- Public main page, where some monument are display (air bnb style)
- Public Research page, with some filters (to be determined)
- Public monument page, display information about the monument and user reviews
- Public profil menu, login and register when unauthenticate
- Authentification page
- Register page
- Private profil menu, log out, my profile, my momuments, my reviews
- Private profile page, display personal informations and change password
- Private my monuments page, display to be visited monuments and already visited monuments
- Create a review of a monument when put in already visited
- Private reviews page, where you can see, edit or delete your review
- Administrator account
- Request Page for creator account promote
- Admin private page creator user, where creator user are displayed and can be demoted, and promote demand are display and can be accepted/denied
- Monument creation page, where creator can add monument
- Creator monuments, display m onument of a creator
- Edit monument page, where creator can edit or delete their monuments