All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. We refer to GitHub issues by their numbers. If there is no issue associated to the change, the commit hashes implementing the change are linked.
1.1.0 - 2021-03-04
- Grains embedded into other grains are now identified in the splinegon creation algorithm. 4cef7ec, 6c4ad0a
- Computation of the infinitesimal and Green-Lagrange strain tensors for DIC displacement field. 7eaa0b5, 9e5466e
- Computation of the equivalent von Mises strain. 2b9b0be
- Characterization of the strain localization (intergranular/intragranular) in the microstructure. a74f954, 13576f7
- The README file shows how to cite our paper. #30
- Added a new segmented microstructure (6b539ba) and the corresponding DIC measurements (3c845e7).
- The content of
will be replaced with that ofdic.plot_strain
in version 1.3.0. The latter function will be removed. b8633c2
1.0.1 - 2020-11-19
- Document on describing the versioning scheme we will follow. e74474c
- Added a changelog to the project. b48821b, f6ca9c1
- The documentation no longer shows the recent git commits. 1fd3a50
1.0.0 - 2020-11-16
This is the initial release of CristalX.