diff --git a/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab.m b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87812f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab.m
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+function [traj, infStates] = tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab(r, p, varargin)
+% Calculates the trajectories of the agent's representations under the HGF in a multi-armed bandit
+% situation with binary outcomes
+% This function can be called in two ways:
+% (1) tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab(r, p)
+% where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel and p is the parameter vector in native space;
+% (2) tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab(r, ptrans, 'trans')
+% where r is the structure generated by tapas_fitModel, ptrans is the parameter vector in
+% transformed space, and 'trans' is a flag indicating this.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 2017 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
+% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
+% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
+% COPYING or .
+% Transform paramaters back to their native space if needed
+if ~isempty(varargin) && strcmp(varargin{1},'trans')
+ p = tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp(r, p) % change to ehgf, remove ;
+% Number of levels
+ l = r.c_prc.n_levels;
+ l = (length(p)+1)/7; %change to 7 to include rho (EHGF)
+ if l ~= floor(l)
+ error('tapas:hgf:UndetNumLevels', 'Cannot determine number of levels');
+ end
+% Number of bandits
+ b = r.c_prc.n_bandits;
+ error('tapas:hgf:NumOfBanditsConfig', 'Number of bandits has to be configured in r.c_prc.n_bandits.');
+% Coupled updating
+% This is only allowed if there are 2 bandits. We here assume that the mu1hat for the two bandits
+% add to unity.
+coupled = false;
+if r.c_prc.coupled == true
+ if b == 2
+ coupled = true;
+ else
+ error('tapas:hgf:HgfBinaryMab:CoupledOnlyForTwo', 'Coupled updating can only be configured for 2 bandits.');
+ end
+% Unpack parameters
+mu_0 = p(1:l);
+sa_0 = p(l+1:2*l);
+phi = p(2*l+1:3*l);
+m = p(3*l+1:4*l);
+rho = p(4*l+1:5*l); % added rho
+ka = p(5*l+1:6*l-1);
+om = p(6*l:7*l-2);
+th = exp(p(7*l-1));
+% Add dummy "zeroth" trial
+u = [0; r.u(:,1)];
+try % For estimation
+ y = [1; r.y(:,1)];
+ irr = r.irr;
+catch % For simulation
+ y = [1; r.u(:,2)];
+ irr = find(isnan(r.u(:,2)));
+% Number of trials (including prior)
+n = size(u,1);
+% Construct time axis
+if r.c_prc.irregular_intervals
+ if size(u,2) > 1
+ t = [0; r.u(:,end)];
+ else
+ error('tapas:hgf:InputSingleColumn', 'Input matrix must contain more than one column if irregular_intervals is set to true.');
+ end
+ t = ones(n,1);
+% Initialize updated quantities
+% Representations
+mu = NaN(n,l,b);
+pi = NaN(n,l,b);
+% Other quantities
+muhat = NaN(n,l,b);
+pihat = NaN(n,l,b);
+v = NaN(n,l);
+w = NaN(n,l-1);
+da = NaN(n,l);
+% Representation priors
+% Note: first entries of the other quantities remain
+% NaN because they are undefined and are thrown away
+% at the end; their presence simply leads to consistent
+% trial indices.
