Simple PaperMC Minecraft server plugin to welcome players to a server by sending them a random message of your choosing!
I created this plugin to teach myself how to develop a PaperAPI Minecraft server plugin and compile it using the Gradle build tool. Additionally, I use GitHub Actions to build artifacts directly from git.
Works with Paper, Spigot, and Bukkit servers!
Native Version: 1.16
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.15, 1.16
Below is a small table to help explain all the RandomWelcome commands and permissions
Command | Permission | Description |
/rw [help] | randomwelcome | RandomWelcome help command and root permission |
/rw mute | randomwelcome.mute | Player command to mute welcome messages |
/rw unmute | randomwelcome.unmute | Player command to unmute welcome messages |
/rw enable | randomwelcome.enable | Admin command to enable welcome messages |
/rw disable | randomwelcome.disable | Admin command to disable welcome messages |
/rw reload | randomwelcome.reload | Admin command to reload plugin config |
randomwelcome.welcome | Permission node to allow the player to be welcomed | |
randomwelcome.welcome.others | Permission node to allow the player to see other player's being welcomed | |
randomwelcome.* | Permission node to grant all other permissions |
Configuration should be pretty straight-forward, but feel free to create an issue if you have any questions.
# Choose whether to broadcast the message to everyone, or just the joining player
broadcast_publicly: true
# Choose whether or not to enable the vanilla join message
vanilla_join_message: false
# Choose whether to welcome only newcomers, or all players on join
newcomers_only: false
# Text that should be prefixed to the player's name (perfect for formatting)
# Feel free to use Minecraft's formatting codes (e.g. &0, &1, ..., &f)
player_name_prefix: "&4"
# Added after welcome message when newcomers join
# Feel free to use Minecraft's formatting codes (e.g. &0, &1, ..., &f)
newcomer_message: "&6%player% is new! Welcome them to the server!"
# List of possible welcome messages
# Use %player% for the player's name
# Feel free to use Minecraft's formatting codes (e.g. &0, &1, ..., &f)
- "&eHowdy Doody, %player%! Welcome to the server!"
- "&eWelcome, %player%! We were expecting you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
- "&eWelcome, %player%! We hope you brought pizza."
- "&eWelcome, %player%! Leave your weapons by the door."
- "&eA wild %player% appeared."
- "&e%player% is here, as the prophecy foretold."
- "&eBrace yourselves. %player% just joined the server."
- "&e%player% just joined. Hide your bananas."
- "&eWelcome %player%, watch out for the harbormaster!"
- "&e&kBlahblah %player%, blahb bla bla bla blahblahbl!"
Simply drop into your server's plugin folder, and we'll generate your config for you. Restart your server or run /rw reload
to load any changes you make or messages you add!
If you're interested in contributing, you can build with Gradle using the following command.
gradlew shadowJar