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To get easy access to the required dependencies you should add my maven repository to your project.
If BungeeTabListPlus_BukkitBridge.jar is installed on the Bukkit server it provides an API allowing developers register custom variables.
Add this to plugin.yml:
depend: ['BungeeTabListPlus']
or if you want your plugin to be able to run without BungeeTabListPlus being installed add this:
softdepend: ['BungeeTabListPlus']
Add a dependency to the BungeeTabListPlus API to your maven project.
<dependency> <groupId>codecrafter47.bungeetablistplus</groupId> <artifactId>bungeetablistplus-api-bukkit</artifactId> <version>2.4.3</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency>
Create a class for your custom variable
import codecrafter47.bungeetablistplus.api.bukkit.Variable; public class TestVariable extends Variable { public TestVariable() { // name of the variable without { } super("test"); } @Override public String getReplacement(Player player) { // return the replacement for the variable return ...; } }
Register your variable in onEnable
BungeeTabListPlusBukkitAPI.registerVariable(this, new TestVariable());
The plugin provides an extensive API on BungeeCord allowing third party plugins to create custom variables as well as set a custom tab list for players.
Add this to bungee.yml (or plugin.yml):
depends: ['BungeeTabListPlus']
or if you only want to hook BungeeTabListPlus optionally use:
softDepends: ['BungeeTabListPlus']
Add a dependency to the BungeeTabListPlus API to your maven project.
Create a class that extends PlaceholderProvider. This example registers a {gamemode} placeholder. A single PlaceholderProvider can register multiple Variables.
import codecrafter47.bungeetablistplus.api.bungee.placeholder.PlaceholderProvider; public class MyPlaceholderProvider extends PlaceholderProvider { @Override public void setup() { bind("gamemode").to(context -> getGamemodeName(context.getPlayer().getGamemode())); } private String getGamemodeName(int gamemode) { switch (gamemode){ case 0: return "survival"; case 1: return "creative"; case 2: return "adventure"; case 3: return "spectator"; default: return "unknown"; } } }
Register your PlaceholderProvider in onEnable.
BungeeTabListPlusAPI.registerPlaceholderProvider(new MyPlaceholderProvider());
Create a custom tab list
CustomTablist customTablist = BungeeTabListPlusAPI.createCustomTablist();
Change the size of the tab list
Change the content of the tab list
customTablist.setSlot(row, column, icon, text, ping);
Apply your custom tab list to a player
BungeeTabListPlusAPI.setCustomTabList(player, new MyTabListProvider());
To remove the custom tab list from a player use
Example: You can find the full source code of the example at https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/example/bungee.
public class DemoPlugin extends Plugin {
private CustomTablist customTablist;
private Icon icon = Icon.DEFAULT;
public void onEnable() {
// create a custom tab list
customTablist = BungeeTabListPlusAPI.createCustomTablist();
// with 19 rows and 1 column
// if the player types /tabdemo he will see the custom tab list
getProxy().getPluginManager().registerCommand(this, new Command("tabdemo") {
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
if (sender instanceof ProxiedPlayer) {
BungeeTabListPlusAPI.setCustomTabList(((ProxiedPlayer) sender), customTablist);
// every second call updateCustomTablist to update the content of our custom tab list
getProxy().getScheduler().schedule(this, this::updateCustomTablist, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Create our icon. Use the default icon until the custom one is created.
try {
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(getResourceAsStream("icon.png"));
BungeeTabListPlusAPI.createIcon(image, icon -> this.icon = icon);
} catch (IOException ex) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load icon.", ex);
* This method renders an analogue clock to the tab list.
private void updateCustomTablist() {
// create an image
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(19, 19, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
// background
g.fillRect(0, 0, 19, 19);
// circle
for (int x = 0; x < 19; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 19; y++)
if ((8.5 - x) * (8.5 - x) + (8.5 - y) * (8.5 - y) < 81)
g.drawRect(x, y, 1, 1);
// arrows
int hour = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR);
g.drawLine(9, 9, (int) round(9 + 8 * sin(hour / 6.0 * PI)), (int) round(9 - 8 * cos(hour / 6.0 * PI)));
int minute = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE);
g.drawLine(9, 9, (int) round(9 + 8 * sin(minute / 30.0 * PI)), (int) round(9 - 8 * cos(minute / 30.0 * PI)));
int second = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.SECOND);
g.drawLine(9, 9, (int) round(9 + 9 * sin(second / 30.0 * PI)), (int) round(9 - 9 * cos(second / 30.0 * PI)));
// convert the image to chat lines
for (int line = 0; line < 19; line++) {
String text = "";
for (int x = 0; x < 19; x++) {
ChatColor chatColor = getSimilarChatColor(new Color(image.getRGB(x, line)));
text += chatColor == null ? ' ' : chatColor.toString() + '█';
customTablist.setSlot(line, 0, icon, text, 0);
Get the FakePlayerManager:
FakePlayerManager fakePlayerManager = BungeeTabListPlusAPI.getFakePlayerManager();
Enable disable fake players from the config randomly joining the game:
Get all fake players which are displayed in the tab list:
Collection<FakePlayer> onlineFakePlayers = fakePlayerManager.getOnlineFakePlayers();
Add a fake player to the tab list:
ServerInfo server = ...;
FakePlayer fakePlayer = fakePlayerManager.createFakePlayer("Name", server);
Remove a fake player from the tab list:
If BungeeTabListPlus_SpongeBridge.jar is installed on your Sponge server it provides an API allowing developers register custom placeholders.
Add the BungeeTabListPlus dependency to your @Plugin annotation:
@Plugin(id = "your_id", name = "your_name", version = "your_version", dependencies = {@Dependency(id = "bungeetablistplus")})
or if you want your plugin to be able to run without BungeeTabListPlus being installed:
@Plugin(id = "your_id", name = "your_name", version = "your_version", dependencies = {@Dependency(id = "bungeetablistplus", optional = true)})
Add a dependency to the BungeeTabListPlus API to your maven project.
<dependency> <groupId>codecrafter47.bungeetablistplus</groupId> <artifactId>bungeetablistplus-sponge-bukkit</artifactId> <version>2.5.0</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency>
Create a class for your custom variable
import codecrafter47.bungeetablistplus.api.sponge.Variable; public class TestVariable extends Variable { public TestVariable() { // name of the variable without { } super("test"); } @Override public String getReplacement(Player player) { // return the replacement for the variable return ...; } }
Register your placeholder. You should do this during the POST_INITIALIZATION phase or later.
BungeeTabListPlusSpongeAPI.registerVariable(this, new TestVariable());