+mu(1,1,:) = tapas_sgm(mu_0(2), 1);
+muhat(1,1,:) = mu(1,1,:);
+pihat(1,1,:) = 0;
+pi(1,1,:) = Inf;
+mu(1,2:end,:) = repmat(mu_0(2:end),[1 1 b]);
+pi(1,2:end,:) = repmat(1./sa_0(2:end),[1 1 b]);
+% Pass through representation update loop
+for k = 2:1:n
+ if not(ismember(k-1, r.ign))
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % Effect of input u(k)
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ % 2nd level prediction
+ muhat(k,2) = mu(k-1,2) +t(k) *rho(2) +t(k) *phi(2) *(m(2) -mu(k-1,2));
+ % 1st level
+ % ~~~~~~~~~
+ % Prediction
+ muhat(k,1,:) = tapas_sgm(ka(1) *muhat(k,2,:), 1);
+ % Precision of prediction
+ pihat(k,1,:) = 1/(muhat(k,1,:).*(1 -muhat(k,1,:)));
+ % Updates
+ pi(k,1,:) = pihat(k,1,:);
+ pi(k,1,y(k)) = Inf;
+ mu(k,1,:) = muhat(k,1,:);
+ mu(k,1,y(k)) = u(k);
+ % Prediction error
+ da(k,1) = mu(k,1,y(k)) -muhat(k,1,y(k));
+ % 2nd level
+ % ~~~~~~~~~
+ % Prediction: see above
+ % Precision of prediction
+ pihat(k,2,:) = 1/(1/pi(k-1,2,:) +exp(ka(2) *mu(k-1,3,:) +om(2)));
+ % Updates
+ pi(k,2,:) = pihat(k,2,:) +ka(1)^2/pihat(k,1,:);
+ mu(k,2,:) = muhat(k,2,:);
+ mu(k,2,y(k)) = muhat(k,2,y(k)) +ka(1)/pi(k,2,y(k)) *da(k,1);
+ % Volatility prediction error
+ da(k,2) = (1/pi(k,2,y(k)) +(mu(k,2,y(k)) -muhat(k,2,y(k)))^2) *pihat(k,2,y(k)) -1;
+ if l > 3
+ % Pass through higher levels
+ % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ for j = 3:l-1
+ % Prediction
+ muhat(k,j,:) = mu(k-1,j,:) +t(k) *phi(j) *(m(j) -mu(k-1,j));
+ % Precision of prediction
+ pihat(k,j,:) = 1/(1/pi(k-1,j,:) +t(k) *exp(ka(j) *mu(k-1,j+1,:) +om(j)));
+ % Weighting factor
+ v(k,j-1) = t(k) *exp(ka(j-1) *mu(k-1,j,y(k)) +om(j-1));
+ w(k,j-1) = v(k,j-1) *pihat(k,j-1,y(k));
+ % Mean Updates
+ mu(k,j,:) = muhat(k,j) +1/2 *1/pihat(k,j) *ka(j-1) *w(k,j-1) *da(k,j-1);
+ % Ingredients of precision update which depend on the mean
+ % update
+ vv = t(k) *exp(ka(j-1) *mu(k,j) +om(j-1));
+ pimhat = 1/(1/pi(k-1,j-1) +vv);
+ ww = vv *pimhat;
+ rr = (vv -1/pi(k-1,j-1)) *pimhat;
+ dd = (1/pi(k,j-1) +(mu(k,j-1) -muhat(k,j-1))^2) *pimhat -1;
+ % Precision update
+ pi(k,j,:) = pihat(k,j,:) +max(0, 1/2 *ka(j-1)^2 *ww*(ww +rr*dd));
+ % Volatility prediction error
+ da(k,j) = (1/pi(k,j,y(k)) +(mu(k,j,y(k)) -muhat(k,j,y(k)))^2) *pihat(k,j,y(k)) -1;
+ end
+ end
+ % Last level
+ % ~~~~~~~~~~
+ % Prediction
+ muhat(k,l,:) = mu(k-1,l,:) +t(k) *rho(l) +t(k) *phi(l) *(m(l) -mu(k-1,l));
+ % Precision of prediction
+ pihat(k,l,:) = 1/(1/pi(k-1,l,:) +t(k) *th);
+ % Weighting factor
+ v(k,l) = t(k) *th;
+ v(k,l-1) = t(k) *exp(ka(l-1) *mu(k-1,l,y(k)) +om(l-1));
+ w(k,l-1) = v(k,l-1) *pihat(k,l-1,y(k));
+ % Mean updates
+ mu(k,l,:) = muhat(k,l,:) +1/2 *1/pihat(k,l) *ka(l-1) *w(k,l-1) *da(k,l-1);
+ % Ingredients of the precision update which depend on the mean
+ % update
+ vv = t(k) *exp(ka(l-1) *mu(k,l) +om(l-1));
+ pimhat = 1/(1/pi(k-1,l-1) +vv);
+ ww = vv *pimhat;
+ rr = (vv -1/pi(k-1,l-1)) *pimhat;
+ dd = (1/pi(k,l-1) +(mu(k,l-1) -muhat(k,l-1))^2) *pimhat -1;
+ pi(k,l,:) = pihat(k,l,:) +max(0, 1/2 *ka(l-1)^2 *ww*(ww +rr*dd));
+ % Volatility prediction error
