Go to my medium page https://medium.com/@createdd to see some articles in publications.
List created on 2020-10-09
├── 2017
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── ALegacy.md
│ │ ├── APIIntro.md
│ │ ├── AWSIntro.md
│ │ ├── AWSStaticWebsite.md
│ │ ├── AskGaryVee.md
│ │ ├── AuthenticationIntro.md
│ │ ├── CSandNET.md
│ │ ├── CognitiveBiases.md
│ │ ├── ContractsInIT.md
│ │ ├── DataVizPython.md
│ │ ├── ECommerceShopIntro.md
│ │ ├── Expectations.md
│ │ ├── FCCVGithub.md
│ │ ├── FetchingGithub.md
│ │ ├── FetchingInReact.md
│ │ ├── HowToSetUpAtomForWriting.md
│ │ ├── IntroNLP.md
│ │ ├── IntroductionToReact.md
│ │ ├── IntroductionToRedux.md
│ │ ├── JavaScriptNinja.md
│ │ ├── KeepCoding.md
│ │ ├── LearningsFirstFullStack.md
│ │ ├── LicensingInOpenSource.md
│ │ ├── LinearRegression.md
│ │ ├── MLJavaScript.md
│ │ ├── MLinJS.md
│ │ ├── MeetupReflection2017.md
│ │ ├── MyWritingFramework.md
│ │ ├── NLP.md
│ │ ├── NoteOnMotivation.md
│ │ ├── Pragmatic.md
│ │ ├── ReactComponents.md
│ │ ├── ReactNativeIntro.md
│ │ ├── ReduceClicking.md
│ │ ├── ReduxQuestionScores.md
│ │ ├── Reflect2017.md
│ │ ├── Relay.md
│ │ ├── SeleniumExample.md
│ │ ├── SimpleDynamicNodeJS.md
│ │ ├── StockMarketChart.md
│ │ ├── TestingReact.md
│ │ ├── TextSummarizers.md
│ │ ├── TheSecondMachineAge.md
│ │ ├── TimeManagement.md
│ │ ├── TodoReactRedux.md
│ │ ├── TypeScript.md
│ │ ├── UnderstandingML.md
│ │ ├── UnderstandingMVC.md
│ │ ├── UserStoriesHowTo.md
│ │ ├── VSCodeX.md
│ │ ├── VotingApp.md
│ │ ├── WebScrapingIntro.md
│ │ ├── WhatIsFreeCodeCamp.md
│ │ └── WhyIStartWriting.md
├── 2018
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── CleanA.md
│ │ ├── CoffeeCode.md
│ │ ├── ComplementProgramming.md
│ │ ├── ConceptRegression.md
│ │ ├── DebugTFBasics.md
│ │ ├── EUWettbewerb.md
│ │ ├── Githooks.md
│ │ ├── InstalTF.md
│ │ ├── LawStatisticsExample.md
│ │ ├── MLCourseTips.md
│ │ ├── MLIntroP1.md
│ │ ├── MLIntroP2.md
│ │ ├── MLIntroP3.md
│ │ ├── MLIntroP4.md
│ │ ├── RFSR.md
│ │ ├── Reflect2018.md
│ │ ├── Tensor.md
│ │ ├── TensorflowIntro.md
│ │ └── deepLearningStep.md
├── 2019
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── ECJJudgementGoogle.md
│ │ ├── JupyterOnSteroids.md
│ │ ├── JupyterVSCode.md
│ │ ├── OrganizingSemester.md
│ │ ├── Reflecting2019.md
│ │ └── VSCodePipenv.md
├── 2020
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── NumpyShapesAndSlices.md
│ │ ├── QuestionsAiPart1.md
│ │ ├── QuestionsAiPart2.md
│ │ ├── QuestionsAiPart3.md
│ │ ├── amdGpuOnMac.md
│ │ ├── coronaTimeReading.md
│ │ ├── correlations.md
│ │ ├── jupyerOnSteroids.md
│ │ ├── mlApiCovid.md
│ │ ├── plottingDynamic.md
│ │ ├── preProcessingImages.md
│ │ ├── pythonApi.md
│ │ └── rapidapi_anonym_tutorial.md
Daniel is an entrepreneur, software developer, and business law graduate. He has worked at various IT companies, tax advisory, management consulting, and at the Austrian court.
His knowledge and interests currently revolve around programming machine learning applications and all its related aspects. To the core, he considers himself a problem solver of complex environments, which is reflected in his various projects.
Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have ideas, projects, or problems.
You can support me on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/createdd
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