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Challenges |
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Challenges |
- BioCreative VIII Challenge: Track 1: BioRED (Biomedical Relation Extraction Dataset) Track, The Second Place [paper] ; Track 3: Phenotype normalization (genetic conditions in pediatric patients), The Second Place [paper]
- BioCreative VII Challenge: Text mining drug and chemical-protein interactions (DrugProt) Track, The Second Place in 30 Teams [paper]
- The 2019 China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2019) Challenge: Chinese Clinical Named Entity Recognition Task, The Third Place in 44 Teams [paper]
- The 2018 China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing (CCKS 2018) Challenge: Chinese Clinical Named Entity Recognition Task, The Third Place in 69 Teams [paper]
- BioCrative VI Precision Medicine Track: Document Triage Task, The Second Place in 10 Teams [paper]
- BioCreative V.5 Challenge: The CEMP (Chemical Entity Mention in Patents) Task, The First Place in 14 Teams [paper]
- BioCreative V.5 Challenge: The GPRO (Gene and Protein Related Object) Task, The First Place in 7 Teams [paper]