+ da(k,l) = (1/pi(k,l,y(k)) +(mu(k,l,y(k)) -muhat(k,l,y(k)))^2) *pihat(k,l,y(k)) -1;
+ if coupled == true
+ if y(k) == 1
+ mu(k,1,2) = 1 -mu(k,1,1);
+ mu(k,2,2) = tapas_logit(1 -tapas_sgm(mu(k,2,1), 1), 1);
+ elseif y(k) == 2
+ mu(k,1,1) = 1 -mu(k,1,2);
+ mu(k,2,1) = tapas_logit(1 -tapas_sgm(mu(k,2,2), 1), 1);
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ mu(k,:,:) = mu(k-1,:,:);
+ pi(k,:,:) = pi(k-1,:,:);
+ muhat(k,:,:) = muhat(k-1,:,:);
+ pihat(k,:,:) = pihat(k-1,:,:);
+ v(k,:) = v(k-1,:);
+ w(k,:) = w(k-1,:);
+ da(k,:) = da(k-1,:);
+ end
+% Remove representation priors
+mu(1,:,:) = [];
+pi(1,:,:) = [];
+% Remove other dummy initial values
+muhat(1,:,:) = [];
+pihat(1,:,:) = [];
+v(1,:) = [];
+w(1,:) = [];
+da(1,:) = [];
+y(1) = [];
+% Responses on regular trials
+yreg = y;
+yreg(irr) =[];
+% Implied learning rate at the first level
+mu2 = squeeze(mu(:,2,:));
+mu2(irr,:) = [];
+mu2obs = mu2(sub2ind(size(mu2), (1:size(mu2,1))', yreg));
+mu1hat = squeeze(muhat(:,1,:));
+mu1hat(irr,:) = [];
+mu1hatobs = mu1hat(sub2ind(size(mu1hat), (1:size(mu1hat,1))', yreg));
+upd1 = tapas_sgm(ka(1)*mu2obs,1) -mu1hatobs;
+dareg = da;
+dareg(irr,:) = [];
+lr1reg = upd1./dareg(:,1);
+lr1 = NaN(n-1,1);
+lr1(setdiff(1:n-1, irr)) = lr1reg;
+% Create result data structure
+traj = struct;
+traj.mu = mu;
+traj.sa = 1./pi;
+traj.muhat = muhat;
+traj.sahat = 1./pihat;
+traj.v = v;
+traj.w = w;
+traj.da = da;
+% Updates with respect to prediction
+traj.ud = mu -muhat;
+% Psi (precision weights on prediction errors)
+psi = NaN(n-1,l);
+pi2 = squeeze(pi(:,2,:));
+pi2(irr,:) = [];
+pi2obs = pi2(sub2ind(size(pi2), (1:size(pi2,1))', yreg));
+psi(setdiff(1:n-1, irr), 2) = 1./pi2obs;
+for i=3:l
+ pihati = squeeze(pihat(:,i-1,:));
+ pihati(irr,:) = [];
+ pihatiobs = pihati(sub2ind(size(pihati), (1:size(pihati,1))', yreg));
+ pii = squeeze(pi(:,i,:));
+ pii(irr,:) = [];
+ piiobs = pii(sub2ind(size(pii), (1:size(pii,1))', yreg));
+ psi(setdiff(1:n-1, irr), i) = pihatiobs./piiobs;
+traj.psi = psi;
+% Epsilons (precision-weighted prediction errors)
+epsi = NaN(n-1,l);
+epsi(:,2:l) = psi(:,2:l) .*da(:,1:l-1);
+traj.epsi = epsi;
+% Full learning rate (full weights on prediction errors)
+wt = NaN(n-1,l);
+wt(:,1) = lr1;
+wt(:,2) = psi(:,2);
+wt(:,3:l) = 1/2 *(v(:,2:l-1) *diag(ka(2:l-1))) .*psi(:,3:l);
+traj.wt = wt;
+% Create matrices for use by the observation model
+infStates = NaN(n-1,l,b,4);
+infStates(:,:,:,1) = traj.muhat;
+infStates(:,:,:,2) = traj.sahat;
+infStates(:,:,:,3) = traj.mu;
+infStates(:,:,:,4) = traj.sa;
diff --git a/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_config.m b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_config.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713bd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_config.m
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+function c = tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_config
+% Contains the configuration for the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter (HGF) for AR(1) processes in a
+% multi-armded bandit situation for binary inputs in the absence of perceptual uncertainty.
