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Global Configuration

Florian Stober edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

Some global options can be configured in config.yml. This page provides a list of all options with detailed description.

  • checkForUpdates: true

    If enabled BungeeTabListPlus will automatically check whether an update is available. You can see whether an update is available by typing /btlp. You have to download and install the update yourself.

  • notifyAdminsIfUpdateAvailable: true

    If this is enabled and the above is enabled, admins will get chat messages telling them that a new version of BungeeTabListPlus is available for download.

  • pingDelay: -1

    This is only relevant for the {onlineState} variable which shows whether a server of your network is currently online or offline. To know whether a server is online or offline the plugin needs to periodically ping all your servers. You can choose the interval (in seconds) it does so here. To disable the feature set pingDelay to -1.

  • disableCustomTabListForSpectators: true

    Disables the custom tab list for players in spectators mode. As a result those players will see the vanilla tab list of the server. If you do not use this option players in spectator mode will see the fake players created by BungeeTabListPlus in the teleport menu.

  • fakePlayers
    - Herobrine
    - Notch

    In this part of the config you can define a list of "fake" players. They will randomly appear on the tab list. Per default this is an empty list and you should't change it.

    To disable fake players set it to the following(default):

      fakePlayers: []
  • excludeServers
    - server2
    - server7

    You can list some servers here which you want to use their own (the Bukkit side) tablist. I recommend not to list any of your servers here if you don't know what you are doing. All players which are on one of the servers listed here will not see the tab list provided by this plugin and will instead see the local tablist of the server they are on.

  • hiddenServers
    - server3
    - server9

    Servers which you wish to hide from the global tab list.

    Note that this is different from excludeServers above. This hides all players on the hidden servers from appearing on the tablist, whereas excluded servers' players are still on the BungeeTabListPlus tablist, but they do not see the global tab list

  • hiddenPlayers
    - CodeCrafter47
    - d9935dff-9702-404b-9d44-8efd35b0928d

    Players which you which to be permanently hidden from the tab list. You can also use uuids here. Note that players with the bungeetablistplus.seevanished permission will still see these hidden players in their tab list.

  • time-zone: Europe/Berlin

    This is the time zone to use for the ${time } placeholder. It can be full name like America/Los_Angeles or a custom id like GMT+8.

  • customPlaceholders

    See Custom Placeholders.

  • experimentalTabCompleteFixForTabSize80

    Removes all the ~BTLP... entries from tab completion if the size of the tab list is 80.

    Warning: This option is experimental. Enabling it may break your tab list. If you find any issues report them to or on our discord. Feel free to also let us know if this feature works correctly for you.

  • experimentalTabCompleteSmileys

    Replaces the ~BTLP... entries in tab completion with some semi-useful unicode characters

    Warning: This option is experimental. Enabling it may break your tab list. If you find any issues report them to or on our discord. Feel free to also let us know if this feature works correctly for you.