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Florian Stober edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the BungeeTabListPlus wiki!


If you are having trouble installing the plugin correctly these pages will help you setting it up correctly.

Configuration Basics

The following pages provide you with the knowledge required to manipulate BungeeTabListPlus's configuration files. It is recommended that you read all of them in the provided order before you start configuring the plugin.

Advanced Configuration

These pages cover some more advanced topics. You can read them in any order.

  • Integrating with PermissionsEx

    Display the prefix and suffix from PermissionsEx in the tab list and sort players by their permissions group.

  • Using PlaceholderAPI placeholders

    Get access to over 1000 additional placeholders using PlaceholderAPI.

  • Sorting players

    Players can be ordered by many different criteria. They can be sorted alphabetically, by rank or by server just to name a few options.

  • Custom placeholders

    Custom Placeholders are a powerful mechanism to customize the tab list even further.

  • Multiple Tablists

    You can have different tab lists for specific servers, players, ranks, Minecraft versions, etc.

  • The DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS tab list type

    The DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS tab list type is the third available tab list type. It is similar to the FIXED_SIZE tab list type. It keeps the number of columns constant while automatically adjusting the number of rows to fit the content. You can create custom slots and configure the content of the tab list freely, the same way it's possible when using the FIXED_SIZE tab list type.

Special pages

Developer Resources

Here are some links which you might find useful working with the plugin's API.