+% The HGF is the model introduced in
+% Mathys C, Daunizeau J, Friston, KJ, and Stephan KE. (2011). A Bayesian foundation
+% for individual learning under uncertainty. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:39.
+% The binary HGF model has since been augmented with a positive factor kappa1 which
+% scales the second level with respect to the first, i.e., the relation between the
+% first and second level is
+% p(x1=1|x2) = s(kappa1*x2), where s(.) is the logistic sigmoid.
+% By default, kappa1 is fixed to 1, leading exactly to the model introduced in
+% Mathys et al. (2011).
+% This file refers to BINARY inputs (Eqs 1-3 in Mathys et al., (2011));
+% for continuous inputs, refer to tapas_hgf_config.
+% The HGF configuration consists of the priors of parameters and initial values. All priors are
+% Gaussian in the space where the quantity they refer to is estimated. They are specified by their
+% sufficient statistics: mean and variance (NOT standard deviation).
+% Quantities are estimated in their native space if they are unbounded (e.g., the omegas). They are
+% estimated in log-space if they have a natural lower bound at zero (e.g., the sigmas).
+% The phis are estimated in 'logit space' because they are confined to the interval from 0 to 1.
+% 'Logit-space' is a logistic sigmoid transformation of native space with a variable upper bound
+% a>0:
+% tapas_logit(x) = ln(x/(a-x)); x = a/(1+exp(-tapas_logit(x)))
+% Parameters can be fixed (i.e., set to a fixed value) by setting the variance of their prior to
+% zero. Aside from being useful for model comparison, the need for this arises whenever the scale
+% and origin at the j-th level are arbitrary. This is the case if the observation model does not
+% contain the representations mu_j and sigma_j. A choice of scale and origin is then implied by
+% fixing the initial value mu_j_0 of mu_j and either kappa_j-1 or omega_j-1.
+% Fitted trajectories can be plotted by using the command
+% >> tapas_hgf_binary_mab_plotTraj(est)
+% where est is the stucture returned by tapas_fitModel. This structure contains the estimated
+% perceptual parameters in est.p_prc and the estimated trajectories of the agent's
+% representations (cf. Mathys et al., 2011). Their meanings are:
+% est.p_prc.mu_0 row vector of initial values of mu (in ascending order of levels)
+% est.p_prc.sa_0 row vector of initial values of sigma (in ascending order of levels)
+% est.p_prc.phi row vector of phis (representing reversion slope to attractor; in ascending order of levels)
+% est.p_prc.m row vector of ms (representing attractors; in ascending order of levels)
+% est.p_prc.ka row vector of kappas (in ascending order of levels)
+% est.p_prc.om row vector of omegas (in ascending order of levels)
+% Note that the first entry in all of the row vectors will be NaN because, at the first level,
+% these parameters are either determined by the second level (mu_0 and sa_0) or undefined (rho,
+% kappa, and omega).
