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Fixed Size Tab List Displaying Players

Florian Stober edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

Now it is time to display players to the tab list. There are two ways to add players to the tab list. Either you use the !players or the !players_by_server component.

You can see the difference in the following comparison.

!players component !players_by_server component

As you can see the !players component just lists the players while the !players_by_server component displays them grouped by server.


Using the !players component

In the following you see a very simplistic example displaying players on the tab list using the !players component.

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

The !players tag tells the plugin that we want to use the !players component at that position. After that tag we need to configure some options for the !players component.

Options of the !players Component

Here we have a look at the three options of the !players component used in the example above. There are more options available. Those are described in the Components wiki page.

  • playerSet

    The playerSet option selects which players to display on the tab list.

    If you want to change which players the tab list displays, e.g. so it only displays players in a specific group, do the following:

    1. Create a player set containing the players you want to display. Check out the Player Sets wiki page for more information.
    2. Set playerSet to the name of the player set you created in step i.
  • playerComponent

    The playerComponent option controls the text displayed in player slots. You can use placeholders to display nicknames, prefixes and suffixes and otherwise change the appearance of the player name.

    Note that when using placeholders you should use the player variant of the placeholder.

  • morePlayersComponent

    The morePlayersComponent option is a custom slot that is displayed if there is not enough space on the tab list to display all of the players:

Adding Back our Custom Slots

When using the players component we can still use custom slots. Here is how it works:

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {right: "&bWelcome"}
- "${viewer name}"
- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

And here is how it looks:

Adding Custom Slots at the Bottom

Let's see what happens if we add some custom slots below the !players component like this:

showTo: all
priority: 1

  all_players: all

size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {right: '&bWelcome'}
- '${viewer name}'
- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: '... and ${other_count} others'
# Add four more custom slots here:
- "&eFour"
- "&emore"
- "&ecustom"
- "&eSlots"

The result of that modification is the following:

Not exactly what we want. Now need some way to tell the plugin to move the last four custom slots to the bottom. To do that we need to use !spacer component:

showTo: all
priority: 1

  all_players: all

size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {right: '&bWelcome'}
- '${viewer name}'
- !players
  playerSet: all_players
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: '... and ${other_count} others'
# Add the !spacer component
- !spacer
# Add four more custom slots here:
- "&eFour"
- "&emore"
- "&ecustom"
- "&eSlots"

This is finally what we wanted:

But how does it work? The !spacer component will occupy as many unused slots as it can, which will force our four custom slots to be at the very bottom of the tab list.

Using the !players Component Multiple Times

In this example we will use the !players component twice to display staff separately from the other players. For the purpose of this example we assume that all staff member have the tablist.staff permission. We create two player sets: One called staff which contains all players with the tablist.staff permission. And one called non_staff which contains all players not have the tablist.staff permission.

We use the !players component twice. The first time with the staff player set and the second time with the non_staff player set. Custom slots are used to clearly separate the two.

showTo: all
priority: 1000

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all
  staff: ${player permission tablist.staff}
  non_staff: ( !${player permission tablist.staff} )

size: 60

defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {text: "&cRank: &6${viewer vault_primary_group}", icon: "default/rank.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cPing: &6${viewer ping}ms", icon: "default/ping.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cTPS: &6${viewer server tps}", icon: "default/server.png", ping: 0}
- {center: "&e&l━━━━━━━━━━"}
- {center: "&e&lStaff"}
- {center: "&e&l━━━━━━━━━━"}
- !players
  playerSet: staff
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- !table {} # Adding an empty table component will cause the next component to be in the leftmost column
- {center: "&e&l━━━━━━━━━━"}
- {center: "&e&lPlayers"}
- {center: "&e&l━━━━━━━━━━"}
- !players
  playerSet: non_staff
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- !spacer
- {text: "&6=============", icon: "colors/gold.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&6=============", icon: "colors/gold.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&6=============", icon: "colors/gold.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cTime: &6${time H:mm:ss}", icon: "default/clock.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cPlayers: &6${playerset:all_players size}", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cBalance: &6${viewer vault_balance}", icon: "default/balance.png", ping: 0}

Using the !players_by_server component

Now here's how to use the !players_by_server component to display players on the tab list.

