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Player Order

Florian Stober edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 2 revisions

Specifying the order of players on the tab list is done using the playerOrder option. This option is available in the DYNAMIC_SIZE tab list type. When using the FIXED_SIZE tab list type all components which insert players to the tab list allow for setting the playerOrder option.


We start by looking at some examples:

Example 1: Order players alphabetically

- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerOrder: "name asc"
  # ...

The playerOrder option is set to the comparison rule to use.

Example 2: Order players by permission rank and players of the same rank alphabetically

- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerOrder: "vault_primary_group_weight asc, name asc"
  # ...

The , operator can be used to chain as many different comparison rules as you like.

Construction of Comparison Rules

In the previous example we have seen that the value of the playerOrder option is either a comparison rule or a sequence comparison rules separated by a comma. A comparison rule is a placeholder name followed by an optional type and an optional direction. It looks like this: placeholder_name [as type] [direction]. The square brackets indicate optional parts.

The placeholder name is just the placeholder without the dollar sign, curly brackets, percent signs or the player/ viewer prefix. You can use any built-in player-bound placeholder, placeholders provided by PlaceholderAPI and player-bound placeholder registered through the API.

The type can be either text or number. You specify it by adding as text or as number after the placeholder name. For the built-in placeholders the plugin will automatically use the correct type, however when using placeholder from PlaceholderAPI it might be necessary to specify the type. By default placeholders from PlaceholderAPI are interpreted as text, in which case 2 would be larger than 10. So if you use placeholders from PlaceholderAPI which you know to be numbers, you should add the as number, so that the plugin sorts the players correctly.

The direction can be one of three values:

  • asc, which is short for ascending. This leads to the order a, b, c, ... or 1, 2, 10, .... This is the default direction if you do not specify any.
  • desc, which is short for descending. This leads to the order z, y, x, ... a or 50, 20, 15, ....
  • viewer-first. This special "direction" causes players for whom the placeholder has the same value as for the viewer (player looking at the tab list) to appear before players for whom the placeholder has a different value.

Useful Values for playerOrder

In theory you can use any placeholder to sort players by simply putting down its name followed by asc or desc, but to make your life easier here's a list of some useful ones.

Comparison Rule Description
name or name asc will fill in the players in an alphabetic order. The asc is optional.
name viewer-first will fill in the player that views the tablist first
vault_primary_group_weight asc Sorts players by the weight of their primary group. For most plugins low weight equals a high rank, so this is the one you'll want to use. Note: You need to install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge.jar on your Spigot servers for this to work.
vault_primary_group_weight desc Sorts players by the weight of their primary group, but starting with the highest weight going to the lowest. Note: You need to install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge.jar on your Spigot servers for this to work.
vault_prefix Sorts players by their prefix, alphabetically. You can use this if setting up weights is too complicated for you. Note: You need to install BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge.jar on your Spigot servers for this to work.
luckpermsbungee_primary_group_weight desc Sorts players by the weight of their primary group - for those of you using LuckPerms installed on BungeeCord.
faction_name viewer-first players which are in the same faction as the player who sees the tablist appear at the top
faction_name asc players by faction alphabetically
server players by the name of the server they are playing on alphabetically
server viewer-first players which are in the same server as the player who sees the tab list appear at the top

Next: Custom Placeholders