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Reusable chart (presentational) components based on ECharts (


Install the module via NPM, directly from the GIT url:

npm install --save git+

Require a component class:

var {Chart} = require('react-echarts');



Represents a cartesian chart on a 2D plane. It can hold any combination of line/bar/scatter plots.

Properties - Chart

Properties related to the portal (i.e. container) element:

Name Required Type Description Example
width Yes Number, String The width (pixels) of the container element. 250
height Yes Number, String The height (pixels) of the container element. 250

Property callbacks:

Name Required Type Description Example
refreshData No function() A callback that can be invoked by the component to explicitly request fresh data ()=>(dispatch(refreshData("Foo")))
onPointClick No (seriesIndex, dataIndex) => null Callback for chart point click. (seriesIndex, dataIndex) => { doSomething(seriesIndex, dataIndex); }

Properties for the chart (a simplified subset of those supported by ECharts):

Name Required Type Description Example No array An array of distinct (aka category) values that x can take ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] No String Name X axis Time (s)
xAxis.scale No Boolean Scale axis according to supplied series data (meaningless if is supplied) true
xAxis.formatter No (x)=>(<String>) Formatter callback for x values (x)=>(x.toString() + 'Km')
xAxis.labelFilter No (i, x) => (<Boolean>) Decide if a label should be shown on the X axis. (i) => (i % 2 == 0)
xAxis.numTicks No Number A hint for the number of ticks on X axis 5
xAxis.boundaryGap No Boolean Add a gap between min/max x value and axis boundaries false
xAxis.min No Number A maximum for displayed x values (meaningless if is supplied) 0
xAxis.max No Number A minimum for displayed x values (meaningless if is supplied) 5.0 No String Name Y axis Velocity
yAxis.scale No Boolean Scale axis according to supplied series data true
yAxis.formatter No (y)=>(<String>) Formatter callback for y values (y)=>(y.toString() + 'lit')
yAxis.numTicks No Number A hint for the number of ticks on y axis 5
yAxis.splitArea No Boolean Split grid area to alternate zones defined by horizontal lines at Y axis ticks true
yAxis.min No Number A maximum for displayed y values -100
yAxis.max No Number A minimum for displayed y values +100
grid.x No String or Number See ECharts - grid.x 15%
grid.y No String or Number See ECharts - grid.y 10%
grid.x2 No String or Number See ECharts - grid.x2 15%
grid.y2 No String or Number See ECharts - grid.y2 10%
color No Array of String A palette of preferred colors ['#C23531', '#2F4554']
tooltip No Boolean Display tooltips for data points or marker points/lines true
smooth No Boolean Smoothen lines for all series (spline interpolation) false
lineType No String The line type of all plotted series. One of solid, dotted, dashed dashed
lineWidth No Number The line width (in pixels) of all plotted series 2
legend No Boolean or Array Display legend. If an array is supplied, then it can control the order and layout of items (a nested array generates a legend that wraps over multiple lines) true, [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']], ['A', 'C', 'D', 'B']
horizontal No Boolean Swap roles for X/Y axes, i.e enable horizontal view false

The series property is an array that provides the actual data to be plotted:

Name Required Type Description Example
series.0.type Yes String The type of the plot for this series. One of: line, bar, scatter line Yes String The name of this dataset Temperature - Athens Yes Array The data points. See note [11.0, 11.5, 13, 14, 13, 15, 17]
series.0.yAxisIndex No Number The Y axis that a series corresponds to. This is meaningfull only if a dual Y axis is provided as yAxis property. 0 or 1
series.0.color No String or (name, data, dataIndex)=>(<String>) The color for this line/bars. '#C23531'
series.0.smooth No Boolean Smooth line for this series (spline interpolation) false
series.0.fill No Number Fill areas with the given opacity null or 0.55
series.0.symbolSize No Number Radius for symbols for (x,y) points 4
series.0.symbol No String Choose a symbol for (x,y) points. One of: circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond, emptyCircle, emptyRectangle, emptyTriangle, emptyDiamond emptyCircle
series.0.lineType No String The line type of all plotted series. One of solid, dotted, dashed dashed
series.0.lineWidth No Number The width (pixels) for this line false
series.0.label No Object or Boolean Describe labels for points on cartesian plane. If present, each (x, y) point is labeled. {position: "top"}
series.0.label.position No String Specify a position for labels (relative to point). One of: top, bottom, left, right, inside, insideTop, insideBottom top
series.0.label.formatter No (y)=>(<String>) Provide a formatter for labels () => y.toFixed(1)
series.0.mark.points No Object Describe marker points [{type: "max", name: "Max Temperature"}]
series.0.mark.lines No Object Describe marker lines [{type: "min", name: "Min Temperature"}]

Properties for the status of plotted data:

Name Required Type Description Example
loading No Object or Boolean Provide a progress visual feedback (spinner, progressbar) {text: "Loading data...", progress: 0.7}

Example - A simple line chart

    legend: {[
        ['Athens', 'Thesalloniki'],
        numTicks: 5,
        data: ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su'],
        name: "Temperature",
        numTicks: 3,
        formatter: (y) => (y.toString() + " oC")
            name: 'Athens',
            smooth: true,
            fill: 0.4,
            data: [11.0, 11.5, 13, 14, 13, 15, 17],
            mark: {
                lines: [{type: "max", name: "Max Temperature"}],
            name: 'Thesalloniki',
            data: [5.0, 8.5, 13.5, 14.7, 16, 19, 21.5],
            name: 'Herakleion',
            data: [15.0, 18.5, 19.5, 24.7, 26, 29, 31.5],

Note - Series Data

The expected shape is completely different depending on (see also ECharts - xAxis type).

We have 2 cases:

  1. If is supplied (thus, fully describing the value domain of x as a set of distinct values), then (for all series!) should be an array of numbers mapped 1-1 to the set of x values. This is a category x axis. Example: [5.0, 8.5, 13.5, 14.7, 16, 19, 21.5] mapping to ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su']

  2. If is missing, this implies that each one of the series will carry its own data points (i.e pairs of (x,y) numerical values). This is a value x axis. Example: some (rougly stepped at 0.5) measurements: [[0.0, 15.6], [0.43, 19.1], [0.97, 18.8], [1.52, 17], [2.10, 17.6]]

Note - Dual Y axis

In some cases, we want to plot different series on a dual Y axis (on the same categorical X axis). For these cases, the yAxis property can be provided as a pair (as array) of yAxis-shaped properties (see above documentation).


A convienience wrapper around Chart providing sensible defaults for line-only charts.

All options relevant to Chart also apply here, except for the per-series type.


A convienience wrapper around Chart providing sensible defaults for bar-only charts.

All options relevant to Chart also apply here, except for the per-series type.

Development - Quickstart

Install Grunt locally (and use a symlink for convenience):

npm install grunt-cli grunt

Install all project dependencies:

npm install

Build everything:

./grunt build

Deploy for the local development Express server:

./grunt deploy

Start development server:

npm run example