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Florian Stober edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the BungeeTabListPlus wiki!


If you are having trouble installing the plugin correctly these pages will help you setting it up correctly.

Configuration Basics

The following pages provide you with the knowledge required to manipulate BungeeTabListPlus's configuration files. It is recommended that you read all of them in the provided order before you start configuring the plugin.

  • [Part 1: Overview](Configuration Basics Part 1 - Overview)
  • [Part 2: Tablist configuration file structure](Configuration Basics Part 2 - Tablist Configuration File)
  • [Part 3: Header and Footer](Configuration Basics Part 3 - Header and Footer)
  • [Part 4: Player sets](Configuration Basics Part 4 - Player sets)
  • [Part 5: Dynamic Size Tablist](Configuration Basics Part 5 - Dynamic Size Tablist)
  • [Part 6: Fixed Size Tablist - Introduction](Configuration Basics Part 6 - Fixed Size Tablist Introduction)
  • [Part 7: Fixed Size Tablist - Adding Players](Configuration Basics Part 7 - Fixed Size Tablist - Adding Players)
  • [Part 8: Fixed Size Tablist - The Table Component](Configuration Basics Part 8 - Fixed Size Tablist - Table)

Advanced Configuration

These pages cover some more advanced topics. You can read them in any order.

Special pages

Developer Resources

Here are some links which you might find useful working with the plugin's API.