want to build your repository
- Make a README to announce this theme (i.e., my favourite video games or anime)
- Attract - Go to, post an interesting message to ask other members to add a list. See example below.
- Please collect up to 10 hobbies or interest from other contributors. You can also discuss and talk about the hobby before you merge their Pull Request.
To complete the assignment, please do the following:
- Fork this project and then rename the title to your hobby.
- Announce the new project and try to attract other members.
- Make 10 Pull Request contributions to other projects
- Merge 10 Pull Requests into your forked Project.
Please share with me one phrase that you cherish in your life!
The other day, my close friend got married. Even though I'm still a student🤣 At this age, I find myself contemplating about the future. In such times, please give me a positive phrase to help me stay optimistic.
"Let's adorn our lives with eloquent expressions, enriching them with kindness and uplifting spirits! May your own journey be graced with boundless joy and contentment."
Clone the forked repository to your local machine and your favorite Inspiring Quotes at the last of this README file
Note:Include the person's name, and write "Anonymous" when anonymous
Keisuke Honda
John A. Shedd
Flowers do not bloom in an instant. They emerge from the earth as buds, form leaves, and grow. They grow, form buds, bloom, and bear fruit. Flowers do not bloom in an instant. A flower blooms in a single line.
Sinmin Sakamura
Brad Meltzer