+% est.traj.mu mu (rows: trials, columns: levels, 3rd dim: bandits)
+% est.traj.sa sigma (rows: trials, columns: levels, 3rd dim: bandits)
+% est.traj.muhat prediction of mu (rows: trials, columns: levels, 3rd dim: bandits)
+% est.traj.sahat precisions of predictions (rows: trials, columns: levels, 3rd dim: bandits)
+% est.traj.v inferred variance of random walk (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.w weighting factors (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.da volatility prediction errors (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.ud updates with respect to prediction (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.psi precision weights on prediction errors (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.epsi precision-weighted prediction errors (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% est.traj.wt full weights on prediction errors (at the first level,
+% this is the learning rate) (rows: trials, columns: levels)
+% Note that in the absence of sensory uncertainty (which is the assumption here), the first
+% column of mu, corresponding to the first level, will be equal to the inputs. Likewise, the
+% first column of sa will be 0 always.
+% Tips:
+% - When analyzing a new dataset, take your inputs u and responses y and use
+% >> est = tapas_fitModel(y, u, 'tapas_hgf_ar1_binary_mab_config', 'tapas_bayes_optimal_binary_config');
+% to determine the Bayes optimal perceptual parameters (given your current priors as defined in
+% this file here, so choose them wide and loose to let the inputs influence the result). You can
+% then use the optimal parameters as your new prior means for the perceptual parameters.
+% - If you get an error saying that the prior means are in a region where model assumptions are
+% violated, lower the prior means of the omegas, starting with the highest level and proceeding
+% downwards.
+% - Alternatives are lowering the prior means of the kappas, if they are not fixed, or adjusting
+% the values of the kappas or omegas, if any of them are fixed.
+% - If the log-model evidence cannot be calculated because the Hessian poses problems, look at
+% est.optim.H and fix the parameters that lead to NaNs.
+% - Your guide to all these adjustments is the log-model evidence (LME). Whenever the LME increases
+% by at least 3 across datasets, the adjustment was a good idea and can be justified by just this:
+% the LME increased, so you had a better model.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
+% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
+% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
+% COPYING or .
+% Config structure
+c = struct;
+% Model name
+c.model = 'ehgf_ar1_binary_mab';
+% Number of levels (minimum: 3)
+c.n_levels = 3;
+% Number of bandits
+c.n_bandits = 4; % based on task design
+% Coupling
+% This may only be set to true if c.n_bandits is set to 2 above. If
+% true, it means that the two bandits' winning probabilities are
+% coupled in the sense that they add to 1 and are both updated on
+% each trial even though only the outcome for one of them is observed.
+c.coupled = false;
+% Input intervals
+% If input intervals are irregular, the last column of the input
+% matrix u has to contain the interval between inputs k-1 and k
+% in the k-th row, and this flag has to be set to true
+c.irregular_intervals = false;
+% Sufficient statistics of Gaussian parameter priors
+% Initial mus and sigmas
+% Format: row vectors of length n_levels
+% For all but the first two levels, this is usually best
+% kept fixed to 1 (determines origin on x_i-scale). The
+% first level is NaN because it is determined by the second,
+% and the second implies neutrality between outcomes when it
+% is centered at 0.
+c.mu_0mu = [NaN, 0, 1];
+c.mu_0sa = [NaN, 1, 1];
+c.logsa_0mu = [NaN, log(0.1), log(1)];
+c.logsa_0sa = [NaN, 1, 1];
+% Phis
+% Format: row vector of length n_levels.
+% Undefined (therefore NaN) at the first level.
+% Fix this to zero (-Inf in logit space) to set to zero.
+c.logitphimu = [NaN, tapas_logit(0.4,1), tapas_logit(0.2,1)];
+c.logitphisa = [NaN, 0, 0];
+% ms
+% Format: row vector of length n_levels.
+% This should be fixed for all levels where the omega of
+% the next lowest level is not fixed because that offers
+% an alternative parametrization of the same model.
