This dashboard build by using java swing with flatlaf look and feel
- flatlaf-3.2.jar
- flatlaf-extras-3.2.jar
- jsvg-1.2.0.jar
- flatlaf-fonts-roboto-2.137.jar
- swing-toast-notifications-1.0.1.jar
// Application class from package raven.application
// Parameter as java.awt.Component
Application.showForm(new PanelForm());
// Set menu selection by index and subIndex
Application.setSelectedMenu(0, 0);
// Modify this code in
private final String menuItems[][] = {
{"~MAIN~"}, // Menu title
{"Email", "Inbox", "Read", "Compost"},
menu.addMenuEvent(new MenuEvent() {
public void menuSelected(int index, int subIndex, MenuAction action) {
if (index == 1) {
if (subIndex == 1) {
Application.showForm(new FormInbox());
} else if (subIndex == 2) {
Application.showForm(new FormRead());
} else {

- [27-05-2023] Add menu item title use
sign around your title name :{"~YOUR TITLE NAME~"}
- [28-05-2023] Update auto scale component and change
- [29-05-2023] Update popup submenu item removed border and add drop shadow border
- [31-05-2023] Update add login form
- [31-05-2023] Update selection menu background and add method selected menu by index and subIndex
- [17-06-2023] Update add Toast Notifications
- [27-06-2023] Update add menu font properties for menu item and menu label
- [27-06-2023] Update menu support right to left by enable this code
- [03-10-2023] Update add properties
to show and hide accent color toolbar