diff --git a/docs/odm/models/config.md b/docs/odm/models/config.md index 9f1271590..3725a357a 100644 --- a/docs/odm/models/config.md +++ b/docs/odm/models/config.md @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | field | Keyword | Field to apply `pattern` to |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | | pattern | Keyword | Regex pattern for auto-prop assignment |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | -| type | Enum | Type of property assignment on pattern match
`"access", "api_daily_quota", "api_quota", "classification", "group", "multi_group", "remove_role", "role", "submission_daily_quota", "submission_quota", "type"` |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | +| type | Enum | Type of property assignment on pattern match
`"access", "api_daily_quota", "api_quota", "classification", "group", "multi_group", "remove_role", "role", "submission_async_quota", "submission_daily_quota", "submission_quota", "type"` |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | | value | List [Keyword] | Assigned property value |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `[]` | @@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ | uid_format | Keyword | Format of the user ID based on the captured parts from the regex |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | client_id | Keyword | ID of your application to authenticate to the OAuth provider |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | client_secret | Keyword | Password to your application to authenticate to the OAuth provider |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | +| auto_no_secret | Boolean | Should we use the client secret for the OAuth? |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `False` | +| client_scope | Keyword | Managed Identity scope to authenticate to the OAuth provider |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | redirect_uri | Keyword | URI to redirect to after authentication with OAuth provider |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | request_token_url | Keyword | URL to request token |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | request_token_params | Keyword | Parameters to request token |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | @@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | field | Keyword | Field to apply `pattern` to |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | | pattern | Keyword | Regex pattern for auto-prop assignment |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | -| type | Enum | Type of property assignment on pattern match
`"access", "api_daily_quota", "api_quota", "classification", "group", "multi_group", "remove_role", "role", "submission_daily_quota", "submission_quota", "type"` |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | +| type | Enum | Type of property assignment on pattern match
`"access", "api_daily_quota", "api_quota", "classification", "group", "multi_group", "remove_role", "role", "submission_async_quota", "submission_daily_quota", "submission_quota", "type"` |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | | value | List [Keyword] | Assigned property value |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `[]` | @@ -1170,8 +1172,9 @@ Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-tol | Field | Type | Description | Required | Default | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -| concurrent_api_calls | Integer | Maximum concurrent API Calls can be running for a user. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `10` | -| concurrent_submissions | Integer | Maximum concurrent Submission can be running for a user. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `5` | +| concurrent_api_calls | Integer | Maximum concurrent API Calls that can be running for a user. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `10` | +| concurrent_submissions | Integer | Maximum concurrent Submission that can be running for a user. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `5` | +| concurrent_async_submissions | Integer | Maximum concurrent asynchroneous Submission that can be running for a user. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `0` | | daily_api_calls | Integer | Maximum daily API calls a user can issue. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `0` | | daily_submissions | Integer | Maximum daily submission a user can do. |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `0` | diff --git a/docs/odm/models/user.md b/docs/odm/models/user.md index 3654ad4c1..4d6553f2c 100644 --- a/docs/odm/models/user.md +++ b/docs/odm/models/user.md @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ | otp_sk | Keyword | Secret key to generate one time passwords |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | password | Keyword | BCrypt hash of the user's password |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `None` | | submission_quota | Integer | None |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | +| submission_async_quota | Integer | None |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | submission_daily_quota | Integer | None |
:material-minus-box-outline: Optional
| `None` | | type | List [Enum] | Type of user |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `['user']` | | roles | List [Enum] | Default roles for user |
:material-checkbox-marked-outline: Yes
| `[]` |