This is a reference guide for translating, so that one can see where each key fits in the website.
: Website title and taglinename
: Language nametagline
: The slogan of the websiteabout
: Button that skips to the end of the page until the creditsextension
: Button that takes to the chrome extensioncontribute
: Button to go to the GitHub repositorytwitter
: Button to tweet about JDM
: Button to filter by popular websitesdifficulty
: Button to filter by a chosen difficultyreset
: Button to reset filteringnoresults
: Description used when the filtering conditions lead to no resultsnoresultshelp
: Description of hyperlink that takes to the JDM repositorydifficulty_easy
: Word for "easy" difficultydifficulty_medium
: Word for "medium" difficultydifficulty_hard
: Word for "hard" difficultydifficulty_impossible
: Word for "impossible" difficultysearch
: Placeholder text for the general search fieldsendmail
: Text for hyperlink that opens up the new mail to be composedshowinfo
: Text for button that shows notes of an entryhideinfo
: Text for button that hides notes of an entrynoinfo
: Text shown when entry has no notesdefaultnote_easy
: Text shown when entry has no notes and deletion is accomplished by going to the linked URLdefaultnote_email
: Text shown when entry has no notes and deletion is accomplished by emailing a company representative
: Title of the section with the explanation about the websitewhatisthis[1-3]
: Phrase that describes the website, pieced together as "whatisthis1
is the "dark patterns" hyperlink textwhatisthis4
: Second paragraph explaining the websitepullrequest
: Text for the hyperlink that takes to the JDM GitHub webpageguide
: Title for the section explaining how difficulties workguideexplanations
: Sentence introducing the guideguideeasy
: Short sentence explaining what "easy" meansguidemedium
: Short sentence explaining what "medium" meansguidehard
: Short sentence explaining what "hard" meansguideimpossible
: Short sentence explaining what "impossible" meansextension
: Title for the section explaining about the chrome extensionsextensionguide
: Sentence introducing the extension sectionextensionp[1-2]
: First paragraph about the extension with credits to author. It's pieced together as "extensionp1
: Explains what the Chrome extension doesextensionp[4-6]
: Last paragraph showing how to install the extension. It is written as "extensionp4
" whereextensionp5
is the text for the hyperlink of the Chrome Web Store.footercredits
: Text to introduce creators