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {right: "&bWelcome"}
- "${viewer name}"
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - "&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):"
  showServers: NON_EMPTY
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

The !players_by_server tag tells the plugin that we want to use the !players_by_server component to display players in the tab list at that position.

After that tag we need to specify some options for the players bu server component.

Options of the !players_by_server Component

Here we have a look at the options of the !players_by_server component used in the example above. There are more options available. Some will be described as we learn more about the !players_by_server component with the following examples. A complete list can be found on the Components wiki page.

  • playerSet

    The playerSet option selects which players to display on the tab list.

    If you want to change which players the tab list displays, e.g. so it only displays players in a specific group, do the following:

    1. Create a player set containing the players you want to display. Check out the Player Sets wiki page for more information.
    2. Set playerSet to the name of the player set you created in step i.
  • serverHeader

    Then there's the serverHeader option. It is a list of custom slots displayed for each server above the players on that server. Here two special placeholders ${server} and ${server_player_count} can be used to display the name of the server and the number of players on it.

  • showServers

    The showServers controls which servers should appear on the tablist:

    Option Description
    ALL All servers are displayed
    ONLINE Only running servers are displayed
    NON_EMPTY Only non empty servers are displayed


  • playerComponent

    The playerComponent option controls the text displayed in player slots. You can use placeholders to display nicknames, prefixes and suffixes and otherwise change the appearance of the player name.

    Note that when using placeholders you should use the player variant of the placeholder.

  • morePlayersComponent

    The morePlayersComponent option is a custom slot that is displayed if there is not enough space on the tab list to display all of the players:

Adding Custom Slots at the Top

Now let's improve the above design a little:

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

# Use colors/gray.png as icon for the first row
- {icon: colors/gray.png}
- {right: "&bWelcome", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {text: "${viewer name}", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {icon: colors/gray.png}
# add another row of empty slots here:
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  # Add an icon to the server header
  - {text: "&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/aqua.png"}
  showServers: NON_EMPTY
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

Adding an Empty Row Between the Servers

Now it still looks a bit crowded with the servers following immediately after one another. So we solve this by adding an empty row between the servers. To do this we use the serverSeparator option of the !players_by_server component:

- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - {text: "&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/aqua.png"}
  showServers: NON_EMPTY
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

The serverSeparator option is a list of custom slots displayed between each two adjacent servers.

And here's the complete config again for reference:

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {icon: colors/gray.png}
- {right: "&bWelcome", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {text: "${viewer name}", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {icon: colors/gray.png}
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - {text: "&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/aqua.png"}
  showServers: NON_EMPTY
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"

Adding Custom Slots at the Bottom

We can add custom slots at the bottom the same way as when using the !players component.

showTo: "true"
priority: 1

showHeaderFooter: false

  all_players: all


size: 80

defaultIcon: colors/black.png
defaultPing: 1000

- {icon: colors/gray.png}
- {right: "&bWelcome", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {text: "${viewer name}", icon: colors/gray.png}
- {icon: colors/gray.png}
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - {text: "&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/aqua.png"}
  showServers: NON_EMPTY
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: "... and ${other_count} others"
# Add a spacer component
- !spacer {}
# Our four custom slots at the bottom:
- "Four"
- "more"
- "custom"
- "Slots"

Further reading

Both the !players and the !players_by_server component have more options that can used to customize them further. For example you can customize how the players are ordered, and in the case of the !players_by_server component also the order in which the servers appear.

You can find out about configuring the player order on the Player Order page.

For all possible options of the components have a look at the Components page.

Next: Fixed Size Tab List - The Table Component