+c.mmu = [NaN, c.mu_0mu(2), c.mu_0mu(3)];
+c.msa = [NaN, 0, 1];
+% Kappas
+% Format: row vector of length n_levels-1.
+% Fixing log(kappa1) to log(1) leads to the original HGF model.
+% Higher log(kappas) should be fixed (preferably to log(1)) if the
+% observation model does not use mu_i+1 (kappa then determines the
+% scaling of x_i+1).
+c.logkamu = [log(1), log(1)];
+c.logkasa = [ 0, 0.1];
+% Omegas
+% Format: row vector of length n_levels.
+% Undefined (therefore NaN) at the first level.
+c.ommu = [NaN, -3, 2];
+c.omsa = [NaN, 4, 4];
+% Gather prior settings in vectors
+c.priormus = [
+ c.mu_0mu,...
+ c.logsa_0mu,...
+ c.logitphimu,...
+ c.mmu,...
+ c.logkamu,...
+ c.ommu,...
+ ];
+c.priorsas = [
+ c.mu_0sa,...
+ c.logsa_0sa,...
+ c.logitphisa,...
+ c.msa,...
+ c.logkasa,...
+ c.omsa,...
+ ];
+% Check whether we have the right number of priors
+expectedLength = 5*c.n_levels+(c.n_levels-1);
+if length([c.priormus, c.priorsas]) ~= 2*expectedLength
+ error('tapas:hgf:PriorDefNotMatchingLevels', 'Prior definition does not match number of levels.')
+% Model function handle
+c.prc_fun = @tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab;
+% Handle to function that transforms perceptual parameters to their native space
+% from the space they are estimated in
+c.transp_prc_fun = @tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp;
diff --git a/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_namep.m b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_namep.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ca053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_namep.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function pstruct = tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_namep(pvec)
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 2017 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
+% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
+% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
+% COPYING or .
+pstruct = struct;
+l = (length(pvec)+1)/7;
+if l ~= floor(l)
+ error('tapas:hgf:UndetNumLevels', 'Cannot determine number of levels');
+pstruct.mu_0 = pvec(1:l);
+pstruct.sa_0 = pvec(l+1:2*l);
+pstruct.phi = pvec(2*l+1:3*l);
+pstruct.m = pvec(3*l+1:4*l);
+pstruct.rho = pvec(4*l+1:5*l);
+pstruct.ka = pvec(5*l+1:6*l-1);
+pstruct.om = pvec(6*l:7*l-1);
diff --git a/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp.m b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05663d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+function [pvec, pstruct] = tapas_ehgf_ar1_binary_mab_transp(r, ptrans)
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright (C) 2013 Christoph Mathys, TNU, UZH & ETHZ
+% This file is part of the HGF toolbox, which is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
+% Licence (GPL), version 3. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
+% (either version 3 or, at your option, any later version). For further details, see the file
+% COPYING or .
+pvec = NaN(1,length(ptrans));
+pstruct = struct;
+l = r.c_prc.n_levels;
+pvec(1:l) = ptrans(1:l); % mu_0
+pstruct.mu_0 = pvec(1:l);
+pvec(l+1:2*l) = exp(ptrans(l+1:2*l)); % sa_0
+pstruct.sa_0 = pvec(l+1:2*l);
+pvec(2*l+1:3*l) = tapas_sgm(ptrans(2*l+1:3*l),1); % phi
+pstruct.phi = pvec(2*l+1:3*l);
+pvec(3*l+1:4*l) = ptrans(3*l+1:4*l); % m
+pstruct.m = pvec(3*l+1:4*l);
+pvec(4*l+1:5*l) = ptrans(4*l+1:5*l); % rho
+pstruct.rho = pvec(4*l+1:5*l);
+pvec(5*l+1:6*l-1) = exp(ptrans(5*l+1:6*l-1)); % ka
+pstruct.ka = pvec(5*l+1:6*l-1);
+pvec(6*l:7*l-1) = ptrans(6*l:7*l-1); % om
+pstruct.om = pvec(6*l:7*l-1);