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Hidden Players

Florian Stober edited this page Jan 19, 2020 · 8 revisions

It is possible to configure whether vanished players will show up on the tab list and who will be able to see them. You can also modify the appearance of hidden players on the tab list so they can be identified as such.

Supported Vanish Plugins

For this to work you must be using one of the following vanish plugins:

  • Essentials
  • SuperVanish/ PremiumVanish
  • CMI
  • VanishNoPacket
  • ProxySuite

Configure who can see Vanished Players

You can use the hiddenPlayers option in the tab list configuration file (default.yml) to change who can see hidden players. The following options are available:

Value Description
VISIBLE Hidden players are shown on the tab list.
VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS Players with the bungeetablistplus.seevanished permission can see hidden players. This is the default.
INVISIBLE Hidden players do not appear on the tab list.

Have a look at the example at the bottom, then it should be clear how this works.

Change the Appearance of Hidden Players

As an example we'll use the custom placeholder mechanism to add a /vanish suffix to hidden players:

  vanish_suffix: !conditional
    condition: ${player is_hidden}
    true: "&b/vanish"
    false: ""

The above code allows us to use the ${vanish_suffix} placeholder in playerComponent. Now this only makes sense if we set hiddenPlayers to VISIBLE or VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS, so we'll use VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS for the following example:

admin perspective player perspective

Complete code:

showTo: all
priority: 1

hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS

  all_players: all

  vanish_suffix: !conditional
    condition: ${player is_hidden}
    true: "&b/vanish"
    false: ""


playerSet: all_players
playerOrder: vault_primary_group_weight asc, name
playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}&f${player name}${vanish_suffix}"

Change Visibility of Hidden Player per Player Set

It is possible to select for each player set whether hidden player should be included. Just have a look at the following example:

  # The global player set contains all players (hidden players are only visible to admins)
    filter: all
    hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE_TO_ADMINS
  # All players, except for hidden players
    filter: all
    hiddenPlayers: INVISIBLE
  # All players, always contains hidden players.
    filter: all
    hiddenPlayers: VISIBLE