The All-in-One CFW package for the Nintendo Switch with Atmosphere (fss0 version).
Support both erista(v1) and mariko(v2) switch
(only v1 unpatched switch can use fusee-gelee. v1 patched or v2 console need modchip) .
- You can download rcmloader package from here
- You can download switch firmware(System firmware) from here
- you may check here to know what homebrew apps are included in ShallowSea
My youtube channel: (Mainly NS aspect expands the software usage method 😄)
If you find some interesting or useful homebrew app, you can contact me and I may add them into ShallowSea
- always up-to-date atmosphere with sigpatch
- (Ban protection) Incognito & 90dns host applied on both sysnand and emuMMC
- I have already setup hbg shop , here is the setting
- Create wiki to tidy up readme file
- Choose a license
Nobody is responsible if you lose your data, brick your Switch, get banned(although ShallowSea has ban protection), drop your Switch into the toilet, have your Switch stolen by ninjas, etc 1 etc 2, except yourself. By using ShallowSea or any form of homebrew in any capacity you understand the risks involved with running unsigned code on your Switch.
- @carcaschoi 一 Maintain ShallowSea aio package :)
- @tim22263 梵鈞 一 Create ShallowSea special atmosphere boot logo & hbmenu theme for ShallowSea integration package.
- 91wii論壇網友分析ShallowSea整合包 Thank you 91wii forum friends for detailed analysis and suggestions (make a chinese review for ShallowSea aio package).