Blum et al. [1] developed a set of algorithms for the prediction of adult height (AH) in patients with idiopathic short stature (ISS), based on a German-Dutch cohort. The iss-ah-predictor is a convenient Perl implementation of these algorithms.
Depending of the amount of available patient properties, a specific set of parameters is used to calculate AH. The following properties are used in the algorithms:
property | unit | LOINC code | hash key for perl functions |
chronological age | years | 30525-0 | age |
body height at baseline | cm | 3137-7 | body_height |
Tanner target height [2] | cm | target_height | |
mother height | cm | 83846-6 | mother_height |
father height | cm | 83845-8 | father_height |
bone age | years | 85151-9 | bone_age |
birth weight | kg | 8339-4 | birth_weight |
sex | male, female | 46098-0 | sex |
cpan Iss::Ah::Predictor
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Iss::Ah::Predictor
You can also look for information at:
Search CPAN
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Just call ISS::AH::Predictor::predict(...)
and provide property values from the table above. The function will pick an appropriate parameter set and will calculate the adult height.
my $prediction = ISS::AH::Predictor::predict(
age => 12,
body_height => 130,
father_height => 180,
bone_age => 12, # will be converted with property age to bone_age_per_age
sex => 'male', # 'male' or 'female'
); # => adult height prediction: 164.6488 cm
You can also provide custom module parameters via hash key "models":
my $prediction = ISS::AH::Predictor::predict(
age => 12,
body_height => 130,
father_height => 180,
bone_age => 12,
sex => 'male',
models => [
[ 63.3339, -2.9595, 0.7256, 0.3173, undef, undef, -13.0399, 1.2695, -6.2213 ], # parameters of model 1
[ 62.1795, -2.9892, 0.7328, 0.3442, undef, undef, -12.6821, undef, -6.3021 ], # parameters of model 2
Each model parameter set is enclosed in an arrayref. The index of the parameter in this arrayref determines for which property the parameter is used.
The order is defined by the constant ISS::AH::Predictor::PARAMETER_NAMES
use constant PARAMETER_NAMES => {
0 => 'intercept',
1 => 'age',
2 => 'body_height',
3 => 'target_height',
4 => 'mother_height',
5 => 'father_height',
6 => 'bone_age_per_age',
7 => 'birth_weight',
8 => 'sex',
[1] Blum WF, Ranke MB, Keller E, Keller A, Barth S, de Bruin C, Wudy SA, Wit JM. A Novel Method for Adult Height Prediction in Children With Idiopathic Short Stature Derived From a German-Dutch Cohort. Journal of the Endocrine Society, Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2022, bvac074.
[2] Tanner JM, Goldstein H, Whitehouse RH. Standards for Children's Height at Ages 2-9 Years Allowing for Height of Parents. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1970, 45:755-762.
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This program is released under the following license: MIT